My empire of stars

Chapter 683 Anti-Zerg Alliance

After an unknown number of years, Charlotte's swarm of insects swept across more than ten river systems and once again set their sights on the former Milky Way.

They have been away from the Milky Way for too long at this time, and I don't know if a new civilization has been born in the Milky Way. In order to prevent new civilizations from developing and growing in the galaxy, the swarm set out on its return journey.

At this time, various civilizations in the galaxy have not yet noticed the approaching danger. They are immersed in the excavation and research of the ruins of ancient civilizations.

After such a long period of development, these civilizations have completely mastered the technologies left over from the previous generation of civilizations, and developed brand-new technologies based on these technologies.

Civilizations throughout the galaxy communicate and learn from each other, and all civilizations have reached a higher level.

An epoch-making super building that will consume all the materials in thousands of star systems is put on the agenda. It is a super building in the habitable zone! A ring world surrounding a star!

When the Ring World began to be built, the insect swarm had already left the nearest river system to the Milky Way and began to fly towards the Milky Way in the void.

But at this time, the civilizations in the galaxy do not know about the Zerg! After such a long time, the information about the Zerg left by the previous generation of civilization has long been lost in the long river of time. They have no way of knowing how terrifying the Zerg are.

When the construction of the ring world was completed, the swarm re-entered the galaxy!

But this swarm of insects that had just landed in the Milky Way did not attract the attention of these civilizations.

The insect swarm did not disturb these civilizations at first, but lay dormant and carefully recovered, waiting for the best time.

Finally, hundreds of years later, the Zerg, who had recovered from flying across the river system, launched a surprise attack on the nearest civilization.

This civilization was unable to resist the insect swarm fleet that was hundreds or thousands of times larger than its own, and was defeated by the insect swarm in just a few days.

However, at this time, the mother queen of the insect swarm, that is, Charlotte, had learned to hide her surface consciousness. She was not eager to devour the creatures of this civilization, but directly took over the management of this civilization.

When the various civilizations in the outside world saw this, they just thought that there was a civil war in this civilization. However, since the other party did not launch a massacre against the civilized aborigines, they did not pay too much attention.

Then the Zerg Queen began to control the fleet of this civilization and launched sneak attacks on surrounding civilizations. The Zerg fleet secretly participated in all major battles.

As long as there is a battle involving the insect swarm, no warship can escape, and these civilizations have not even received the signal, and everything on the battlefield seems to have become a secret.

In this case, this civilization easily conquered the surrounding civilizations.

Many civilizations in the Milky Way regard this kind of war as a normal war between Milky Way civilizations. They are just wary of it, but they don't pay too much attention to it. After all, the Milky Way is so big and the other party is so far away from them!

However, what they did not expect was that this Zerg tribe would defeat the civilization of half the galaxy in just a few decades.

After gaining so much territory, the Zerg no longer needed to hide. The Zerg Mother Queen directly ordered the Zerg swarm to devour the creatures in these civilizations under her control. The number of insects doubled overnight!

At this time, many remaining civilizations in the galaxy finally felt the threat from the Zerg!

The remaining civilizations were forced to unite and form an anti-Zerg alliance to fight against the increasingly powerful Zerg. And the headquarters of this alliance was located in the newly built Ring World!

They began to concentrate the power of most of the galaxy to deal with the invading swarm.

But it was already too late, the number of insect swarms was no longer something they could resist. What's more, the Zerg Mother Queen also has a new book with super rules!

(Speaking of the new super-rule book, we have to talk about what happened after Charlotte’s insect swarm flew out of the Milky Way. During the countless years of flying out of the Milky Way, the surface consciousness of the mother queen of the insect swarm, Charlotte, was elsewhere. She once encountered a swarm of insects several times more powerful than her in the river system. In order to avoid the fate of her own population being devoured, and to protect Charlotte's body from harm, she chose to submit to this powerful insect swarm. However, because she joined later, she was hated and ostracized by the Zerg clan, and Charlotte's surface consciousness also contained her pride as the mother queen of the Zerg clan, so she rebelled against the Zerg clan in anger. , and stole the new super-rule book from that Zerg family).

The mother queen of the swarm, Charlotte's surface consciousness, directly activated the new book of super rules, limiting the speed of all long-range weapons in this river system to an extremely low standard.

Overnight the anti-Zerg alliance across the galaxy lost their greatest advantage: range!

While putting all fleets on the front line, the Anti-Zerg Alliance stepped up research on new weapons.

Finally, after the Zerg advanced the front line thousands of light years, a spherical weapon that could penetrate into the Zerg battleship and cause damage was developed.

This kind of weapon can heat itself to generate ultra-high heat and use kinetic energy to crash into the opponent's body, causing damage in the opponent's body before returning to the battleship to recharge.

After this weapon was manufactured, it was quickly installed throughout the alliance, and warships in the alliance were equipped with this latest weapon.

The situation on the battlefield finally eased after the emergence of this weapon. The Zerg offensive slowed down, and the fleet of the anti-Zerg alliance used this weapon to slightly alleviate the disadvantage.

But it is a pity that the construction speed of ordinary civilization cannot match the hatching speed of Zerg battleship bugs.

When the anti-Zerg alliance builds one destroyer, the Zerg side can cultivate twenty battleship bugs as long as there is enough nutrient solution.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Anti-Zerg Alliance warships is much higher than that of the Zerg warships of the same level, they can still only compete with one against five at most.

The construction ratio of the Zerg is one against twenty! Even if the anti-Zerg alliance can fight against five, the opponent still has fifteen troops to attack you.

The advantage that the Anti-Zerg Alliance relied on on weapons gradually began to decline due to the consumption of warship storage. Even if the Anti-Humanity Alliance built warships at full power, they could not keep up with the rate of warship consumption!

And with the loss of territory, the Anti-Zerg Alliance gradually began to lose the material supply places for manufacturing warships and the shipyards that produced warships!

On the other hand, the insect swarms are getting stronger as they fight, and their advancement speed is getting faster and faster!

After fighting like this for more than twenty years, the anti-Zerg alliance has been forced by the zerg swarm to the corner of an arm of the galaxy.

At this time, the remaining territory of the Anti-Zerg Alliance was no longer enough to sustain the consumption of this war, and the people within the alliance began to live in dire straits.

Just at this moment, the new super rules book used by the Zerg suddenly expired, and the speed limit on long-range weapons was suddenly lifted!

If this had happened earlier, the Anti-Zerg Alliance might have been pleasantly surprised, but now they are left with deep helplessness!

Because they have spent all their resources on building short-range weapons!

They don't have many resources left! There is simply not enough for the entire army to install new long-range weapons!

In desperation, they had no choice but to start over and equip the newly built warships with long-range weapons, while the original warships could only still use the original short-range weapons!

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