My empire of stars

Chapter 609 Fierce Battle

However, Li Mingze knew that this tactic could only be used once. Once the imperial fleet rushed out of the Zerg fleet, its back would be exposed to the Zerg warship.

Therefore, before rushing out of the Zerg fleet array, the empire's warships must be dispersed and broken into pieces while maintaining their integrity to prevent these warships from being overwhelmed by the Zerg's ship-to-sea tactics.

The advancing cone-shaped fleet suddenly dispersed like fireworks, and all the warships turned their heads and rushed aside.

At this time, fighter planes from both sides also joined the battle, and the entire battlefield became chaotic.

The next battle will test the true strength of both sides. Whoever has stronger battleships, who has more battleships, and whoever can persist to the end will win!

Thor drove the fighter plane through countless Imperial warships and Zerg warships, looking for Zerg biological fighters.

From time to time, electric bombs flashing with blue light passed by like meteors around his fighter plane.

Thor had witnessed the tragic consequences after a friendly fighter plane was hit by these beautiful and dangerous plasma bombs. The fighter plane was directly melted into liquid!

He didn't want to experience that feeling, but fortunately, his driving skills were very superb, and his sixth sense could often help him avoid plasma cannonballs flying from nowhere.

At this moment, two Zerg fighters suddenly flashed out and followed Thor closely. Bone spur shells were fired at his fighters as if they didn't need nutrient solution.

He didn't notice it for a moment, but a bone spur shell made a deep mark on the outside of his fighter plane and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing siren sounded in the cabin, and the fighter plane began to tilt to the side uncontrollably.

Thor did not panic and continued to operate the fighter's console calmly. After a few seconds, the fighter returned to normal. The scars on the outside of the fighter plane were quickly filled with silver liquid, and the gap was restored to its original appearance after a few breaths.

Thor finally breathed a sigh of relief and came to his senses, only to find that his fighter plane was about to crash into an Imperial warship. He was so frightened that he hurriedly controlled the fighter plane to pull up. The Zerg fighters following him were not so lucky. The poor design made it impossible for these Hummingbird fighters to perform the same maneuvers as the Thor fighters.

The Zerg fighter planes that had no time to evade were directly "glued" on the outer armor of the imperial warship and turned into two puddles of meat pie.

After getting rid of the enemy, Thor controlled the fighter planes and returned to the fleet. Just now, the imperial warships sent a follow-up order, asking them to wait for an opportunity to attack the Zerg warships.

After receiving the order, Thor controlled the fighter plane and flew towards a Zerg warship diagonally below that had just eliminated an Imperial warship.

This Zerg warship has a thick biological shell and huge tentacles flying around.

Although these tentacles have limited attack power, they can still interfere with the approach of some fighters.

But this was not a problem for Thor. He directly pressed the nose of the plane violently, causing the fighter plane to rush toward the upper deck of the Zerg warship at a vertical angle!

The Zerg's battleship design concept actually has traces to follow. For close combat in the universe, they strengthened the front and side armor of the battleship.

In order to protect their ground units during ground operations, the bottom armor of the battleships has also been strengthened.

So in order to save the cost of battleships, the only weak armor is the upper deck of these battleships!

Because in space battles, even if the opponent comes from above, as long as the battleship is slightly rotated, the hard side armor can still block the enemy's gunfire.

But these theories are only aimed at enemy battleships that are not too flexible!

If the opponent is replaced by a mobile fighter, it will not work at all.

No matter how fast you spin, the fighter will always find your most vulnerable upper deck in front of you.

Now many Zerg warships are facing this embarrassing moment. The number of Imperial fighter planes on the battlefield has not decreased after nearly an hour of fighting, but has become more and more numerous.

Who is the race that is good at violent warfare? The Zerg Mother Queen is now in a state of distress. The Sith Empire's fighter planes are killing more and more people like invincible enemies. These fighters are always able to find the weaknesses of the Zerg warships and attack them.

For example, Thor at this time, when the fighter plane was about to reach the upper deck of the Zerg warship, an unguided missile that occupied one-tenth of the volume of the fighter plane emerged from under the fighter plane.

This missile is carried by every fighter plane and is the only anti-ship weapon they carry.

After the missile burst into flames at its tail, it crashed directly into the upper deck of the Zerg warship.

After an explosion, a hole with a radius of several meters was blown open in the thick shell of the Zerg warship, revealing a passage made of flesh and blood inside.

Then Thor showed a sneer and controlled the fighter plane to start rotating and accelerating.

The entire fighter plane was like a constantly rotating drill that drilled directly into the Zerg warship along the hole opened by the missile!

Thor, who got into the Zerg warship, controlled the fighter plane and began to roam around the warship, destroying the tissues and organs of the warship wherever he passed.

Immediately afterwards, more and more imperial fighter planes used this method to get into the interior of the battleship.

Thor almost collided with a friendly fighter plane!

A few minutes later, the fighter planes that had completed the destruction mission turned around and returned to the entrance of the cave from which they entered.

Originally, the Zerg warships all had very powerful self-healing capabilities, but this self-healing ability was limited to the ability to quickly recover damage to a small area.

Damage like that of an Imperial fighter plane that shattered the ship's entire fabric from within was irreparable.

By the time the Imperial fighter plane flew out again from the hole it entered, the Zerg warship had stopped moving and was floating quietly in space.

The imperial fighter planes that had consumed all their ammunition withdrew in the direction of the aircraft carrier. They needed to return to the aircraft carrier to replenish heavy ammunition.

Unexpectedly, a formation of Zerg fighter planes seized this opportunity and chased after them.

Bone spur shells directly shot the retreating Imperial fighter planes into sieves.

Thor was a little desperate when he saw more and more Zerg fighters following them. These fighters were not elite fighters and carried equipment capable of making artillery shells.

In order to save costs, these fighters are completely simplified versions (designed as disposable cannon fodder), so they cannot replenish their ammunition after they are used up.

At this moment, Thor caught a glimpse of the white planet "below" the battlefield.

Thor's eyes lit up as if he saw a way out, and he controlled the fighter plane and rushed toward the surface of the planet.

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