My empire of stars

Chapter 89 Survivors

"No survivors found on the first floor"

"No survivors found on the second floor"

"Third floor."

The commander of the Yinbeqi Marine Corps received reports from various teams. There was not a single survivor found on the entire cruise ship!

"Order the airport to conduct a life signal scan on the cruise ship! Execute code 004" the commander ordered into the communicator.

Because the shells of spaceships in the interstellar era have radiation-proof designs, a very high-power generator is required to detect signs of life inside the spacecraft. This high-power detection wave is slightly harmful to the human body and will only be approved under special circumstances. use.

A radar-style life detector above the spaceport slowly turned in the direction of the decelerating Quantum. An invisible detection wave was emitted, penetrating the thick shell of the Quantum.

Beep, beep, beep, alarms sounded from the system, and technicians hurriedly zoomed in on the perspective view.

"Sir, a survivor has been found. He is located in the water tank on the upper part of the spacecraft. His signs of life are very weak. Please start rescue immediately!" The technicians hurriedly reported to the police.

The Marines in the spacecraft received the order and ran towards the water tank cabin. A few minutes later, the door of the water tank cabin was slowly opened.

"There!" shouted a Marine who came to the water's edge, pointing to a bump in the water.

Several marines immediately jumped into the water, and the tentacles on the caps slid in the water...

A few days later, in Ceres Hospital, Ai Mengqi slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

"I...where am I?"

Suddenly a calm male voice came from the side:

"Ms. Ai Mengqi, I am the empire's diplomat stationed in Ceres, responsible for matters related to the empire's citizens traveling here."

Ai Mengqi turned her groggy head towards the direction of the sound and found a middle-aged man with a beard sitting beside the bed.

Ai Mengqi, who was originally in a daze, suddenly woke up. She frantically touched her neck with both hands. She slowly breathed a sigh of relief when she touched the metal pendant hanging around her neck.

"Diplomat, cough, we were attacked by Yin Beqi's people, we must report it to the empire!" Ai Mengqi reached out and grabbed the middle-aged man's hand and whispered.

"But there is no evidence. The security computer that stores the video has been destroyed! The empire's investigation team will be here in a few days. You can rest peacefully and recover." The middle-aged man sighed.

"I..." Ai Mengqi wanted to say something more, but stopped immediately. She didn't really believe this diplomat. It would be better to wait until the empire's investigation team arrived before handing them the evidence.

A shuttle-shaped fast shuttle slowly docked in the space port of Ceres. Dozens of Imperial Marines in black power armor escorted five investigation team officers into the space port.

"Welcome to the investigation team of the Sith Empire. We have prepared a welcoming banquet for you. Come and taste our unique delicacies on Ceres." The reception staff who had been waiting for a long time came to greet them.

The inspection team official shook his head and said:

"Let's go see the surviving Ms. Ai Mengqi first and find out what happened!"

After that, the inspection team walked towards the hospital in the space port under the escort of soldiers.

Bang bang bang, a knock on the door came, waking up Ai Mengqi who was in a daze.

"Please come in." Ai Mengqi said softly.

The door of the ward opened to both sides, and several officials in black robes walked in, while dozens of guards stayed in the corridor.

"You must be Ai Mengqi. We are the empire's special investigation team. Please tell us what happened on the Quantum." An official said.

"That day..." Ai Mengqi slowly told the investigation team what happened that day.

"I saved the video of this massacre! It's in this storage!" Ai Mengqi took off the silver pendant from her neck and handed it to the leading official.

The official placed the pendant in the palm of his hand. After a while, a bright light flashed, and dozens of holographic screens appeared in front of everyone. What was played on the screen was the surveillance effects of the banquet that day.

As time progressed, a screen suddenly showed a scene in the corridor. A huge drill bit drilled into the corridor of the Quantum. As the drill bit split open like petals, more than a dozen "fungus" Imbeki people carried it. The gun jumped out.

"This is! This is the equipment of the Yinbeqi military!" An official lost his voice. Everyone did not answer the call, but continued to stare at the screens.

After a while, the scene of the massacre in the central hall was displayed in front of everyone, and several officials clenched their fists tightly.

"Beasts! They are all beasts! The empire will avenge them!" Tears overflowed from the eyes of the leading official.

"The dignity of the empire cannot be trampled upon! This matter is very serious! It must be reported to His Majesty the Emperor urgently!" An official was about to upload the video to the empire's database, but was unexpectedly stopped by the leading official.

"We are now within the territory of the Inbeqi Alliance. They will intercept our information and we will alert them."

The official nodded and put back the unfolded communicator.

Just wait, I will personally go back to the empire, and each of you will download a backup copy!

After saying that, the leading official turned around and walked towards the fusiform spacecraft. He waved his hand and asked the soldiers to stay in the airport to protect Ai Mengqi. He boarded the spacecraft by himself.

A few days later, the fast shuttle ship arrived in the empire. After confirming that the communication would not be intercepted, the leading official sneered and dialed Li Mingze's secret line.

"Long live your Majesty! Our plan has been successful!" The leading official saluted the holographic screen.

Li Mingze on the screen nodded.

"Very good, continue with the follow-up plan." After saying that, Li Mingze's figure disappeared from the screen.

Time goes back to a month ago.

Within the empire, inside a lava star that glows with red light, there is the largest prison for death row prisoners in the empire. The purpose of this prison is to allow death row prisoners to dig out a rare crystal on the lava star with a harsh environment.

Because the unique magnetic field of this crystal makes it impossible for any computer equipment to get close, it can only be mined manually.

On this day, a huge escort spacecraft ushered in the sky above the prison. As the spacecraft slowly landed on the apron, a selected death row prisoner lined up with shackles and handcuffs and walked into the escort spaceship.

After everyone got on board, the spacecraft ejected blue flames and left the lava star.

On the New Home Planet, a huge gray building stands on a huge island, with the words "The Third Special Research Institute" spray-painted on the outside of the building.

The escort spacecraft slowly landed on the tarmac next to the gray building, and the Imperial Royal Guards in black and gold power armor stepped forward to escort the prisoners one by one to the Third Research Institute.

As the huge gate of the institute slowly fell, these death row inmates lost all contact with the outside world.

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