My empire of stars

Chapter 616 Resettlement

Tens of minutes later, with a loud noise, a group of Zerg mantises entrenched outside the gate of the underground refuge center were blown into powder by a heavy artillery shell fired from a battleship.

The Zerg around the shelter have also been cleared by Foundation soldiers, and the Foundation has regained contact with the shelter.

After a while, the heavy door of the shelter opened from the inside, and a refugee with a slightly frightened face poured out from behind the door.

"Everyone, don't be anxious, get in line, women and children first, we will rescue all of you!" Soldiers from the Foundation shouted loudly to the refugees pouring out with a loudspeaker.

At this time, one transport ship after another began to land towards the ground under the command of ground soldiers.

However, since there is not much open space in the city, most transport ships can only hover over high-rise buildings.

One Foundation soldier led the refugees into several teams and trotted towards several evacuation points.

Some of these refugees were carrying huge backpacks, and some were carrying boxes. These were their only remaining possessions.

The Foundation soldiers couldn't help but shed tears when they saw this scene. There were many refugees like this, and they were all scattered outside the galaxy waiting for them to rescue.

Thinking of this, the Foundation soldiers couldn't help but feel full of motivation.

On a hillside dozens of kilometers away from the city, the bug that originally burrowed into the ground emerged from the ground again, aiming its huge eyes at the Foundation troops who were evacuating civilians in the center of the city.

"Mother Queen, just as you planned, these people have rescued the refugees and they have been sent to the transport ship." The insect seemed to be talking to itself in the air.

"Very good, continue to pay close attention to their movements, and report any abnormalities to me immediately!" In the Zerg main fleet that was constantly scurrying around, the Zerg Mother Queen slowly opened her eyes, with a smile on her lips.

On the other side, all the refugees have been loaded onto the spaceships, and transport ships have taken off from the city.

"Mr. President, where are we going to send these refugees?" A member of the foundation asked the president cautiously.

"Sending them to one planet at a time is too big a goal. We'll be discovered by the Imperial government, and that won't be good if they stop us from rescuing the remaining colonies."

"So we use our passenger ships to quietly transport these people to all the colonies where our foundation has influence."

"As long as we disperse the crowd, we can hide from the empire's sight." The president touched his chin and said softly.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and after a while, the transport ship carrying the refugees divided into dozens of groups and flew in different directions.

After reaching their target, they will split the refugees up again and transport them via passenger spaceships to hundreds of colonies where the Foundation has a powerful presence.

As long as there is not an influx of too many people, the imperial government will not notice any abnormalities. After all, it is unknown how many missing people there are in the empire.

The remaining warships continue to fly to the next colony attacked by the Zerg. They must seize all the time, otherwise every few minutes of delay may cause a shelter to be captured by the Zerg!

After a short flight, the spacecraft transporting the refugees ended its hyperspace flight in a desolate star system.

In this star system, there are already ten passenger spacecraft waiting here.

After the refugees on the transport ship were evenly distributed to ten passenger transport ships through the docking device, the transport ship turned around and returned to the Foundation's fleet.

The refugees who had escaped from hell cheered and poured into the cabins prepared for them by the Foundation.

After a simple dressing up, these people regained their vitality, and the deathly look on their faces disappeared.

At this time, a middle-aged man among the refugees suddenly coughed twice. He felt his head was a little dizzy, but he didn't pay attention. He might just have a small cold.

After dozens of hours of flight, the passenger spacecraft jumped out of hyperspace and arrived at an interstellar highway. Just a few hours later, the passenger spacecraft arrived in the orbit of a gray and blue planet.

After passing a simple customs inspection, the refugees on the passenger spacecraft pretended to be normal tourists, carrying their luggage and flying to the surface of the planet through the transfer spacecraft on the space station.

Such a scene was played out on the four hundred colonial stars in the empire, and all the refugees successfully entered the colonial stars disguised as tourists.

Since they had gone through all the scans and found nothing unusual, the customs staff did not have any suspicion.

The records of these people's departures from other planets were also secretly recorded by the Foundation, so no one noticed any abnormalities.

Even Tianyi, who usually monitors all systems of the empire at all times, has mobilized these useless computing resources to war calculations because of the war.

Therefore, even she did not discover this evacuation plan with no obvious loopholes.

After entering the city, the refugees pawned their valuables and used their original savings to rent a house locally and settle down.

Their lives soon fell into place. After that, more and more refugees entered the thousands of colonies in the empire through this method.

But at this time, even if Tianyi mobilized most of its computing resources to war, it still noticed some abnormalities.

During this period, dozens of colonies experienced a large outflow of population, and these populations were regularly distributed to various colonies in the empire.

Not only that, most of these people's final registration locations were in occupied areas attacked by the Zerg.

In other words, someone falsified customs records and sent a large number of people who should have been dead into the empire!

Tianyi immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. If Zerg spies were allowed to mix among these people, the empire would be infiltrated by them!

In order to prevent spacecraft from secretly rescuing people from occupied areas, Tianyi had already locked the navigation systems of all spacecrafts. All civilian spacecrafts were unable to fly out of the defense circle designated by the empire.

A comprehensive entry scanning system has also been established in each colony.

Logically speaking, if the Zerg flew their warships close to the defense circle, it would be impossible for the Empire to detect them.

But if there are civil organizations who are familiar with the terrain of the galaxy and smuggle outsiders in through some of the blind spots they have discovered, the defense circle established by the empire will be in vain!

"It's impossible. If there are Zerg sneaking into the empire, the detection systems in each colony should call the police." Tianyi was puzzled.

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