My empire of stars

Chapter 746 Population and Technology

In the Imperial Command Center, an officer walked up to Li Mingze and handed over a piece of information: "Your Majesty, our observers lurking in the Taotie Empire have sent back the latest news. The Taotie Empire seems to have noticed our existence! "

Li Mingze lowered his head and fell into deep thought. It seemed that it was time to make a decision whether to continue this experiment.

It has been so long, and there has not been any news from these three experimental civilizations that their technology has encountered bottlenecks. It is obvious that this experiment is on the verge of failure.

It would not be good if we let these civilizations develop more advanced technologies if we delay any longer. They are very likely to pose a threat to the empire.

Li Mingze's fingers tapped lightly on the table, making a banging sound. All the officers in the command center turned their attention to Li Mingze.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mingze showed a firm gaze: "Order the hive mothership to prepare for dispatch and completely wipe out these three experimental civilizations."

"I hereby declare that the civilization experiment has completely failed!"

Hearing Li Mingze's affirmative words, the scientists and officers in the control center sighed with regret, but for some reason, these sighs were also mixed with a feeling of relief.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! There's a situation!" Suddenly, an officer looked at the holographic image in front of him, raised his hand and shouted to Li Mingze.

Li Mingze raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, the lurking observers in the Star Empire of Experimental Civilization No. 2 have returned the latest news. Several types of technologies in the Star Empire have begun to slow down in research speed!"

"And this phenomenon is still expanding. Now half of the research in various subjects in the Star Empire has come to a standstill!" the officer shouted in surprise.

Their four-hundred-year wait has finally come to fruition! The civilization experiment did not fail!

This Star Empire is an experimental civilization used to study whether bottlenecks are related to population.

If nothing else, the technological bottleneck encountered by the empire is probably due to the empire's wanton expansion of population!

However, it is not safe for this situation to happen to only one experimental civilization. The other two experimental civilizations must also be guided to increase their population to confirm that the bottleneck is indeed related to the population.

A few days later, in the study room of the Imperial Palace, Li Mingze, Tianyi and Eva stared at each other with big eyes.

"What do you think about the fact that population will hinder our scientific research?" Li Mingze asked first after being silent for a while.

It was too difficult for him to think about the whole incident by himself, so he had no choice but to call out the empire's two artificial intelligences to study the whole story together.

Eva was stunned for a moment, then quickly regained her original expression and said slowly: "Your Majesty, I find it very suspicious. Why is population related to scientific and technological research?"

"What causes the bottleneck in our science and technology? Why will technology be affected when the population increases? Is there any advanced civilization playing a hidden role in this?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Eva's eyes. She seemed to have expected this incident, but she had no intention of telling the truth.

"Your Majesty, I think this may be the rule of this universe." Tianyi slowly explained to Li Mingze.

"The rules of the universe?" Li Mingze frowned. He always felt that this thing was somewhat mysterious.

"Yes, just like the speed of light in this universe is always a constant number, nothing can exceed the speed of light in this universe, and all objects have gravity, these are the rules that maintain the operation of the entire universe."

"Since the rules of the universe can limit the speed of certain substances, it is not surprising that they can limit the technology of a civilization." Tianyi took a sip of the tea on the table and continued to explain.

Li Mingze paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking about words.

"If the empire's population really limits the empire's technological development, then what should we do?"

"What should we do with these extra people in our empire? Is it possible that we have to kill them with our own hands?" Li Mingze's tone was full of bitterness.

You know, once it is determined that the technological bottleneck is really related to population, then the empire must clear out the excess population if it wants to continue to develop.

At that time, he, Li Mingze, might want to raise a butcher's knife against his own citizens and become a "demon"-like existence.

He admits that he can be merciless when it comes to destroying an enemy, and can easily destroy an enemy's star system without blinking an eye.

But he couldn't do anything to his own citizens. Every citizen of the empire was treated as a child by him. He could not imagine the scene of raising a butcher knife to his own children.

At this time, the study fell into silence, both Tianyi and Eva lowered their heads in silence.

They have no choice. If the empire does not want to make progress and is satisfied with the current level of technology, there is no problem. But once an enemy with more advanced technology arrives one day, then only destruction awaits the empire.

However, if they were asked to kill their own people, even the artificial intelligence Tianyi and Eva would not be able to do it.

This is not something that can be solved by killing tens of thousands, millions, tens of millions, or billions of people!

According to their calculations, if they want to restore the empire's technology to an unaffected state, they must wipe out at least three-fifths of the empire's population!

How can this be! Calculated based on the empire's current population of 20 trillion, the empire would need to eliminate a full 12 trillion imperial citizens!

What is the concept of twelve trillion people? If the empire really takes action, then the empire will be recorded in the annals of history.

After all, this is the first civilization to deal such cruelty to its own civilization!

"What should I do!" Li Mingze's facial features were twisted together, and he didn't know how to go next.

"Your Majesty, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Let's wait quietly for news about the other two experimental civilizations." Tianyi hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not say what was in his heart, but comforted Li Mingze.

Soon, the other two experimental civilizations also began to increase their populations crazily under the guidance of the empire's observers.

Although this cost is the loss of nearly 80% of the observers, now all the observers are fighting to test the data empire.

As expected, Li Mingze did not expect that these civilizations also began to show signs of slowing down in technological research and development as their populations continued to increase.

However, because the population has not increased enough, this sign is very subtle. If the empire had not known about it for a long time, such a small delay would not have been noticed.

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