My empire of stars

Chapter 701 Destruction of Stars

Just when the imperial fleet arrived at the outskirts of the civilization's capital star system, the fleet commander suddenly received an order from Li Mingze.

Because after occupying this river system, the empire did not intend to keep the indigenous people in this river system, but planned to let these indigenous people enter the virtual world of the dormant warehouse to spend the rest of their lives.

Li Mingze approved the proposal that the advance fleet can use weapons of mass destruction.

The Imperial advance fleet is permitted to use weapons of mass destruction including planet-destroying and star-system-destroying weapons.

The imperial fleet, which was about to rush directly into the star system and engage in a decisive battle with the opponent, suddenly stopped.

Since they can use weapons of mass destruction, why would they rush in and fight the other side?

After such a long period of high-intensity fighting, the dimensional armor of the Imperial fleet warships has absorbed too much energy. It is a bit risky to rush in and be attacked by the opponent's fortress guns and automatic turrets spread throughout the star system.

Moreover, the opponent's capital star system should have been over-exploited a long time ago, and it is impossible to have many resources useful to the empire left.

As an economic and political center, the capital star system should also have very little heavy industry.

This means that there is no useful place except houses and people in this star system! The other party’s technology empire is even more disdainful!

"According to His Majesty the Emperor's Order No. 32, apply for the use of stellar-level destructive weapons, stellar annihilation missiles." The Imperial Fleet Commander said solemnly into the communicator.

This application was sent across the void between river systems to the Shenzhou in the next river system through the battleship's transmission device.

"The application has been approved. The Stellar Destruction Missile has been authorized to be unlocked!" After a while, a message that the application was approved was sent back from the communicator, followed by an authorization code that was tens of terabytes in size.

After entering the authorization code into the system, a cabin in the center of the empire's flagship suddenly lit up with white light, illuminating an eighty-meter-long, twenty-meter-diameter missile lying quietly in the cabin.

Light curtains shot out from around the room. After scanning the missile back and forth several times, an opening suddenly opened at the bottom of the room that could only accommodate its departure.

The mechanical arm at the top of the missile began to slowly extend, sending the missile into the gap.

When the missile sank into the floor, the gap closed again, and darkness returned to the entire cabin.

After the missile was submerged in the groove, it was sent to the top of the battleship under the protection of the mechanical arm in the groove.

The collision angle at the bow of the flagship ship suddenly opened to both sides, and then the shield inside also opened up and down.

The white warhead stretched out from the battleship and aimed at the star system in front of the battleship.

"Countdown to missile launch! 3! 2! 1!" As the countdown ended, the missile suddenly shot out from the battleship.

After leaving the battleship, the missile accelerated for a certain distance and then directly activated the transmission device and disappeared into the air.

A few seconds later, a white missile suddenly appeared out of thin air next to the star in the civilization's capital star system and hit the star in front of it.

Of course, the observation station of this civilization discovered the missile that suddenly appeared next to the star, but it was too late for them to stop it!

Who would have thought that missiles would suddenly appear at the core of their defense line! They have no defense facilities deployed in the orbit of the star!

The missile crashed directly into the star under the shocked eyes of these people!

The shell of the missile was instantly melted by the high temperature of the star, and the large amount of antimatter carried inside reacted instantly with the matter in the star.

An energy huge enough to destroy the star system begins to brew in the star. As time goes by, the annihilation of antimatter and positive matter produces more and more energy.

The entire star shrank slightly and then suddenly exploded! The light produced by the explosion of this light red star instantly filled the entire starry sky!

People in this star system suddenly felt that the sun above their heads disappeared, and a strong light that could evaporate everything swept across the earth. The eyes of all those who looked up to the sky were instantly burned, and the same was true for various observation equipment.

Then this strong light instantly roasted those whose bodies were exposed outdoors into ashes. The forests and grasslands instantly turned into white plains. The ashes produced by the instantaneous combustion were scattered into the air with the storm caused by the rising temperature.

The liquid water in the rivers and seas was instantly evaporated. The entire planet's surface instantly became a purgatory-like existence, and the earth began to melt.

The glass on the surfaces of high-rise buildings in the city began to melt into liquid, and then the load-bearing materials of these high-rise buildings also began to melt, and these high-rise buildings continued to collapse like ice cream under the sun.

People indoors seemed to have been put in a microwave oven, and were roasted into mummies in a short period of time.

This is the harm caused by the light released by the first wave of stars being destroyed. The energy shock wave following this strong light is the most powerful.

Because they are second only to the speed of light, these shock waves arrive slightly later than the bright light.

A layer of light red light ball like a bubble continued to expand from the original location of the star. The space stations or battleships where this layer of light ball passed through persisted for a few seconds before their shields were torn apart and melted. Became ashes.

This layer of light ball began to sweep across the entire star system. Under the interference of this huge energy, all transition methods in the star system failed. It was impossible for these warships to run through these energy shock waves.

The survivors of this civilization could only watch as this layer of light ball swallowed up their capital planet, and the entire planet began to disintegrate under the impact and high temperature.

Magma was ejected from countless huge gullies on the surface of the planet, and the ground began to turn into boiling liquid, and then the entire planet could no longer maintain the most basic spherical shape.

Gradually, it began to disintegrate under the impact, the planet was torn apart bit by bit, and a large amount of material was thrown out of the planet. Then the last straw came, and the capital planet exploded instantly and disappeared in the white light ball.

The light ball continued to spread and soon caught up with the evacuating fleet. The officers and soldiers in the warships at the front of the formation watched the warships behind them disappear into the white light curtain bit by bit, and a sense of despair rose in their hearts.

The screams from the warships that were submerged by the energy shock waves generated by the stellar explosion seemed to have crossed the vacuum of the universe and entered their ears!

Seeing that they and others could no longer escape, these people closed their eyes in despair in their seats.

The white light curtain engulfed the entire fleet, and the other planets in front of the fleet also did not escape the impact of the star explosion.

Like the capital planet, this planet also melted, tore, and disintegrated in the white light curtain!

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