My empire of stars

Chapter 698 Crush

eight hours later

A fleet suddenly appeared next to an asteroid belt. After arriving at its destination, the fleet turned off all its thrusters and entered a state of silence.

At the same time, all warships also activated their stealth devices and integrated with the surrounding asteroid belt.

Not long after, a huge fleet consisting of a million battleships slowly passed by the asteroid belt.

The scanners of the battleships in the fleet were constantly scanning the surrounding asteroids. They seemed to want to penetrate the dense layers of asteroids to find suspicious traces.

"No, the battleship's scanner just now clearly showed that hyperspace fluctuations were scanned in this area. Why didn't it find anything? There was nothing suspicious in this star system." The commander of the Spiral Federation decoy fleet frowned. Looking at the holographic screen in front of him.

"Sir, is the other party hiding in the asteroid belt and trying to use the asteroids in the asteroid belt to avoid our scanning?" An officer stepped forward and said to the commander.

"It's possible! Order all warships to immediately launch a covering bombardment of the asteroid belt!" The commander nodded.

A few minutes later, all the federal warships aimed their guns at the asteroid belt on one side, and cannonballs and beams were fired from these warships into the asteroid belt.

There were constant flashes of explosions in the asteroid belt. The section of the asteroid belt close to the federal fleet was completely covered, and the asteroids floating in space were blown to pieces.

However, the people of the Spiral Federation would never guess that the imperial warship was actually activating the stealth device and sneaking into their fleet.

Due to the large distance between each warship, these warships did not even notice that there were Imperial warships mixed into their fleet.

General Fan sneered disdainfully as he watched the Federation fleet waste ammunition on the empty asteroid belt.

Don't these idiots know how fatal it is to fire excessively and cause the weapon to need to cool down and charge before finding any trace of the enemy?

It doesn't matter, the Empire will teach them a lesson that the Federation will never forget.

Sure enough, after a few minutes of covering bombardment against the asteroid belt, the federal warship's weapons entered a cooling state one after another, and the weapons' energy storage batteries also began to recharge.

The Imperial Fleet knows that the opportunity has come!

The armor on the eighteen thousand Imperial warships suddenly unfolded, revealing eight huge prisms on the hull.

Immediately afterwards, these imperial warships fired eight huge beams of light hundreds of kilometers long towards the surroundings.

After the beam was shot, the Imperial warship began to slowly accelerate using the gravity engine.

As the Imperial fleet accelerated, the beams began to streak across the Federation fleet.

All the federal warships hit by the beam were easily cut in half like tofu cut by a knife.

The beam driven by the huge energy output from the dimension collapse engine is so powerful that the armor of the Federation warship is as vulnerable as butter in front of it.

In order to maintain these beam knives, even the energy from the toilet lights in the Imperial battleship was drained, and all life-support devices in the battleship were turned off. All crew members could only rely on the life-support devices built into the power armor.

However, the effect is also obvious, as the imperial warships move faster and faster among the federal fleet.

In less than a minute, the Federation fleet was wiped out by the empire's beam blades, nearly two hundred thousand battleships!

These battleships cut in half by the beam blades bloomed directly in the fleet, and the shields on other battleships hit by the debris from the explosion continued to flash blue light.

"Fire immediately! Fight back!" Seeing the heavy losses of his fleet, the commander of the Federation hurriedly shouted through the communicator.

But no matter how he roared, the federal battleship's weapons were still cooling and charging, and the only weapon that could still be used was the close-range defense cannon on the battleship.

But you can guess how much damage these small-caliber close-range anti-aircraft guns can inflict on the armor of imperial battleships.

A few more minutes passed. Because the federal fleet had reacted, the cutting efficiency of the imperial warships had dropped a lot. In these few minutes, less than 100,000 enemy ships were destroyed.

At this time, the federal warship finally ended the cooling and charging of its weapons!

The federal warships aimed their guns at the imperial warships that were constantly passing through their own fleet.

Tens of millions of artillery shells began flying across the Union fleet.

Due to the close distance, it was difficult for the Imperial warships to dodge these cannonballs fired from the side, but similarly, the Federation's own warships were also unable to dodge the artillery fire of their own warships.

Sometimes the shells passed behind the Imperial warship and shot at another Federation warship that the Imperial warship was supposed to block.

These cannonballs flying everywhere easily tore apart the shields of their own battleships in the federal fleet.

Gradually, federal warships began to be destroyed by their own cannonballs. Although these cannonballs had limited damage to the imperial warships, the attack on their own warships was like a crater.

In addition, the soldiers in the battleship are pirates and death row prisoners captured by the Federation, and their combat capabilities cannot be compared with the regular army.

Soon these people started shooting at each other crazily, causing huge casualties in the federal fleet.

Battleships were constantly blown into sieves by friendly shells fired from all directions, and finally turned into floating wreckage in a burst of explosions.

As time went by, the warships in the Federation Fleet became furious and began to become ruthless. As long as the Imperial warships were in a certain position, they would directly pour all their shells over, regardless of whether there were friendly warships or not.

At this time, the Federation commander was also a little crazy. Now they could no longer control these death row prisoners.

Originally, the condition they promised to these death row prisoners and pirates was freedom, but in this situation where they could be killed by their own people at any time, these death row prisoners had long forgotten the conditions promised by the Federation!

Gradually, the Federation warships began to kill each other. They aimed their guns at their friendly forces, and kept pressing the shooting switches in their hands, pouring shells at their friendly warships as if they were free.

The commander of the Federation thought it was because they had been bloodthirsty and collapsed in the face of death.

But he didn't know the real reason why these death row prisoners went crazy!

That was the emotion amplification device carried on the Imperial warships!

This emotion amplification device was extended from the technology of the Imperial Yuri Force.

By controlling the emotions of creatures, the purpose of making the opponent's battle formation collapse without attack is achieved.

As long as the other party is a creature with a brain, the Empire can use this emotion amplifier to amplify their negative emotions!

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