My empire of stars

Chapter 785 Stone Tablets Billions of Years Ago

The moment these assimilation warships just disappeared, Li Mingze suddenly felt that his heart stopped for half a beat, and an indescribable cold feeling hit his heart.

This cold feeling was mixed with a lot of unknown feelings, which made Li Mingze very uncomfortable.

However, due to the closure of information, even if he knew that something bad might have happened, he could not know exactly what happened.

At the same time, the Protoss, that is, the race in the universe that failed to ascend to the dimension, causing itself to become a three-point-five-dimensional creature.

Several divine council members who were wasting their time suddenly raised their heads and looked into the deep sky.

They frowned deeply, as if something bad had happened deep in the universe.

"Is it them?" a congressman asked in a deep voice to his colleague next to him.

"That's right. It's them. They're back!" The congressman nodded with a very serious expression.

"Calling all the tribesmen to the temple immediately! A few of us will go to the Hall of Valor to find the ancient monument!" After the leader of the council members finished speaking, he took off directly into the air and flew towards the planet not far away.

Even though the star's light continued to cause a lot of damage to him at this time, it did not stop this man's determination to go to the Hall of Valor.

Although they could wait until the satellite they were on rotated to the back of the planet before setting off, time waited for no one. What happened this time was too serious. Even if he was seriously injured, he had to go to the Hall of Valor to get accurate information.

The remaining members looked at each other and took off one by one towards the green planet not far away.

After several people kept flying and passed through thousands of mountains and rivers, they finally arrived in a desert.

There is a huge lake in the middle of the desert, and there is an entire oasis around the lake.

But when the congressmen flew over the lake, the water from the lake suddenly poured into the surrounding oasis.

As the water level of the lake continued to rise, the entire oasis was submerged by the water. At this time, a spiraling spire appeared in the center of the lake.

This tower, with gems as tall as a person arranged in an orderly manner on the surface, occupies 80% of the lake's area.

The massive outflow of water in the lake just now was caused by the tower suddenly rising out of the lake.

And this "rich tower" inlaid with gems is where the Hall of Valor of the God Clan is located.

Each gem has the body of a dead protoss sealed inside. Because the protoss' body is special, the only way to preserve it is to seal it in this special crystal.

After these crystals are sealed into the remains of the Protoss, they will have a shield-like characteristic. These gems are connected together to form a super shield that can ensure the safety of this Hall of Valor.

Several councilors passed through the shield outside the Hall of Valor and arrived at the entrance to the top of the tower.

At the end of an extended platform is a door also inlaid with gems.

The door opened automatically after several councilors arrived, letting out the long corridor behind them.

This passage spirals downwards, leading directly to the bottom of the Heroic Spirit Tower.

Although the main function of this passage is to facilitate the placement of those crystals into the space within the tower, it also has an important function, that is, it is the only passage leading to the treasure room of the Gods.

This treasure room stores all kinds of incredible technological equipment invented and produced by the gods when they dominated the universe, as well as some relic items they encountered.

The main purpose of the congressman's visit to the Hall of Valor's Treasure Room today was the stone tablet discovered from the debris of the star.

When the congressman reached the bottom floor of the treasure room, the floor suddenly rotated open, and a pure black obelisk slowly rose from under the floor.

When the floor was filled again, the obelisk suddenly split into four petals and opened outwards, revealing the real stone tablet preserved inside.

Under the illumination of the light, this stone tablet with a light gray surface is ordinary, and there is nothing unusual about it at all.

But several members of the Protoss knew that the birth of this stone tablet was more than five billion years ago!

More than five billion years! It’s enough to turn a dead planet into a vibrant and habitable planet, and it’s enough to turn a star into a white dwarf or a black hole!

but! These five billion years have not left much trace on this stone tablet!

The characters engraved on this stone tablet are still clearly visible!

The characters on this stele are special encrypted characters, which when disassembled are equivalent to a 1024T document.

In this document, the formation and development of a huge disaster that destroyed the universe are recorded in detail!

"Read the contents of the stone tablet!" the Speaker shouted into the air, and curtains of light instantly enveloped the stone tablet.

The characters on the stone tablet kept flying into the air, arranging and combining in the air.

After a while, a video screen appeared in front of the congressman.

"Civilizations that can pick up this stone tablet, please listen carefully!"

"This stone tablet hides a secret that can change the direction of the universe. Everything I describe next is true!" A strange-looking woman said softly in the video.

From what this woman said, the members of the House of Representatives learned some information about the assimilation people, but the Protoss did not pay attention to it at first.

After all, the entire universe has been clearly explored by them, and there is no existence of assimilation people mentioned in this stone tablet!

So the congressmen just continued to seal the stone tablet. Unexpectedly, hundreds of millions of years later, they would actually feel the fluctuations of the assimilated people in the records from the universe!

This undoubtedly stirred up some bad memories for these MPs!

The content of the video in this stele is very simple. It describes a disaster that affects the entire universe.

One day billions of years ago, a civilian transport ship across thousands of river systems and civilizations suddenly discovered an unknown fleet composed of purple crystals on a waterway!

And this fleet launched an attack on the transport ship without even saying hello. After destroying the transport ship, this fleet composed of crystals began to assimilate the colonial stars everywhere in the territory of this civilization.

All targeted colonial stars could not escape destruction. All buildings and equipment were assimilated into crystal shapes, and finally became materials for the Assimilationist battleships.

The fate of the citizens on those planets can be imagined. They all died tragically at the hands of the assimilationists.

At first, this civilization thought it was just a fleet sent by a hostile civilization to disrupt the stability of their country.

They firmly believe that as long as their fleet can capture these battleships, they can easily blast these crystal battleships into pieces!

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