My empire of stars

Chapter 613 Arrival of Stellar Fortress

Accompanied by streaks of lightning flying wantonly in the sky, a space station comparable to the size of a star squeezed out of the vortex bit by bit.

Some Zerg warships that got too close were destroyed by the swirling lightning before they even reacted.

"Very good, the Sith Empire's trump card has been taken. Order the Devourers to remove their disguises." The Mother Queen looked at the emerging stellar fortress and clapped her hands with satisfaction.

In an instant, the surfaces of the five planets that were originally just the background around the battlefield suddenly began to shake violently.

Huge "plates" were thrown from these planets into the universe, and countless pieces of gravel and soil were instantly spread across the starry sky.

At this time, these five planets revealed their true colors. Five Devourers composed of dark red flesh appeared in the starry sky waving their countless huge tentacles.

These devourers had already penetrated into the five planets when they landed, hollowing them out and devouring them bit by bit.

By the time the Imperial fleet arrived, 99% of the structures on these five planets had actually been replaced by Devourers.

The five Devourers moved quickly, moving their planet-sized bodies next to the location where the stellar fortress was about to appear.

If you look at these devourers alone, you will think that they are extremely huge, but if you place them next to a star fortress that is comparable in size to the sun, you will feel that these five planet-sized devourers are so huge. of insignificance.

Seeing that the enemy's size was only one hundred thousandth of their own, the staff on the stellar fortress couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Li Mingze, who came to the Stellar Fortress through his descending body, was not as optimistic as these soldiers.

You must know that since the Zerg know the existence of the Empire's Star Fortress, they should not be ignorant of the combat effectiveness of the Star Fortress.

They couldn't stand in the way, otherwise why would they go to such trouble to lure the empire's star fortress here.

Suddenly, Li Mingze seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly pushed aside the officers in front of him and came to the main control desk.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" an officer asked cautiously.

"After the No. 4 emergency plan is activated, let the Stellar Fortress abandon all external structures and armor and send the core of the fortress back through the wormhole." Li Mingze ordered the officers.

"Your Majesty! If we abandon the armor and weapon modules outside the star fortress, then our star fortress will lose its attack and defense capabilities." An officer hurriedly advised.

"This is an order and must be executed!" Li Mingze ordered the officers with a warm and angry expression.

"Follow your order!" The officers hurriedly stood still when they saw Li Mingze's somewhat angry face.

At this time, the Stellar Fortress finally got out of the wormhole and came to the battlefield.

The moment its huge body appeared, the five Zerg Devourers suddenly extended all their tentacles towards the stellar fortress in front of them.

Because all the weapon systems of the Star Fortress were offline when the jump was just made, these five Devourers came very close to the Star Fortress against the energy lightning released by the wormhole!

The stellar fortress at this distance is within reach for them.

The tentacles of the five Zerg Devourers had wrapped around the shell of the stellar fortress in the blink of an eye.

These tentacles suddenly spurted out dark green liquid. The green liquid seemed to be alive, and instantly rushed towards the surface of the stellar fortress.

The place where the star fortress was touched by the tentacles seemed to be painted with a layer of green paint, and the unknown green liquid spread on the armor of the fortress.

When Li Mingze saw the green liquid, his pupils suddenly shrank. He had just guessed that the Zerg might use such a move.

A few days ago, the Empire obtained important information about the Zerg from an escape pod from a lost deep space monitoring station.

Li Mingze knew that sooner or later the Zerg would use this weapon again.

But he never expected that the Zerg would actually have the idea of ​​​​his stellar fortress.

Indeed, once the Zerg fleet takes control of this fortress, the Empire will basically have nothing to do with them.

At this time, those liquid life forms named assimilated by the empire had already found the weakness outside the stellar fortress!

In order to facilitate the maintenance of equipment and weapons outside the fortress, the Empire has opened maintenance channels in the rear grooves of many raised armors. These channels are used to transport maintenance robots and allow engineers to pass through.

But these maintenance channels, which were not originally exposed to enemy fire, have become the weaknesses of the stellar fortress.

After these assimilated people wandered around and discovered the maintenance passage, a large number of assimilating people gathered together and formed tentacles to smash towards the air-tight door of the passage.

The seemingly weak assimilation person actually possesses amazing strength. In just a few moments, the thick air-tight door deformed slightly.

"Initiate emergency plan No. 4 immediately!" Li Mingze put his hand on the console in front of him.

As rays of light swept across his body, the entire Stellar Fortress control room turned into a red light!

The thick armor on the outer layer of the stellar fortress suddenly stretched out and then slid around, revealing circular launch chambers wrapped in thin skins.

"Start calculating the attack angle, and start delineating the attack range."

"The attack angle has been calculated, the attack trajectory has been calculated, and it has been redistributed according to the power calculation."

"The world-destroying weapon will be activated in ten seconds. The user has ten seconds to regret." Lines of prompts flashed on the main screen of the control room of the Stellar Fortress.

All the officers in the control room looked at Li Mingze, who was closing his eyes and saying nothing.

At this time, the Zerg Mother Queen, who was observing the movements on the battlefield, also looked at the star fortress with its armor opened and showed a puzzled look.

She didn't know what the damn Sith Empire was up to. No matter what she did, the Sith Empire seemed to have anticipated it and prepared a response plan. It seems that the Sith Empire has endless trump cards.

From the moment she led the Zerg fleet to the Milky Way, no plan seemed to go smoothly. The only successful plan was to lead the star fortress into a trap!

But now the Sith Empire seems to have some way to deal with it, and I don't know what this stellar fortress is going to do.







"One! The world-destroying weapon is activated!"

"The destruction range is five thousand light years."

"Launch the world-destroying weapon!" As the countdown ended, oval-shaped spaceships broke through the skin and rushed out of the launch bay exposed on the star fortress, flying into the starry sky.

I am about to start a new book. Will my next book be about Zerg or robots or start from the earth? Please leave a message in this chapter.

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