My empire of stars

Chapter 77 Landing on the mysterious planet

Monica nodded:

"Everyone, prepare, follow my orders." Twenty small flashes of light flashed on the map in front of Monica's eyes, quickly approaching the green dot representing their team.

"Now, aim!" Monica shouted.

Everyone who had been hiding raised their shoulder-launched missiles and aimed them at the Earth Alliance fighters flying in the sky.

Dozens of missiles soared from the surrounding high-rise buildings and swarmed towards the fleet of aircraft in the sky.

The Earth Alliance fighter planes flying at low altitude did not expect to be attacked in the deserted city!

The fighter planes in the sky had no time to dodge, and were hit by the rain of missiles coming from the ground.

But to the pilot's surprise, the explosion they expected did not appear. Instead, dozens of huge power grids appeared in the sky, and the huge power grid shrouded their fighter planes.

The engine that was originally running stopped instantly, and twenty fighter planes circled and fell towards the building below.

Fortunately, the approximate area of ​​the fall had been calculated. The soldiers in the area had already evacuated, and the Earth Alliance fighter jets dived into the skyscrapers below.

The windows of the building were shattered by the huge impact! Some crumbling high-rise buildings were directly smashed down.

"Go up, go up, see if there's anyone alive."

Hundreds of airborne troops surrounded the place where the fighter plane crashed.

"Safe, no enemies appear!"

An orbital airborne force composed of dozens of Parkers has approached a crashed Pan-Earth Alliance fighter plane.

"There's no movement," a soldier muttered.

With a bang, the hatch at the tail of the aerial fighter plane popped open, and a figure limped out of the fighter plane in the smoke.

Before anyone could ask questions, the "black shadow" fell to the ground.

Two soldiers walked out of the queue and came to the fallen "black shadow" under the cover of their teammates.

After finding nothing unusual, they grabbed the arm of "Black Shadow" and quickly evacuated outside the encirclement. A few people laid him down on the ground, and the remaining people entered the cabin of the plane and dragged out the other ten people who were already motionless. .

A soldier stepped forward and carefully used a cutter to cut open the fully enclosed helmet of "Sombra", revealing a face with yellow skin and black eyes.

Many soldiers present were trembling with fear. Why did these people look exactly like the people from the Sith Empire?

"What should we do? We won't accidentally injure them, right? It's a capital crime to hurt a Sith!" A soldier said weakly next to him.

"Okay, okay, he's still alive, he was just knocked unconscious by the violent impact." Another soldier put his hand under the man's nose to test, and exhaled heavily and said with relief.

"But we were also accidentally injured. This is also a serious crime!"

"I can only report it to Captain Monica."

What they didn't expect was that the same thing happened at the other nineteen crash sites, and one unit shot and killed a resisting soldier, but after opening the armor, he had yellow hair.

Monica also had a headache after receiving messages from various teams. She had long known that there were people who looked like the Sith on that planet, but she forgot to inform them.

She didn't expect that such a small mistake would now cause the paratroopers to panic.

"Don't worry, send them to the base, they are not Sith!" Monica said helplessly through the communicator.

After receiving the order, the airborne troops carried the unconscious prisoners back to the base. The Pan-Earth Alliance never thought that the elites they sent to perform special tasks would eventually become Earth traitors on the front line of the war against the Earth.

After the spacecraft in orbit discovered that all the aerial and space fighters dispatched had lost contact, they turned the ship around in panic and fled frantically in the direction of the earth.

Although the orbital weapons on the planet can keep the ship behind, there is no need. There are only 38 hours until the end of charging, which is not enough time for the earth to do anything.

Located in space not far from Emon Star, a giant space shuttle is flying towards Emon Star.

"Jack, do you think this is the Pan-Earth Alliance spacecraft on the radar? How did they return?" Tom said, pointing to the cigar-shaped red dot on the monitor.

Jack shook his head:

"I don't know, maybe they have obtained some technology, we have to speed up!"

"There are still sixteen hours to reach the orbit of the mysterious planet. Let's take a rest and prepare for landing." After speaking, Jack turned off the in-ship radio.

In the crew cabin of the spacecraft, Xue Parker squeezed his palms made of artificial muscles and alloys, silently watching the electric light flashing from time to time on his body in a daze.

sixteen hours later

"Drip has arrived at the orbit of the mysterious planet. Everyone puts on their armor and the spacecraft is ready for landing!"

Xue Parker stood up and lay down in the dressing room nearby. Various mechanical arms kept moving on his body. After a while, a set of white power armor with stars and stripes printed on it appeared on his body.

Floating out of the dressing room, Xue Parker firmly fixed himself on the seat.

The white light in the spacecraft turned red, and with huge vibrations, the spacecraft broke through the atmosphere of Star Emon and flew towards the ground.

In the control room of the underground base not far away.

"Your Majesty, aren't we going to shoot them down?" the officer beside Li Mingze asked curiously.

Li Mingze shook his head and glanced at the energy countdown in the hall: "No, the dormant beam will be activated in half an hour. Then you can just send a few people to drag them back."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

Not far away, in an open space on the outskirts of the city, a "huge" spacecraft opened a huge parachute at the tail, and yellow flames shot out from under the hull, rushing towards the flat ground at high speed.

"Open the landing gear." The pilot reached out and pressed a red button on the controller next to him. Six landing gears consisting of several pairs of tires protruded from the bottom of the spacecraft.

The landing gear hit the ground heavily. Although the buffer device absorbed most of the kinetic energy, Shepak still felt severe vibrations in the cabin.

There was a sound of braking, white smoke came out of the tires of the landing gear, and the giant space shuttle stopped steadily in the middle of the open space.

"Exterior air testing has begun. It is suitable for human survival. The air filter has started working." The voice of the onboard computer came from the spacecraft.

The indicator light of the power armor that originally used oxygen also changed from blue to green, and the oxygen tank on the body also automatically fell off, reducing the burden on the armor.

As the hatch opened, dozens of American Space Marines rushed out of the hatch with guns in hand and surrounded the spacecraft in a circle.

"Safe! There are no traces of alien activity." an officer shouted.

Not far away underground, Li Mingze silently watched the countdown on the screen and counted 109832.

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