My empire of stars

Chapter 783 Incinerator Plan

If this civilization has any advanced technology, but the civilization is not that strong, he would not mind launching a liberation war to liberate those people who are deeply enslaved and let them feel freedom and equality!

"If you let me go now, my family may let you die a little more happily, but if you don't let me go, I guarantee you will be very painful when you die." The head of the Sal family said to Li Mingze in a cold voice , a look of spite flashed in his eyes.

"That's a real honor, but before one of your families kills me, we can study your body structure."

"Bring him back and immediately send him to the Empire's Biochemical Research Institute. Instruct the scientists not to need anesthesia when conducting experiments. Our experimental subjects are relatively tough."

"Get all the information you can on the way. I want to know the specific strength of their civilization!" Li Mingze waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Who are you?" The head of the Sal family asked fiercely.

"We, you can call us the Sith Alliance." Li Mingze replied arrogantly, passing the blame on the Sith Alliance.

In this way, even if this guy accidentally escapes, the Sith Alliance will be the one to take the blame in the end.

"Sith Alliance! You are the civilization that killed my son!" The head of the Sal family was shocked when he heard the word Sith.

"Your son?" Li Mingze stopped curiously and turned around to ask.

"Hutasal!" The head of the Sal family gritted his teeth.

"Oh, that's really unfortunate. You might have to go downstairs to accompany him." Li Mingze chuckled, shrugged, and left the hangar.

The spaceship did not encounter any enemies along the way and successfully returned to the forward base built by the empire next to the time and space channel.

In fact, logically speaking, these assimilation people should also be aware of the signals sent by the Empire's Eye scan, but because the assimilation people are entangled by the Sith Alliance, they have no time to cause trouble to the empire.

After a period of silence, the Sith Alliance gathered a large force and prepared to have a good "chat" with the assimilationist.

Their Sith Alliance has never suffered such a loss in so many universes. Not only was the fleet nearly wiped out, but 99% of the colonies they established have been lost!

The Sith Alliance cannot swallow this tone! After mobilizing elite warships from various empires, the Sith Alliance returned to the main universe.

This time the Sith Alliance also spent a lot of money, directly opening a space-time channel at the end of an arm of the Milky Way that can accommodate the passage of large forces.

The Alliance fleet rushed out of the space-time channel and directly caused trouble for those assimilating people everywhere.

After several studies, the Sith Alliance discovered a fatal flaw in the assimilation, that is, their bodies are not "strong". Compared with the alliance's battleships, these assimilation battleships are as brittle as glass.

The only thing they relied on was the ability to be immortal, but they also found that the more thoroughly these assimilated people were broken, the longer it would take to recover!

Then the solution is out! Since the opponent's recovery time is determined by the degree of destruction, the Alliance can completely destroy them in one go and collect the remains.

Wait until these battleships have just recovered and then crush them again! In this way, as long as the crushing process is not interrupted, these assimilated people will seem to be sealed! Nothing to fear at all!

After figuring it out, the Alliance fleet was no longer so afraid of these assimilation warships, and instead actively looked for those assimilation warships that were in the process of being assimilated.

In a star system, dozens of Imperial Alliance warships surrounded a crystal warship dozens of kilometers long.

As soon as this assimilation warship arrived at the colony, it was caught red-handed by the Alliance fleet that had already been ambushing here!

However, the word "coward" does not exist in the assimilation dictionary. Of course, it is not known whether the other party has such a dictionary.

There is only one word in the consciousness of these assimilation people, and that is: Go!

Without any words, the moment he met the Sith Alliance, countless crystal cannonballs flew towards the surrounding Alliance warships.

At the same time, the weapons of the Alliance warships also fell on the Assimilation Warship. The numerical difference of dozens of times makes this assimilation warship useless even if it is very powerful as a single ship.

When a torrential rain of shells fell on the assimilation battleship, the assimilation battleship was directly smashed in the air!

The subsequent attack smashed the slightly larger pieces of the Assimilation Battleship into powder!

It is not an exaggeration to say that all the fragments of this assimilation warship were attacked back and forth by various kinetic energy weapons.

Some drones even carried out "hand-to-hand" combat against the tiny fragments, and huge crushers rolled in the small fragments and smashed them into pieces.

Although this means that the crusher has a chance to be assimilated, this kind of thing can be discarded at any time.

After a few minutes, all that was left of the Assimilation Battleship was powder floating in the sky.

A specially-made spaceship rushed forward and used its stance to continuously collect the powder.

This spaceship is an important part of the Alliance's crushing plan. The completely shattered Assimilation Warship was directly gathered into a very small space.

At this time, a huge battleship with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers jumped directly out of hyperspace.

This huge battleship looks like a suspended iron coffin.

The rectangular hull is neat and tidy, without any artillery or antennas.

After it flew under the debris gathered by the stance, the deck on top of the battleship slowly opened to both sides.

Only at this time can we see the internal structure of this battleship. This battleship is completely a large hollow iron box!

The inner walls of this battleship are densely covered with various kinetic energy weapons.

After swallowing all the fragments of the Assimilation Battleship that was restrained by its stance, the shell of the battleship slowly closed.

The officers of the Alliance nervously held the handrails beside them. There was no other way. The next ten or so hours would see whether their plan would succeed!

Thirteen hours later, something unusual happened inside the spacecraft, known as the "cremator."

This ship has lost contact with the fleet!

"It's begun!" the Alliance officers said to themselves nervously.

They have seen this kind of anomaly in the data before, and it will happen when the assimilated people reorganize!

"Order the incinerator to be ready to start!" an officer ordered to his subordinates.

At this time, in the huge space inside the incinerator ship, countless Assimilation Battleship powders began to merge with each other.

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