My Empire War Game

Chapter 616 Sweep

Many soldiers jumped off the ship, and then, under the dumbfounded eyes of the pirates, they ran fast on the water one by one. After being blessed with many states, each of these soldiers exploded in combat power, and the distance of several hundred meters was quickly crossed.

How is it possible, how can they run on the water! On the pirate ship, a pirate with a hideous scar on his face was full of disbelief.

Wizards, they have wizards! At this moment, a pirate yelled in panic.

The face of the leading pirate changed slightly, the scimitar in his hand swept across, a cold light flashed, the throat of the screaming pirate was instantly cut open, blood gushed out instantly, the pirate covered his neck with his hands, wanting to He said something, but the light in his eyes quickly dimmed.

What kind of wizard, it's just some tricks, if you dare to disturb our army's morale, you will be beheaded! The pirate leader shouted loudly, a sternness flashed in his eyes, and he swept across the surrounding pirates, until all the pirates that touched his eyes were in their hearts Yi Lin.

Everyone prepare to fight immediately, kill all those who dare to resist, this time you can get 30% more! Seeing the enemies rushing up, Tiger Shark Walton immediately shouted.

Five gold coins for beheading one person, twelve gold coins for beheading two people, twenty gold coins for beheading three people!

Hearing Walton's reward, the eyes of these desperadoes lit up and their faces flushed. The morale of the pirates who had panicked because of those people running on the sea just now was greatly boosted.

However, this morale only lasted for a few minutes, and soon those people had already fought hand-to-hand with the pirates on the small boat. These navies blessed with various states were all powerful in combat. In the end, he was directly chopped into two sections with a knife.

It was originally a weapon carefully crafted by the dwarves, but after being blessed with a magic weapon by Su Lun, it became even sharper. These pirates were not opponents at all, and a large number of pirates were beheaded on the spot as soon as they confronted each other.

Run! Jump off the boat!

I don't know if it was the pirate who shouted, but the surrounding pirates reacted instantly and plunged into the sea without even thinking about it. It's a pity that although these pirates escaped the fate of being beheaded, they also fell into a more dangerous situation.

The giant tiger shark that had just been subdued by Su Lun became extremely excited after smelling the smell of blood, and opened its bloody mouth to swallow the pirates who jumped into the sea.

Come on! Make contributions today!

Kill all these pirates and avenge the dead and wounded brothers!

Get rid of them!

Seeing that he killed those pirates as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, these soldiers howled excitedly, waving their weapons like a pirate ship rushed past, those pirates who were eager to try seemed to be caught by a group of pirates. A bucket of ice water was poured down on the head, and it was chilly from the inside to the outside. Many pirates couldn't help but dodge their eyes, as if they were looking for a way out.

Quick, take up your weapon and kill them if you want to survive! Tiger Shark Walton's complexion changed suddenly, and he yelled frantically, but the effect was not good.

Turn the rudder, get out of here, hurry! Realizing that the situation was not good, Walton the Tiger Shark finally realized that something was wrong, and quickly ordered the pirates to turn the rudder to escape from this sea area, but it was too late.

After beheading the pirates on the surrounding small sampans, these soldiers waved their hooks and rushed towards the pirate ship. At the same time, the warship driven by Barbosa also came to a distance of 20 meters.

Bang bang bang!

The ballista that had been prepared for a long time was fired immediately, and the three-meter-long spear hit the pirate ship instantly with unparalleled force. The rope tied to the spear was also stretched instantly. Hold tightly, unable to move.

Boys, here is your chance to make a difference! Come with me! Barbossa roared, holding the cable in one hand and the long knife in the other, and then jumped off the mast and swung towards the pirate ship not far away. Many soldiers behind him followed closely behind.

But in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen soldiers successfully jumped onto the pirate ship. Barbosa dodged a pirate's scimitar with a roll. Bosa moved quickly physically and mentally, sweeping the long knife in his hand, and there was no enemy in the place he passed. The surrounding naval soldiers were greatly encouraged to see the captain so brave, and they killed the surrounding pirates with a single charge. Abandon armor.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, more naval soldiers on the sea boarded the pirate ship, and the number of the navy increased rapidly.

Barbosa's original strength was not bad, but after adding many auxiliary states, he directly became a killing machine. The long knife cut across the cold light, and the blood spattered. In just a dozen seconds, there were already five or six people around him. A pirate was cut in half.

And that pirate leader, Tiger Shark Walton's face also became extremely ugly. The opponent's strength was unexpectedly strong, and the pirates around him were no match for these people at all. There is no chance to escape.

Waves of marines kept rushing onto the pirate ship, and the number of pirates was decreasing rapidly. When Barbosa saw the pirate leader, he jumped and rushed up directly. With the blessing of many states, Barbosa was almost unstoppable on the pirate ship. , the long knife in his hand drew out a series of knife lights and slashed over continuously.

Clang, clang!

A series of impacts sounded, and the tiger shark Walton was already full of fear at this time. Barbosa suppressed him no matter in terms of strength or speed. Facing Barbosa's offensive, Walton could only try his best to parry. The ring mail armor on the mountain has been cut and scarred, and there are scars left on his body.


There was a sound of metal shattering, and the scimitar in Walton's hand could no longer withstand the damage and broke directly. Tiger Shark Walton's expression changed, but before he could react, the long knife in Barbossa's hand had already swept over, the bright light of the knife flashed, and a big head flew up, followed by Walton Dun's headless body crashed down.

The battle ended quickly, and the fledgling Waterdeep Navy won a big victory, successfully winning the battle at a small cost. Including the pirate leader Walton, more than 60% of the pirates were killed directly. The sea was full of bloody smell, attracted by the bloody smell, many sharks wandered in this sea area, but they were afraid of the tiger shark that Su Lun had just tamed and dared not approach.

Everyone started to clean the battlefield, and counted the wounded to calculate the loot and military exploits. All the loot will be put away and distributed in a unified way! Su Lun explained a few words briefly, and then ordered the soldiers to deal with the aftermath.

Whoever dares to hide the loot will cut off a hand! Barbossa said loudly, and then ordered the battlefield to be cleaned.

Su Lun was not surprised by the outcome of this naval battle. Naval battles in this era are still in a state of hand-to-hand combat. Even with the fire crystal cannon, the effect is very limited. Jumping gang combat is the cruelest and most effective battle in naval battles.

What the pirates like most is gang fighting, which can solve the battle in the shortest time and get a lot of loot.

There were only thirty or forty tiger shark pirates left alive. These pirates squatted honestly on the deck one by one. Su Lun would not kill all these pirates. Sea trade in deep-water ports requires a large number of sailors. These pirates have been trained to be qualified sailors, and these pirates have basically seen blood, even if they encounter pirates, they dare to go shopping.

As long as the leaders are beheaded, and then they are sent to prison for reform, these pirates are completely usable.

After cleaning up, the spoils of this battle were very few, and the sum of all kinds of gold coins was only a thousand, and there were also some gems and the like. Other than that, there is nothing else, but this is considered normal. The tiger shark pirates were originally out to rob, so naturally they would not bring any wealth.

After the inspection, Barbosa began to interrogate these pirates. Although the tiger shark pirates were not too powerful, they had a giant tiger shark. Walton ran rampant in this sea area for a while, and the money he robbed was also a huge amount number. Even if the pirates spend like water, they will accumulate a huge fortune, and Walton should hide the rest of the wealth.

Does any of you know where Walton hid his treasure? Barbossa asked coldly.

The first person to tell the secret can get a reward of one-tenth of the treasure, and the second person will get nothing.

Now tell me your answers! Barbossa said with a smile on his lips.

I know, I know where Walton's treasure is hidden

Go away, what you know is false, I know the real treasure location of Walton

I want to say, I want to say!

As soon as Barbossa finished speaking, the people around went crazy, wanting to reveal the location of the treasure, and wanting to get that rich reward.

Soon Barbossa knew the location of Walton's treasure. It was on Black Shark Island, their lair. Walton also named this place. After becoming a stronghold, the island was developed and a simple pier was established. There are also brothels, casinos and other areas.

After confirming the location of Walton's treasure, Barbosa began to report to Su Lun.

You said there is a huge amount of treasure on Black Shark Island? Su Lun thought for a while and then continued,

Yes, Your Majesty! said Barbossa.

Adjust the direction of the fleet, let's head towards Black Shark Island! Su Lun said without thinking.

The fleet turned slowly, and then headed towards Black Shark Island. And in the sea water below the ship, a huge black shadow appeared on the sea surface.

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