My empire of stars

Chapter 778 Win?

"Damn it! Where did these battleships come from!" The man in white robe kept sliding the holographic screen in front of him.

A general introduction to each civilization flashed across the screen. These civilizations were encountered by the Sal family during their hundreds of thousands of years.

The Sal family has entered the detailed information of these civilizations into the family database, and even some civilizations encountered by other families have been entered into the database together with the information they obtained.

What the man in white robe is looking through now is the huge database of the Sal family. Even after millions of civilizations have been carefully screened by him, there are still thousands of civilizations left.

Now he wants to find the civilization to which this strange battleship belongs among the thousands of recorded civilizations.

"That's not it!"

"That's not it!" The man flipped the page anxiously, and from time to time he clicked on details about a civilization that liked to use crystals to build battleships.

But after carefully reading the detailed information of these civilizations, I was helplessly shut down.

"There is no one similar!" The man turned off the holographic screen irritably. He had read all the information and found no information about the civilization that matched the fleet in front of him.

"Who the hell are you!"

"No matter who you are, you must die!"

"Immediately pass the order to cancel the activation procedures of high-energy crystallized explosives on all warship weapons!" The man waved his hand and said solemnly.

Since this civilization seems to be able to absorb the energy generated by the explosion to repair itself, then they will not let those shells detonate and simply let them hit the enemy's warship!

"Yes!" The servant, the lizard man, nodded hurriedly.

The next shells fired at the Assimilation Warships no longer exploded, but simply used kinetic energy to hit these crystal warships!

Suddenly, the cracks on the body of the Assimilation Crystal Battleship began to increase rapidly!

Just when the assimilationist's crystallized battleship was in danger, the battleship shield of the Thrall family fleet suddenly began to become unstable, and the milky white shield began to flash continuously.

"Reporting to the head of the family, our battleship's shield is about to collapse!"

"The crystal-shaped shells fired by the opponent seem to have changed their structure, and the damage to our shields has increased sharply since ten seconds ago!" An officer whose body was shrouded in a white armor came to the head of the family and knelt down on one knee to report.

The man in white robe was instantly shocked. He knew how high-tech the warships in his fleet were.

As an expedition fleet dedicated to cleaning up enemies, the warships in this fleet are all the top warships in the family.

Their shields are also the strongest among all battleships!

These shields can withstand the energy impact caused by star explosions! However, now under the attack of these crystal shells, it was about to collapse in just a few minutes!

This unscientific!

But no matter how angry the head of the Sal family is, these assimilation warships will not be moved.

After a few seconds, the crystal cannonballs penetrated all the battleship shields.

These pale white shields disappeared outside the battleship instantly like bubbles being popped!

All of the Thrall family's battleships were exposed! The crystal cannonballs that remained powerful continued to hit the outer armor of these battleships after penetrating the shields.

The white material armor on the surface of these battleships seemed to resist this wave of attacks at first, and many crystal fragments were even bounced away!

However, before the officers of the Saar family became happy, they saw the deflected shells flying towards their battleship again.

As these crystal cannonballs continue to rotate, the white armor in contact with the crystal cannonballs begins to be assimilated into a purple crystal shape little by little.

The purple crystals that began to spread around like frost shocked the officers of the Sal family. They had never fought against these assimilation people, and they knew nothing about the power of assimilation people!

Of course, this ignorant and fearless spirit is also the reason why they dare to fight the assimilation people in the same place.

If it were the Empire or the Sith Alliance, when they were surrounded by the Assimilation Fleet, their first reaction would definitely be to run away.

But the arrogance of these senior members of the Sal family caused them to lose their best opportunity to escape.

"Alert! It has been detected that the outer armor of the battleship is being assimilated by unknown energy!"

"Alert! It has been detected that the outer armor of the battleship is being assimilated by unknown energy!"

"The estimated time for complete assimilation is one hour and thirty-two minutes, and the time for the armor to be penetrated is twenty-one minutes!" A shrill alarm sounded in the Sal family's battleship.

Countless staff members ran through the corridors in a panic, and soldiers gathered together to form teams. They didn't know what would happen after the outer armor was assimilated, so they could only let these soldiers form the last line of the battleship. line of defense.

"We still have a chance! The enemy's warship has been seriously injured!" The head of the Sal family secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the huge cracks all over the hull of the Assimilation warship on the holographic screen.

If they were fired at their current rate, it would only take a few minutes for these crystal warships to be blown into countless pieces!

"Fire! Blast them to pieces!" the head of the family shouted loudly.

Cannonballs were fired from the muzzle in the space window for free and rushed straight towards the battleships of these assimilationists.

As these shells continue to hit the hull of the crystal battleship, the gaps in the surface of these crystal battleships become larger and larger.

Soon these cracks and gaps penetrated the entire hulls of these battleships! The huge crystal battleship begins to fall apart!

Crystal fragments of different sizes began to detach from the battleship and slowly fly into the surrounding starry sky.

These crystal warships first broke into several sections, and then the entire warship disintegrated into dozens or hundreds of huge fragments. There were countless small fragments floating between and around these giant fragments.

The flashing purple light on the crystal battleship also gradually dims. Soon these crystals will turn into real amethysts and will no longer emit any light.

"We succeeded! We succeeded! We defeated them!" The crew members in the Thrall family's fleet hugged each other excitedly and cheered.

When those crystal cannonballs were about to penetrate the outer armor of their battleships, these enemy ships were defeated by them!

Not only that, the crystal cannonballs that were originally drilling into the battleship also stopped, and the spreading purple crystals stopped in place.

"Hmph, but even so, I thought he was such a powerful enemy." The head of the Sal family took out three small white balls from somewhere and started spinning them again in his hand.

He was just worried that his fleet would be defeated in this remote galaxy, but now it seems that he is worrying too much. How could his family's strongest warship be defeated so easily!

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