My empire of stars

Chapter 611 A plan within a plan within a plan

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought that the opponent has crossed the endless void between two river systems, and their reserves of supplies should have been exhausted long ago."

"In addition, we have eliminated life on all planets in the galaxy, making it impossible for these Zerg species to resupply after arriving in the galaxy."

"You must know that the previous generation of civilization did not fight the Zerg until they took root in the galaxy."

"Therefore, the current combat effectiveness of the Zerg is completely incomparable to the original Zerg."

"Furthermore, I speculate that they must have some special needs for preying on organisms in various river systems. Otherwise, they can rely on photosynthesis to continue to develop in a river system, and there is no need to spend so much supplies traveling through the void between river systems. "Tianyi put together the existing information and analyzed it.

"It makes sense, let's continue as planned." Li Mingze touched his chin and nodded.

"It's Your Majesty." Tianyi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she subconsciously checked the time.

At the same time, on the surface of a planet not far from the battlefield.

Thor went through all kinds of hardships and finally reached the top of the mountain he just saw.

When he put his hands on the rock on the top of the mountain and pulled his body up to the top of the rock, the sight he saw made him stagger.

On the other side of the hill, there was no trace of snowflakes on what should have been a snowy plain.

Countless huge "chimneys" thousands of meters high and full of strange beauty are erected on the endless plain.

The shells of these chimneys are all made of biological materials. At the bottom of the chimneys are bulging sarcomas, and rays of lightning flash from time to time in these squirming sarcomas.

Next to the Zerg buildings that look like chimneys is the ground composed of sticky biological tissue.

There is no real land on the entire plain, it is all composed of this kind of biological tissue.

At this moment, the chimneys suddenly began to tilt slightly from being completely upright.

The huge hole hundreds of meters thick in the chimney began to glow with bursts of blue lightning.

"Damn it!" Thor cursed and looked up at the sky.

Only then did he discover that these giant cannons shaped like chimneys had always been on the side of the planet facing away from the battlefield.

And now the planet is turning these giant cannons in the direction of the battlefield with the autobiography.

Thor knew what this meant. It meant that this battle was completely a trap carefully prepared for the Imperial fleet!

The Zerg have already laid out an ambush, waiting for the empire's fleet to jump into the ambush.

Thor hurriedly turned around and jumped down the hill. He knew that he had to notify the Imperial fleet before these giant cannons turned to the battlefield! Even if he himself dies on this planet!

Thor's body began to roll on the ground after jumping down the hill. The huge inertia made him roll forward, and soon a huge snowball was rolled on the ground.

As the snowball continued to roll, Thor got closer and closer to the place where he crashed.

Although the snowball was very uncomfortable to spin, it was nothing to an Imperial pilot like him who had undergone rigorous training.

A few minutes later, Snowball arrived near the crash site. Thor hurriedly smashed the Snowball from the inside and fell out. He quickly rushed to the fighter plane and turned on the fighter's communicator and switched to the military channel.

"Falcon 009 fighter plane calls the aircraft carrier command center! Please answer if the command center receives it!"

"Aircraft carrier command center, I am Staff Sergeant Thor, the pilot of Falcon 009! There is an emergency to report! Please answer when you receive it!" Thor shouted anxiously into the communicator.

But the only response he got was regular busy signals, and all the messages he sent were in vain.

"The system performs self-test and analyzes the cause!" Thor shouted hurriedly to the onboard system.

"The system is self-checking and the cause of communication loss has been analyzed."

"The planet is covered by a special magnetic field. No communication can penetrate the atmosphere. Please fly the fighter plane out of the planet's atmosphere to restore communications." After a while, a cold female voice came from the fighter plane.

"Damn it!" Thor looked desperately at the sky with light snow.

Suddenly he seemed to have made a decision, gritted his teeth and got into the fighter plane.

Then he closed the hatch cover, which had been deformed out of shape due to the impact, and used onboard tools to weld all the gaps.

After doing this, Tolha took a breath and held the joystick of the fighter plane.

"System, turn off the brainwave driving mode and turn on the manual mode!" Thor's eyes were extremely firm.

"Manual mode has been activated!" After a while, a prompt sounded.

Thor pulled up the control column forcefully, and at the same time raised the fighter's throttle to the highest level!

The propeller at the rear of the fighter jet suddenly ignited after spitting out two puffs of green smoke, and the shuttle-shaped fighter began to slowly slide forward along the ground.

Fortunately, the snow on the ground greatly reduced the friction experienced by the fighter plane. After accelerating for a period of time, the fighter plane flew a short distance away from the ground.

However, because the wings of the fighter plane were severely deformed during the crash, the fighter plane was unable to control its balance after flying into the air and fell back to the ground.

These difficulties did not faze Thor. After flying twice more, he finally found the feeling and began to control the fighter plane to fly staggeringly in the low altitude.

As the speed of the fighter plane became faster and faster, Thor directly pulled the joystick of the fighter plane to the bottom, and the nose of the fighter plane suddenly raised and pointed towards the sky.

The entire fighter plane flew up into the sky with green smoke, and the speed became faster and faster.

"Warning! The cockpit cover of the fighter plane is severely damaged and it is impossible to keep the fighter plane through the atmosphere!"

"Warning! The structure of the fighter plane is seriously damaged. The huge vibration caused by passing through the atmosphere will cause all systems of the fighter plane to stop functioning, including the life support system!"

"Warning! Fighter!" Thor punched the speaker before he could finish the system prompt.

"System, ignore all warnings and send the message I stored back to the aircraft carrier command center after the fighter plane passes through the atmosphere!" Thor said to the system with a determined look in his eyes.

"The command has been set. Dear driver, please take care!" After the system finished speaking, it stopped talking.

The fighter plane continued to accelerate and rushed into the atmosphere. The violent vibrations caused by friction caused the sound of parts colliding inside the fighter plane. At the same time, the high temperature outside began to melt the cracks in the simple welding of the cab hatch.

After a few minutes, these cracks finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the high temperature from the outside instantly poured into the fighter cockpit.

Although Thor is wearing power armor, the thin driver's power armor cannot keep him going for long!

"Long live the Empire! Long live Your Majesty!" Thor said softly, looking at the starry sky that was about to arrive.

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