My empire of stars

Chapter 8 Pets

The Empire III Jump Laboratory is a laboratory built in an asteroid in the orbit of the Sith star. It has a confidentiality level of SS. It is mainly responsible for studying metal balls discovered from ancient shipyards and cracking new jump engines from them.

Since the empire found the mysterious metal ball from the shipyard, it has discovered that as long as specific light waves shine on the lines, feedback information can be obtained from the lines on the other side. After a supercomputer calculated day and night, it took five months to finally decipher the information hidden in the metal ball!

The metal ball records a brand new super-light flight engine, the dimensional jump engine. According to the metal ball, this engine can open dimensional tunnels. It is unknown whether it is true or not.

Dr. Farat, the chief physicist of the empire, felt his heart palpitating, as if something bad was about to happen. He shook his head and didn't take it to heart. As a representative of fanatical materialism, he was very concerned about luck and other metaphysics. Disdainful.

"Doctor, you see, this experimental spacecraft cannot start the warm-up program of the jump engine." A researcher hurried over, hoping that his teacher could find out what went wrong.

"Open the hatch and let me go in and check." After saying that, Dr. Farat entered the spacecraft on the test platform through the overpass.

"Idiot, you connected these energy transmission chips to the wrong places!" Rafat angrily pulled out the wrong chips.

The moment it was unplugged, the spacecraft suddenly flashed with intense electric light! This is a sign of a jump!

Several assistants were terrified! He quickly ran to shut down the reactor that powered the engine in the spacecraft, but it was too late. The spacecraft disappeared in a strong flash of light, as if there had never been a spacecraft on the experimental platform.

a few days later

"Your Majesty, the chief physicist Dr. Farat has not been found yet. We have scanned the surrounding known galaxies with high-power detectors, but no signal from the doctor's spacecraft has been found. I'm afraid." The intelligence officer lowered his head and did not dare to look. In the emperor's eyes, even through a screen, he could feel His Majesty's burning anger.

Li Mingze angrily swept the water glass on his desk to the ground. "Are you all just losers! Do you know how important a chief scientist is to the empire! Send that troublesome researcher to mine!"

The Empire's loss of its chief hyperdrive scientist has slowed the Empire's engine program by at least five percent!

No one knows what kind of changes this seemingly accidental experimental accident will bring to the world!

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. Officials from the colonial army brought you a little cutie." AI Tianyi appeared in the office, holding a cute little animal with big watery eyes that looked like a puppy.

"Your Majesty, this little cutie was just captured from the planet Home 2. It has been injected with vaccines and medical robots, and it is very gentle and not aggressive at all." Tianyi said, stroking the cutie.

"Oh, let someone bring it to me. It looks so cute that I can't stop." Li Mingze, who was furious, couldn't help but lose his temper when he saw this cute little creature.

After a while, a maid picked up the little animal. Li Mingze took it and touched the soft down.

"I'll call you Xiaosi from now on, okay?"

"Gu?" Xiaosha raised his head and looked at the man in front of him with his big watery eyes, as if curious about what the man said. But it may not know what a 'nice' name it has from this moment on.

From this day on, all the citizens of the empire discovered that their great emperor had a cute pet. Every time Li Mingze participated in any activity, a cute pet would definitely appear next to him. But why hasn’t His Majesty found a concubine? The author doesn’t know either.

"Silly boy, smile!"


"You idiot, stand up!"


"Young fool, you are so stupid that you can't even stand up! You disgrace the ancestors of the pet industry."

"Gu! Gu Gu Gu Gu? Gu Gu Gu!"

"Okay, I'm convinced. It seems you are really stupid. Let's go, master, take you to dinner." Li Mingze stood up and picked up the little fool who was rolling around on the carpet. The little fool still looked reluctant. It was the first time in its life that it Lying in such a soft place for once, why not let it play for a while.

As the pet of the top figure in this imperial pyramid, Xiaosi also has his own ultra-luxurious nest, with a huge five-meter-high floor-to-ceiling window, a three-meter-long and wide ultra-soft mat, a hot spring pool with 24-hour hot water, plus a Two young and beautiful maids are waiting for her 24 hours a day. It's such a comfortable life. It makes other Zim beasts envious, jealous, and suspicious of beasts!

Zimmon, which became the mascot of the empire, immediately became popular in the empire, but because it needed to be transported back from its new home planet, it was sold at a high price and became a pet that only the upper class could own.

In the "Royal Study Room" on the top floor of the blue bricks, which is also Li Mingze's office, Li Mingze is arranging the material reinforcement plan for the new home colony.

With the accelerated development of New Home Planet, the colonial people's demand for food is increasing. Because of the tilt towards industry, there are only a few small plantations in the entire New Home Planet, and the food needed by the population still needs to be obtained from the Sith. Star import.

The empire's quantum transmission technology can only be used to transmit minerals. It is not that they have never tried to transmit food before, but the result is that the food becomes as hard as stone, tasteless, and extremely unpalatable, losing its original taste and nutrition.

Therefore, he could only let the civilian shipyard speed up the construction of transport ships, so that these transport ships could continuously transport food and luxury goods "wine, snacks, beverages, cigarettes, etc." to the new home planet.

After all, if you want people to work well, they must be satisfied spiritually. These colonists are not slaves. They just need to be full. They need all kinds of necessities of life.

Now there are more than 300 transport ships on the route from Sith to the new home planet. These transport ships transport materials to the new home planet, and then continuously transport the specialties of the new home planet: Qim beasts, special spices, precious gems, ornamental plants, ornamental animals, etc. back to Sith, making the economy of the entire empire more prosperous.

Li Mingze is really glad that all the equipment of the entire empire is under his control, otherwise it will definitely give birth to the great industry of pirates!

. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Empire Chronicle News:

《Shock! The planet is full of big words! The Empire may become the biggest winner》

Our reporter received information from Mr. Weiss, an exploration researcher working on Fujie Star. When their exploration ship arrived at Fujie I, it was discovered that the entire upper hemisphere of Fujie Star was engraved with a huge article by mining lasers. The article occupied half of the planet!

This article seems to describe the love-hate history of a miner who was dumped and became a spare tire five thousand years ago and then became a father.

This article allows us to go into the ancient civilization and study their culture!

Listen to the latest news sent by our reporter in the orbit of Fujie Star.

ps: The author is an idiot for naming.

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