My empire of stars

Chapter 665 Pandora’s Box Released

Disaster is bound to happen at this moment! Discovering that she has the ability to control all Zerg, the Zerg Queen has developed a spiritual network that can communicate with Zerg!

The empress who escaped began to collect her subordinates.

Zerg ranches all over the universe provide sufficient sources of soldiers for the Zerg Queen!

In just a few months, the entire universe began to be ravaged by the Zerg! The speed of the spread of the news cannot even keep up with the pace of the Zerg Queen Fleet!

Many times, before the information reaches this river system, the Zerg Mother Queen's spaceship has already arrived in this river system.

The bugs in the river system are connected to the Zerg internal spiritual network by the spiritual signal amplifier on the Zerg Queen's spaceship.

Overnight, all the bugs in the entire river system became killing machines!

The meat worms that were originally meant to be eaten ripped open the people who kept them and escaped from the pasture.

And the whale insect even used its talent for digging in the soil to lurk deep underground!

The tail spines that were kept as pets even shot their former owners through the body and then swallowed them in their stomachs!

The entire universe has turned into a purgatory-like existence because of this accident!

The entire civilized society collapsed, and the scattered Zerg quickly spread to various cities.

Some of the troops from various civilizations were swallowed up by the sea of ​​insects that ran out of the pasture without even reacting.

Even if a small number of troops react, the Zerg troops, whose arms have been "perfected" and have become popular, can no longer stop the Zerg army from advancing!

The entire starry sky has been ruled by Zerg spacecraft, and all warships of various civilizations except those patrolling outside have been crashed in the port!

The army units of various civilizations that were unable to carry out effective deployment and unified mobilization were like a piece of loose sand and were easily defeated by the Zerg.

In just one hundred years, all civilizations in the entire universe have become the food of the Zerg.

The Zerg who lost their enemies were able to maintain an intact social group at first, but gradually split into several branches and started a civil war. Of course, these branches still obeyed the Zerg Mother Queen.

However, since there were no enemies or threats, the Zerg Queen ignored the civil war among her subordinates and fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, only one of the several branches of the entire Zerg clan was left, and the strength of this Zerg clan had been greatly damaged.

However, since there are no living creatures in all the explorable places in the entire universe, the Zerg Mother Queen is too lazy to restore the number of Zerg Swarms.

She chose to fall asleep again.

This ruins was built by the chief scientist who escaped. He used his knowledge to block the Zerg's exploration and hid with the primitive cells for thousands of years.

In the end, he couldn't bear the loneliness and chose to commit suicide.

After the Earth Federation opened this ruins, it not only obtained the origin of the Zerg, but also obtained the initial cells that created the Zerg!

But something terrible happened. After opening the container containing the Zerg initial cells, the Zerg initial cells suddenly came to life and entered a state of rampage!

The initial cells that went berserk seemed to start devouring the surrounding flesh and blood, and all the researchers involved in the experiment were devoured by them!

The scientists hurriedly sealed the laboratory and cut off all channels to the outside.

But they did not expect that the technology of their own civilization was far weaker than the Slop civilization that had entered the Fan Universe era at that time.

The technology they currently have cannot contain this rampaging initial cell!

This initial cell easily broke through the laboratory's defense system and entered the research center.

The experimental record ends here. Obviously, the person who wrote this record has encountered something unexpected.

Li Mingze then opened another folder on the desktop. This folder contained images recorded by cameras throughout the research center.

Li Mingze clicked on the latest video and saw researchers running in panic in the corridor.

Behind them, black tentacles were twisting on the ground and chasing after them.

Those researchers who fell behind did not run a few steps before their tentacles wrapped around their thighs, and they were pulled away and disappeared from the camera.

After switching to another camera, this time the picture showed a research room used for translation work. It was the room where Li Mingze entered the research center.

Several researchers in this room were holding chairs or knives and other things in the room that could be used as weapons, and were carefully guarding the door.

But obviously they underestimated the defense power of this initial cell. The knives and chairs in their hands did not cause any damage to the initial cell that broke in.

These tentacles easily knocked away the researchers in the research room, and what followed was a one-sided massacre. The researchers in the research room were completely helpless against the brutal initial cells, and were pulled away amidst the screams. Arrived outside the door.

Li Mingze hurriedly switched surveillance again, hoping to find the final whereabouts of these people.

Until the last camera picture appeared, this camera was fixed above the metal door of the ruins at the bottom of the research center.

The metal door in the video is not closed, but remains open.

Slender black tentacles stretched out from behind the door. These black tentacles would occasionally drag back a struggling researcher from outside.

After the last researcher was dragged back to the metal door of the ruins, black tentacles slammed the metal door shut from inside.

The entire research center fell into a dead silence, as if no one had ever appeared here. Only the equipment and items scattered everywhere could tell what had happened here.

Li Mingze took a deep breath and turned off all the videos. He now knew what exactly happened in this base.

Everyone in this base has been devoured by the Zerg's initial cell, and this initial cell is now hidden behind the alloy door at the bottom of the research center!

"Immediately order the swarm of insects to surround the underground metal door, and kill anything that comes out of it on the spot!" Li Mingze ordered Xia Luoluo on the side, and at the same time ordered the insects under him to rush to the underground gate.

However, at this moment, the metal door at the bottom of the research center suddenly opened, and dozens of black tentacles rushed out from behind the door, rushing towards the insect swarm.

The swarm of insects that had just arrived downstairs were pierced by these swarming black tentacles before they could react!

The body of the impaled insect suddenly shook violently, and the whole body quickly shriveled up, like a deflated balloon.

But it wasn't over yet. Then their bodies began to liquefy until they were completely sucked out, leaving only some outer hard carapace that could not be liquefied!

"Damn it! Get out of here first!" Li Mingze shouted, pulling Xia Luoluo and planning to run out.

But these tentacles directly wrapped around the hind limbs of Li Mingze and Xia Luoluo, pulling them towards the underground metal door!

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