My empire of stars

Chapter 82 The First Vassal Civilization

The Imperial Stadium is located in the center of the Sith capital, directly behind the blue bricks. A huge square surrounds the "water drop" of the stadium.

As its name suggests, the stadium's appearance is a white teardrop shape, with a milky white glass exterior wall covering its internal metal frame.

Four huge stations hundreds of meters high are located in the four directions of the drop shape, with countless spaceships and suspended trains coming in and out.

It was daytime when Li Mingze arrived, and he still had to wait eight hours before the night concert. Bored, he found a nearby restaurant with a view of the stadium and sat down...

As time passed, the sky gradually turned gray, and the last ray of orange sunset disappeared from the city skyline.

The gradually turning on street lights and lights on tall buildings make the city look gorgeous.

Sitting next to the window, Li Mingze could clearly see that the outer wall of the stadium in the distance had changed from white to a holographic display. As the startup screen ended, the entire stadium was surrounded by the advertising video of the Faceless Goddess.

"Tonight at ten o'clock! The Faceless Goddess will meet you at the Empire Stadium!"

"Come and enjoy an unparalleled auditory feast!"

"Bring your family and children! The family package only costs 998 energy coins!"

"Incredible listening enjoyment, for just 388 you can hear the beautiful voice of the Galaxy Singer Faceless Goddess."

All kinds of advertisements flash across the sky.

A fleet of five extended suspension vehicles flew from a distance, and the red paint looked extraordinarily gorgeous.

Immediately afterwards, eight security spaceships flew out from the stadium station, tightly surrounding the convoy, and slowly flew into the stadium.

Li Mingze guessed that this was probably the faceless goddess Galaxy Diva. Feeling that the time was almost up, he stood up to pay, got back in the speed car, and flew towards the stadium.

After stopping the speeding car, Li Mingze came to a corridor surrounding the stadium. The huge corridor tens of meters wide was crowded with people.

"Make way, make way." Li Mingze squeezed through the crowd toward the VIP channel not far away.

Huh, Li Mingze took a breath. Squeezing through this surging crowd was even more tiring than the last battlefield. Only when he entered the loose VIP channel could he take a breath.

"Hello, make way." A pleasant voice came from behind Li Mingze, and Li Mingze couldn't help but turn his head and look.

A woman in a dress and a silver mask was standing behind him, and several people who looked like secretaries were following her. Li Mingze hurriedly stepped away from the door. The masked woman nodded at him and headed towards another side road. Go.

"Tsk tsk tsk, she is indeed the Galaxy Singer. Her voice is beautiful, but it feels so familiar." Li Mingze scratched his head and walked towards the venue.

When Li Mingze pushed open the door of the gymnasium, a huge sound pushed him slightly back a small step!

The stadium, which can hold hundreds of thousands of people, was already full, and countless glow sticks were waving in the audience.

"Faceless Goddess! Faceless Goddess!" Loud shouts came from the audience.

Li Mingze followed the steps to his seat in the center of the venue. Less than twenty meters in front of his seat was a huge stage that was raised half a meter.

The ten o'clock bell rang from the stadium's broadcast, and as the lights slowly went out, the entire stadium fell silent.

A huge holographic image hundreds of meters long and wide appeared on all four sides in the center of the stadium! The image shows an empty stage.

With a flash, dozens of huge spotlights shined on the center of the stage, and with the shout of "Good evening, everyone", the faceless goddess wearing a silver mask rose from under the stage.

"Hmm~~" cheers resounded across the sky, making Li Mingze confused. He had never heard of the Galaxy Diva Faceless Goddess. Could it be that he had been living in a brick house for too long and was out of touch with society? Oh, I have never entered this society...

As the beautiful singing sounded, Li Mingze gradually became immersed in the singing.

Wonderful time always flies by quickly, and the concert ends in the blink of an eye.

Just when Li Mingze was about to leave, a waiter handed him a note, which said that he should go backstage, where the faceless goddess was waiting for him.

Li Mingze was confused. What did this faceless goddess mean? Helpless, he had no choice but to walk backstage.

The entire stadium backstage was surprisingly quiet, with no one around. There was only a woman wearing a mask standing in the huge room.

"Well, what do you want from me?" Li Mingze asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, the woman knelt down towards Li Mingze!

"Your Majesty, please accept our singer civilization. We are willing to become the empire's eternal vassals." The woman on the ground took off the mask on her face, revealing the three eyes under the mask.

Li Mingze was shocked! He asked condescendingly:

"How do you know my identity! And why do you look like this?"

The three-eyed woman said pitifully:

"Our singer civilization is a peaceful race that loves music. The special ability of our race is to use sound to achieve some special effects. We can even feel the fluctuations of other people's souls."

"Your appearance has not changed much, and you are sitting in the middle. Your soul wave is different and full of I judge that you are the emperor of the empire."

At this point, the three-eyed woman paused, glanced at Li Mingze, and continued:

"It is precisely because our singer civilization loves music too much and can slowly change into anything we want, so since our civilization entered the interstellar space, we have become fat in the eyes of slave traders in various civilizations."

"However, our weapons technology has hardly developed, leaving our civilization at the mercy of others. Ten years ago, our civilization devoted all its efforts to build a spaceship to send us into the disordered hyperspace."

Li Mingze interrupted:

"Don't panic, can your race become like other races?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, but although we can transform into other races, our three eyes can only be hidden for one hour a day." The three-eyed woman nodded.

Phew, Li Mingze sighed, feeling both lucky and regretful at the same time. Fortunately, this race can't keep deforming all the time, and the empire doesn't have to worry about being infiltrated by them.

What's a pity is that if they can keep transforming, wouldn't they be the best candidates for spies if they join the empire?

"How did you sneak into the capital of the empire? I remember that entering the capital requires a genetic scan, right?" Li Mingze stepped forward and grabbed the hair of the woman kneeling on the ground, lifted her face up, and stared at her with cold eyes. .

"Your Majesty, my name is Mo Qi, and I am the special envoy of the Singer Civilization. In order to get in touch with the top leaders of the empire, I participated in the audition of the Galaxy Diva. I won the championship in one fell swoop with the characteristics of my race. As the new home planet, the Galaxy Diva The ambassador entered the capital through a special passage.”

"Your Majesty, if you are willing to take us in, we are willing to provide our race's unique battleship stealth technology."

"It is with this technological capability that we have been wandering in the starry sky for ten years without being discovered. However, our spacecraft has been stranded in our new home galaxy because it has experienced too many sieges and was not repaired in time."

Please collect and recommend~~

Well... the plot can't always reach a climax... the excitement is suppressed first ~ the climax will come in two chapters... If you want to see the climax, add group 222745490, I will save the manuscript in it

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