My empire of stars

Chapter 650 Bait

"Do you think that the Zerg, now that they have occupied this galaxy, will let these ships go?"

"What are the advantages of this ship? Is it because its armor is too strong or because it has the ability to be invisible and deceive the Zerg?"

"It has nothing! Since the Zerg are willing to let them out, there can only be one reason, that is, the Zerg intends to use this ship as bait."

"According to what I know about the Zerg's nature, they are likely to have planted infected people among those refugees."

"If we take the people on this ship back to Shenzhou, the Zerg will easily find the location and internal structure of our Shenzhou." Li Mingze explained to Xia Luoluo as he walked.

"You make sense, but what should we do? Kill them?" Xia Luoluo asked again in confusion.

"No, I have just sent a message to Chu Lin in secret. When they contact the command center, Shenzhou will send a city ship converted from a civilian colony ship."

"I also suggest that the Empire send some retired warships to form a fleet to confuse these people and make them mistakenly believe that this is our main fleet, thereby attracting the attention of the Zerg and facilitating our secret attack."

"Of course, I don't know whether the top leaders of the Empire will accept my suggestion." Li Mingze shrugged and opened the airtight door of the spacecraft for Xia Luoluo.

After the Nautilus took off from this spacecraft, the spacecraft began to slow down continuously and finally stopped completely in place.

A day later, a fleet of 100 colony ships and 2,000 retired warships of the Empire flew next to this spacecraft.

The size of these colony ships built by the Empire is not weaker than this Federation's escape ship.

So only one colony ship was vacated for the people coming out of this spacecraft.

"On behalf of our Earth Federation and all the employees of my company, thank you!" The middle-aged man finally shook hands with Li Mingze and others and bowed to thank them.

"Earth Federation? The name of your civilization is Earth Federation? Your home planet is Earth?" Li Mingze asked in surprise.

"Yes, according to the literature, the colony ship driven by our ancestors was swept away by the wormhole during the voyage and came to this unknown river system, and our ancestors were born on Earth, so our country is called Earth Federation." The middle-aged man nodded and followed the others to the empire's colony ship.

"This is very interesting. The earth civilization in this universe can actually develop to this extent. Is it possible that I am no longer in the original universe?" Li Mingze touched his chin and thought.

"Captain, what should we do?" Xia Luoluo pulled Li Mingze's arm.

"Let's continue to go deeper into this river system. We need to find the place where this civilization stores documents. I am very interested in this universe now."

After waving goodbye to the staff of the empire who came to receive these refugees, Li Mingze and others returned to the Nautilus.

"Let's set off and go directly to the core of this so-called Earth Federation, their second Earth!" Li Mingze inserted the storage device in his hand into the console.

The star map he secretly copied from the core of the spaceship was also transferred to the computer.

This galaxy has been explored by the Earth Federation, and their civilization was once extremely glorious.

Their colonies, like the Empire, even occupied most of the space in this galaxy.

However, in the remaining unexplored space, an evil race was sleeping: the Zerg.

When the Earth Federation's spaceship flew into the Zerg's territory, these demons were awakened, and then there was a decades-long war between the Earth Federation and the Zerg.

Until finally, their capital planet, the Second Earth, fell completely.

"The course has been set, a total of 90,000 light-years, and nine jumps out of hyperspace are required for supplies."

"At the same time, we must shorten the journey through the thirteen wormholes discovered by the Earth Federation, otherwise we will need to fly for a full twelve years to reach the target point through hyperspace." The navigator reported to Li Mingze.

"It's very dangerous to go through those wormholes. If this galaxy is really occupied by the Zerg, then these transportation points must have been garrisoned by the Zerg fleet."

"It's impossible for our pioneer ship to break through the Zerg fleet's defense line!" Li Mingze frowned.

"But we can't run for twelve years!" Xia Luoluo complained on the side.

"So, let's go to the first wormhole point to check it out. If we can't break through, we can only take the form of dormant jump." Tang Shizhe shook his head.

A few days later, the Nautilus broke away from hyperspace and drove into a star system.

"This star system is an important transportation hub for the Earth Federation. They have developed three colonies with a total population of 1.2 billion."

"But our scanner did not find any active electromagnetic signals in this star system." Xia Luoluo said softly.

Li Mingze waved his hand and transmitted the data to the holographic screen in front of him.

"Turn off the conventional engine of the spacecraft, and we will use the gravity engine to slide over!" After thinking for a moment, Li Mingze ordered helplessly.

The absence of electromagnetic signals in this star system means that there are no active man-made objects, which also means that this place may have been ravaged by the Zerg.

"Wait, our scanner just found a distress signal underground on the third planet."

"The frequency of this distress signal is once a minute, there may be survivors!" Xia Luoluo suddenly reminded.

"Let's go over and take a look!" Li Mingze nodded.

The spacecraft drew an arc in the sky and flew towards the third planet in the star system.

When we arrived in the orbit of this planet, the buildings on this planet could already be clearly seen.

But what is more inconsistent is that although this planet is covered by buildings, there is no light at all on the night hemisphere.

Apparently, all the colonists on the planet either left or were eaten by the Zerg.

However, Li Mingze has not seen any units of the Zerg yet, not even the residual limbs floating in space.

No traces of Zerg-like structures were found on the planet's surface, and the vegetation on the planet's surface was still there.

"Enlarge the pictures of cities on this planet!" Li Mingze waved his hand, and the city on the screen was enlarged hundreds of times, and the streets between high-rise buildings appeared in front of Li Mingze.

The streets were filled with bomb craters, and the surrounding buildings were in dilapidated condition, but the strange thing was that there was not a single body!

Not only were there no human corpses, there were no Zerg corpses at all!

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