My empire of stars

Chapter 743 The empire follows the script

"Well, add a civilization slightly more powerful than the Taotie Empire at this location."

"And here, give them a strong enemy!"

"Here, prepare a ruins for them, one that can improve the technology of the Taotie Empire for fifty years."

"And here, there are dozens of warships left for the Taotie Empire, the kind that are all damaged!"

In the empire's "Civilization Project" headquarters, Li Mingze pointed at the star map.

If those who have been with Li Mingze until today see these data, they will find that Li Mingze is completely preparing to copy the old path taken by the empire.

Li Mingze will pave the way for this civilization and make it take off like a rocket.

Although this may also take a very long time, what the empire lacks most now is time. Even if the experiment takes hundreds of years, the empire can wait patiently.

The time limit Li Mingze set for this experiment was a full five hundred years, and he could accept it as long as it was within five hundred years.

After all, it takes time for a civilization to absorb ready-made knowledge!

Not long after Li Mingze's order was issued, transport ships and construction ships flew to the star system not far from the Taotie Empire.

The mission of these construction ships is to completely recreate a civilization within a few days.

The transport ship carries a large number of sleeping clones. These clones have been instilled with memories. When they wake up, they will directly put into false work to maintain this new creation completely created by the empire. Out of civilization operates.

Several batches of spaceships set off at the same time as these construction ships. The goal of these spaceships was very simple, that is, to complete the layout of the ruins Li Mingze prepared for this gluttonous empire.

Not only does it have to build a ruins building and then blow it up, the empire also needs to age these ruins so that they have the precipitation of time!

These ruins also contain scientific and technological information carefully prepared by the empire for this gluttonous empire.

After the Taotie Empire obtains this information, their technology will be able to reach a new level in a short period of time, and at least they will be able to build higher-level warships.

Of course, although the Sith Empire can be said to have given everything to the Taotie Empire without reservation, the empire's core material printing technology was not handed over to these three experimental civilizations. After all, this technology was too dangerous. It would be a bit embarrassing to accidentally allow these civilizations to overturn.

In addition to these carefully prepared ruins, Li Mingze also prepared damaged Dyson spheres, damaged ring worlds and other super buildings for these three civilizations.

He ordered all novelists and historians in the empire to cooperate through the spiritual network to fictionalize a complete history for these three experimental river systems!

Based on this fictional history, the empire built ruins and buildings that should be left behind at various points in history, and left corresponding levels of scientific and technological data in these ruins and buildings.

As long as this Taotie Empire can develop all the ruins, it will only take three hundred years for them to upgrade their technology to a state close to its peak. Only then will they truly participate in the experiment.

Of course, even with technology, enemies are indispensable. After precise calculations, the empire has designed enemies with different levels at various locations around the Taotie Empire.

These enemies also possess a large amount of technology and materials that the Taotie Empire does not have. As long as the Taotie Empire conquers these civilizations, it can directly obtain new technologies and materials, which is as easy as upgrading and killing monsters.

As for what people are worried about, what should they do if this gluttonous civilization does not follow the path designed by the empire.

At this time, the empire began to need the observers lurking in the Taotie Empire.

For example, the first ruins that the Taotie Empire will discover next will be "accidentally" encountered by a civilian spacecraft belonging to a company under the name of the observer.

If the empire wants the Taotie Empire to fight a certain civilization, it would be easier. If the Taotie Empire doesn't take action, other civilizations can take action first. Anyway, everything is under the control of the empire!

Time flies, and decades fly by.

The Taotie Empire, which has already developed the hyperdrive, has established colonies in several surrounding star systems.

The Taotie Empire has also built its first real fleet: the Empire’s First Fleet consisting of ten frigates and five destroyers!

At this time, according to the script designed by Li Mingze, the Taotie Empire will encounter their first enemy in the direction of development, a civilization with similar military strength to his!

But at this time, an accident happened. Tang Hong, the emperor of the Taotie Empire, suddenly changed the development direction of the empire.

The Taotie Empire's territorial expansion suddenly stretched in another direction.

If the observers lurking inside the Taotie Empire had not confirmed that there was nothing abnormal, Li Mingze would have even suspected that the other party had noticed something abnormal.

But Li Mingze, the Taotie Empire, is also very troubled by such a disobedient man.

If the other party changes direction, it means that the empire must take the initiative to adjust its deployment.

A few days later, a patrol ship from the Taotie Empire accidentally flew into a strange star system.

No need to think too much, the captain of this patrol ship is an observer from the empire.

After quietly changing the battleship data, the battleship successfully invaded the enemy's territory prepared by the empire for the Taotie Empire.

After the spacecraft appeared, the warships stationed in this star system immediately rushed to the spacecraft.

After the patrol ship of the Taotie Empire "accidentally" sent out a communication that predicted war from this strange civilization, a fierce conflict broke out between the two sides.

At the last moment, the battleship of the Taotie Empire jumped into hyperspace dragging its seriously injured body.

At this time, Tang Hong, the emperor of the Taotie Empire, also learned about the existence of this civilization, and this civilization took the lead in launching an attack on the empire's warships!

According to his urinary nature, if he doesn't fight back, he can't be called a man!

Soon, the fleet of the Taotie Empire rushed towards this civilization under its leadership.

Originally, based on the strength of the battleships, it was impossible for the Taotie Empire to win in this war!

But who made the Taotie Empire the protagonist designated by the Sith Empire? With the secret help of this experimental controller, victory for the Taotie Empire is definitely not a problem.

When the battle is at its most intense, an "ordinary" Taotie Empire officer will discover the opponent's weakness and make it public.

The imperial fleet that has gained a weakness will take advantage of the opponent's weakness to directly defeat the civilization's fleet. There is no doubt that the Taotie Empire will gain new technology, territory and materials!

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