My empire of stars

Chapter 790 Fall

The coalition headquarters at the center of the galaxy.

Li Mingze stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the top floor office of their Sith Empire office building with his hands behind his back.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is an extremely prosperous city, with countless skyscrapers engraved with the emblems of various civilizations.

These buildings belong to each civilization that joined the coalition, and each civilization has sent ambassadors and a group of senior officers to this city.

Different from ordinary disk-shaped space cities, this space city is built inside a cylindrical space station, with endless starry skies at both ends of the city.

The top of the building where Li Mingze is located is another part of the city. There is no sky or white clouds in this city, but only the light of stars coming in from the holes on one side of the city.

After being filtered by the space station's shield, the star's light becomes softer and is not as dazzling and hot as it was originally.

Looking at the endless flow of suspended traffic under the high-rise building, Li Mingze sighed softly.

On the surface, the city seemed full of life and vitality, but he knew that the city's days were numbered!

The Assimilation fleet has greatly increased in number after assimilating the colonies of various civilizations.

From the original alliance fleet being able to absolutely crush it in numbers of tens of thousands to one, it has now grown to a point where the number is almost the same as the alliance fleet!

Under the offensive of the Assimilation Fleet, the coalition forces lost one universe after another.

If you look outside the coalition headquarters space station named City of Power, you can see the habitation ships that have spread throughout the entire planetary system.

Half of these habitation ships are the habitation ships of the Li Mingze Sith Empire, and the other half are the "seeds" sent by all the civilizations in the fallen universe who have used their last bits of wealth to send them!

It can be said that these habitation ships contain all the hopes of these civilizations that are almost destroyed.

But Li Mingze wants to say sorry to these civilizations. Their last hope will eventually be dashed.

The coalition forces have lost a full 60% of the parallel universe, and the remaining part is just holding on.

Even the main universe where the coalition headquarters is located has almost fallen. All river systems except the Milky Way have been visited by assimilationists, and all the civilizations in those river systems have been assimilated.

The poor Saar family was massacred by the assimilationists before they had time to seek revenge from Li Mingze.

The reason why the Milky Way has been able to survive without being occupied is because each civilization has used its last resources and technology on the defense system of the Milky Way.

With all their valuable technology and trump cards out, they have no way out and can only defend the galaxy.

The entire galaxy has been filled with fleets and fortresses of various civilizations, and all the resources that can be collected have been collected.

People don't know how long the Milky Way can last, they just want to hold on a little longer.

"Your Majesty, this is the latest information sent back from the front." An officer came behind Li Mingze and wanted to hand a terminal to Li Mingze.

"No, they're already here!" Li Mingze shook his head and waved his hand to reject the officer.

The officer followed Li Mingze's gaze and saw that the empty starry sky at one end of the space station was suddenly filled with purple light.

These purple rays of light are the assimilation warships that have just been transmitted!

"How is it possible! How can they be so fast!" the officer muttered in disbelief, and the terminal in his hand fell to the floor.

You must know that the information he held just mentioned that traces of assimilated people were detected outside the galaxy!

You must know that since the assimilated people in the galaxy were plowed back and forth with firepower several times by the coalition fleet, they all evacuated the galaxy and have not done it again.

I didn’t expect them to make a comeback again!

Not only did they make a comeback, when the empire received the intelligence, these assimilated people had already broken through the coalition's defense lines and penetrated into the core of the coalition!

"No, I think they have never left!" Li Mingze's pupils shrank. His android body had just received a message from Tianyi.

In the message, Tianyi marked the places where all the assimilated people appeared. The place where these assimilated people appeared was the place where they suddenly disappeared!

These damn assimilators have never left the galaxy at all. They have been hiding in the dark and waiting for this moment!

Li Mingze reached out and called a chair from the side. He sat relaxedly on the chair and continued to enjoy the scenery outside the window.

He knew that with the arrival of the Assimilation Fleet, the coalition headquarters was no longer safe.

Sure enough, after the Assimilation Fleet appeared, turrets rose from the outer surface of the space station, aiming at the Assimilation Fleet in space.

The fleets remaining around the headquarters have all activated their weapons, waiting for the recharging to end before delivering a fatal blow!

The purple crystals that fell like meteors from the Assimilation fleet to the city surface made the whole city become dreamlike, and the light released from these crystals made the whole city hazy.

However, unlike what Li Mingze expected, these crystals that were shot turned into hundreds of assimilated people after touching the ground.

These assimilationists seem to have given up on directly assimilating the entire space station, and instead plan to send troops to occupy the space station?

Li Mingze was a little confused about what they wanted to do, but the other party would never do anything good.

Anyway, his true body is still hiding in the base camp, and what's here now is just an artificial man controlled by signals.

Li Mingze, who didn't have to worry about his safety, took a sip of the drink in his hand and quietly waited for the city's demise.

Presumably he will be able to successfully retreat after today. After all, he died in the battle of King Power Space Station, right?

The officer behind Li Mingze turned around and left Li Mingze's office after saluting. As a clone, he must take up arms and fight these assimilated people for the last time.

The assimilated people rushed into the crowd of people on the street before they could react.

After a short time, these poor people were assimilated into assimilated people, and groups of assimilated people began to disperse from the crowd running in other directions.

Within tens of seconds, the street became a mess, with some shouting and crying.

There are assimilated people made of these purple crystals everywhere, and these poor people can't escape from the clutches at all.

After a few minutes, there was no normal person on the street, only assimilated people running around.

These assimilated people seemed to be eyeing the lucky ones hiding in the building, and they began to frantically attack the entrance door below the tall building.

There was no thought of defending against these assimilated people in the first place. The gate, which only served as a general defense, was breached by the assimilated people in just a few clicks.

There is only one chapter today, and there are two chapters left for the finale

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