My empire of stars

Chapter 69 Entering the mysterious building

The huge blue light beam shot straight into the sky and extended outside the atmosphere before stopping.

"Your Majesty! Five more energy fluctuations have been discovered on Emon Star!" Tianyi's anxious voice came from the communication channel.

"Scan it and find out what's going on! What on earth are these alliance bugs doing!" Li Mingze was furious.

"Your Majesty! These energy fluctuations are located at the six vertices of Emon Star! No good! The energy fluctuations are shot into space. These energy fluctuations are ba. ba." Tianyi's voice disappeared in a burst of harsh signals.

This is? Signal blocking? No, signal shielding cannot take up such a large energy level!

In the space that Li Mingze could not observe, six light beams shot into space were linked together and spread out into a huge blue shield outside the planet's atmosphere, covering the entire Emon star!

The signal was also isolated on both sides of the shield due to the existence of the shield, and Li Mingze lost contact with the fleet.

Tianyi in orbit was anxious, but she did not dare to attack the shield casually. Everything was too weird, and the specific function of this shield could not be guessed at all.

"Your Majesty, the detector has detected that the star of Emon is wrapped in an unknown shield, and the signal cannot be transmitted back to the fleet." The fighter's onboard AI prompted.

It was discovered that Li Mingze, who was trapped in the mysterious shield, did not choose to return his consciousness to his body on the Sith planet. Although the consciousness signal in hyperspace was not blocked by space and could return, some death row prisoners had conducted in vivo experiments. !

He doesn't know whether this mysterious shield that blocks the signal can prevent his consciousness from returning. If he is blocked by the mysterious shield in the process of returning his consciousness, wouldn't he become the first "ghost" in the world? ".

In addition, he couldn't leave so many soldiers here alone. Not only were there more than a thousand airborne officers composed of imperial citizens, but there were also dozens of ace pilots!

Li Mingze pointed the nose of the machine at the huge building wrapped in blue light, and pulled the trigger. Streams of light spurted out and hit the light blue shield, causing sparks to explode.

When the smoke cleared, the blue shield still appeared in front of Li Mingze intact. He unbelievingly aimed all the missiles in the magazine at the huge building and launched them.

But the result still left him helpless. After the repeated explosions, the mysterious shield did not cause even a trace of ripples.

Li Mingze slowly lowered the fighter plane and stopped on the road in front of the mysterious tall building.

Li Mingze climbed out of the fighter plane and walked to the light curtain. An energy beam sword popped out of the power armor arm. The magnetic field restrained the energy beam within half a meter, forming the shape of a dagger.

He thrust the energy-beaming sword toward the light curtain suddenly, and a huge thrust came. The energy-beaming sword on his arm fell apart, but the light curtain in front of him still did not cause any ripples.

Damn it! Li Mingze punched the shield. To his surprise, Li Mingze felt his fist sinking into the light curtain.

Surprised, he placed his hands on the light curtain, and as he slowly advanced, his two hands sank into the light curtain!

Li Mingze pulled out his hands and looked over them, but found nothing unusual.

Relieved, he walked towards the light screen. Before he started exerting force, his whole body was sucked into the light screen.

"So that's it? This shield can block high-speed objects and energy, but it has no reaction to slow-moving objects!"

"This kind of selective shield has a lot of technical content. Is it possible that the technology of the Parker Alliance is so advanced?" Li Mingze turned to look at the blue light screen behind him and said to himself.

But then he shook his head in the negative. It was impossible. If the Parker Alliance could create such an advanced shield, how could it be driven to the Emon Galaxy by him like a lost dog?

There was no point in thinking here. Just go in and take a look. Li Mingze began to feel around the huge building for the entrance.

Half an hour later, he circled back to where he was and sighed. After half an hour of groping around this huge building, I couldn't find a crack that could be opened! There isn't even a door to get in by yourself.

Li Mingze suddenly thought of something and looked up helplessly at the huge building towering into the sky. He touched his helmet. It seemed that he had suffered a lot today.

Li Mingze turned the palms of his power armor into a climbing and adsorption state, and climbed toward the top along the metal curtain wall of the building.

Five hours later, Li Mingze sat next to the blue light rising into the sky, panting. Even though his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people and he had the blessing of power armor, he was still exhausted at this time!

He walked to the light pillar and looked down at the faint hole that was emitting blue energy. The wide hole was bottomless, and gusts of cold wind blew out of it.

Li Mingze shuddered. He was about to jump from here later. He didn't know if he would be killed by the fall, but the blue energy should be able to create a buffer.

Gritting his teeth, Li Mingze jumped towards the blue energy pillar at the entrance of the cave. As he expected, after jumping into the blue light pillar, he slowly sank down like he was in water.

Time passed slowly, and Li Mingze had been drifting in this seemingly endless tunnel for several hours. These few hours were like hell to him!

I can only hear the sound of my own blood flowing and the strong beating of my heart! All he could see were silver walls and blue light, which almost made him collapse.

A dazzling light appeared in the distance, which made Li Mingze excited! Finally got to the end.

In the blink of an eye, Li Mingze landed on a huge radar-like instrument, and a steady stream of blue light was emerging from the "lid" of the instrument.

Li Mingze jumped down from above and came to the hall where the instruments were located. The smooth walls of the huge hall reflected his shadow, and there was no one in silence.

The door on the side of the room suddenly opened, revealing the equally smooth corridor inside.

Li Mingze was so shocked that he rolled forward and hid against the wall.

"What happened?" came the voice of a soldier.

"I don't know. It seems that there is some minor problem with the shield generator. The AI ​​​​just detected a tiny fluctuation of one billionth in the shield." Another voice came.

"Well, I don't know when Plan A will be launched." The voices in the corridor got closer and closer.

Metal armored boots made a slapping sound on the floor.

Li Mingze activated the optical invisibility device on the armor, and his figure gradually disappeared into the air. He carefully moved to the side of the door and waited quietly.

Bang bang, the footsteps were very close. Li Mingze pulled out a saber from his waist that also had optical invisibility.

Four figures in power armor walked out of the corridor, occasionally lowering their heads to talk.

Thank you for the reward of 4000 starting coins from Great Heavenly Lord at the beginning of the Divine Residence of Hunyuan Taichu, as well as for passing by and reading 2017, recalling those years, book friend 230***, and Yi Liuzhou for the reward~~Thank you for your recommendation. Ticket~

This chapter is too much. Don’t guess the author’s tricks. You won’t be able to guess. Hehehe

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