My empire of stars

Chapter 97 Trap!

The floating cannons floating around the fortress aimed their muzzles at the evading frigates, and fired long-charged blows.

Due to its size limitation, the floating cannon can only extend the energy storage time in order to pursue lethality. As a result, the firing rate of the floating cannon is only one-third of that of the fortress gun of the same caliber. However, it is more flexible than the cannon.

Metal warheads passed through the starry sky and crashed into the Imperial Fleet, hitting the Imperial Fleet's shields until blue light flashed continuously.

"The frigates penetrate in! Disrupt the enemy's floating turret attack!" Liu ordered.

The frigates that were originally orbiting the Yinbeqi Alliance Fortress turned their bows and flew towards the floating guns and the fortress.

Sudden! Floating mines appeared in the sky across the frigate's path, and the frigate, which had no time to "brake", plunged into the enemy's minefield.

Countless flashes of light lit up, and the floating mine formations were detonated by the intruding Imperial frigates. Dozens of frigates disintegrated in the explosion.

Liu smashed the armrest hard.

"Damn it, the enemy actually has the technology of invisible floating mines! Why is it not mentioned in the intelligence? Are those spies just eating shit?"

Suddenly, several shells fired from the fortress hit the shield of the cruiser he was on, emitting bursts of blue light, and the overclocking sound of the shield generator was also transmitted to the bridge through the hull.

"Prepare the cruiser's main gun, aim at the enemy's fortress and start charging." Liu squeezed the armrest. The empire's plan has not yet succeeded, so it cannot be abandoned halfway!

"Fire all weapons! Don't stop! Hit me hard!" Lewis shouted in the communicator.

Sudden! A huge metal rod protruded from Yinbeqi's fortress, and as the metal rod split apart, a metal cage was formed.

A purple ball of light emerged from the middle of the metal cage and disappeared after a moment. The metal cage returned to its columnar shape and slowly sank downwards.

Liu took a look and saw that this was exactly what the hyperspace trap generator looked like when it was activated. It seemed that the plan was going to be successful.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, several blue electric lights suddenly lit up next to the fortress.

A few minutes later, several large fleets appeared next to Yinbeqi Fortress.

Imbeki's commander, Todni, laughed and patted his belly.

"These idiots from the empire really think we will be fooled? Haha, they just stepped into the trap we carefully prepared!"

Todney stretched out his tentacle hand and touched the tentacles on his cap. As early as when the Sith Empire and the Imbeki Alliance established diplomatic relations, the Imbeki Alliance sent a large number of spies to study the empire's information.

The war between the Sith Empire and the Parker Alliance is a top priority for research. The tactics used by the Empire against the Parker Alliance were clearly understood by the Inbach Alliance.

For this reason, the Yinbeqi Alliance even deployed large biological detectors on the border to prevent spacecraft carrying biological and chemical weapons from entering the Yinbeqi territory.

It was the existence of this kind of biological detector that made Li Mingze give up the practice of using biological and chemical warfare again, and now everyone has become transparent. If biological and chemical warfare is used again, it may cause dissatisfaction and resistance from neighboring countries.

After the massacre on the Quantum interstellar cruise ship, the Inbach Alliance, which had a deep understanding of the war between the Empire and the Parker Alliance, instantly realized that this might be the beginning of an aggressive war by the Empire!

The Yinbeqi Alliance think tank, knowing that the empire likes to use the tactic of luring the tiger away from the mountain, carefully prepared this trap for this situation.

Including the first fortress encountered by the Imperial United Fleet after leaving hyperspace, it was all a bait carefully prepared by the Inbeki Alliance for the Empire.

First, a fleet disguised as a transport ship was used to support the defenders of the Comanche system, making the empire think that there were no defenders in the Watson system.

Then use the captured officers in the fortress to make the empire lower its guard! Step by step, lead the empire's large forces into the trap carefully prepared by the Yinbeqi Alliance!

Liu Yi nervously held the command knife at his waist.

"AI immediately calculates the comparison of the combat power between the enemy and ourselves! I want to know our odds of winning and losing!"

"Calculating please wait"

"The enemy fleet has thirty cruisers, two hundred and six destroyers, nine hundred and eighty-three frigates, one space fortress, and three hundred and twenty-one floating guns."

"We have three remaining cruisers, 105 destroyers, and 502 frigates."

"Calculating winning probability"

“Probability of winning 8.9%”

"Our escape probability is 98%" the AI's cold voice came from the speaker.

Liu breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could escape, he would be able to unite the third and fourth fleets for a decisive battle.

Unexpectedly, the armor of the Yinbeqi Alliance Fortress suddenly opened to the surroundings, and four purple containers protruded from it, emitting a purple halo to the surroundings.

"Alarm, hyperspace oscillation detected! The hyperspace engine will be unavailable!" The AI's alarm suddenly sounded in the bridge.

Liu Yi's face turned pale. Not being able to escape into hyperspace meant that he had to fight for the 8.9% chance of winning! With such a small probability, even a fool knows what the result will be!

Even if he uses an Advent Stand to command the fleet, if he bury such a huge fleet in a foreign country, not only will he be hanged, but his family may also be deported to a labor camp in the new colony.

What's more, there are 170,000 elite sailors from the empire in this combined fleet. If they are all lost here, how can I have the face to go back alive to meet their parents, lovers, and children!

At this moment, Liu felt deeply desperate. If he could return to the empire, he would definitely submit his resignation. His ability was no longer enough to command such a huge fleet!

"Retreat! Retreat toward the edge of the galaxy!" Lewis ordered through gritted teeth.

The shipboard AI suddenly appeared, reminding everyone with a red exclamation mark:

"Please stop retreating. According to calculations, once you stop flying irregularly, the survival probability will be reduced to 1.2%. Please stop this suicidal behavior!" AI's voice was so cold, and everyone's hearts sank to the bottom.

"Fight them! Take down this fortress!" Liu shook his head and said fiercely.

The AI ​​appeared again and struck again in a cold tone:

"The enemy fortress has stopped supplying energy to all weapons. According to the energy distribution map, they have concentrated their energy on the fortress's shield and hyperspace jammer."

"It is estimated that the enemy has a shield composed of floating guns and enhanced energy, which can block our attack for thirty minutes, and during this time we will be covered by the enemy fleet's firepower."

"The number of battleships expected to survive is only eleven destroyers. Your flagship and the other two cruisers will be sunk by concentrated fire."

Liu Yi smashed the console angrily and yelled:

"This won't work! That won't work either! Are we just waiting to die like this!"

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