My empire of stars

Chapter 6 Colonial Mobilization

Twenty marines wearing power armor rushed into the dock that had been dusty for millions of years.

"This is Sea Rat 1. The forward take-off area is safe and no threats have been found."

"This is Sea Rat No. 5. The loading area is safe and no threats have been detected."


After it was determined to be safe, dozens of researchers and scientists also entered the dock to see if they could find valuable information or technology.

But it is a pity that after more than fifty hours of detailed search, no useful information was found. It is too old and time turns everything into ashes.

However, a mysterious metal ball was found in the computer room that was stored in the host computer. This metal ball was not made of any known metal material. It was very hard and could not be cut. A ray of electric light flashed from time to time on the surface.

Scientists speculate that this may be the supercomputer host of ancient aliens. The specific details need to be brought to the Royal Academy for detailed study.

The next day, the empire's morning news broadcast: Under the leadership of His Majesty the Great Emperor, our fleet defeated the guardians of the ancient civilization, successfully rescued the surviving scientists and captured the shipyard of the ancient civilization, without any casualties in the fleet. ! Under the leadership of His Majesty the Great Emperor, the Empire will surely prosper!

"Yes, the editor who wrote this press release should give him a promotion and a salary increase! Let him be the emperor's press release manager. Talent! He is a talent!" Li Mingze, who was lying on the sofa in the lounge with his legs crossed, said He finished the last mouthful of porridge under the service of several maids.

Well, I have to let the imperial chef study how to pickle pickles. The rice porridge made from imperial rice will be perfect with pickles.

Tianyi, the AI ​​responsible for managing the empire's trivial affairs, quietly appeared behind Li Mingze.

"Your Majesty, don't stay home anymore. Today is the day when you are going to deliver a colonial mobilization speech. Now that the entire empire has implemented signal control, it's up to you to speak!"

"I said Tianyi beauty, please don't always appear behind my back without me noticing. Sooner or later you will scare me into having a heart attack." As Li Mingze said this, he walked to the dressing room nearby and several maids clicked three times. He took off his nightgown and put on a special dress.

Li Mingze adjusted his handsome hairstyle and came to the terrace thirty meters high from the square in front of the green bricks. The square under the terrace was filled with people standing in darkness, and Li Mingze's figure was displayed on huge screens with tens of thousands of inches on both sides of the square.

"Dear citizens of the empire, it took our empire five thousand years to go from primitive civilization to industrial civilization, and it took us another three hundred years to go from industrial civilization to entering space. Now! We are about to spread the fire of the empire to the second world. A planet!"

"Today is just the beginning, we will conquer the starry sky! And Beta 2 is the starting point of our journey to the starry sky!" Thunderous applause broke out on the field, and Li Mingze paused and continued.

"I hereby announce! Beta II will be officially renamed New Home Planet! Long live the empire!" Finally, Li Mingze raised his right fist and shouted!

"Long live your Majesty! Long live the Empire!" An overwhelming roar suddenly came from the square below! The citizens of Sith were so excited that even those watching the live broadcast in front of the TV couldn't help but stand up at attention, raised their right fists high and shouted loudly: "Long live your Majesty! Long live the Empire!"

Li Mingze is very satisfied. Only this spirit of the whole country being united is the basis for him to be invincible in the universe. Loosely separated civilizations cannot survive in the dark universe!

Colonial registration points across the empire are crowded with people. People are rushing to participate in the colonization and do their meager part for the expansion of the empire's territory.

Somewhere in the imperial capital, in a duplex apartment.

"Son, you must work hard when you go to your new home planet this time. Don't let down the empire's expectations of you. Don't let down your great majesty. It would be even better if you bring us a granddaughter and grandson back."

"I know, mom, you are really nagging me."

The mother on the side wiped her tears and helped her children pack their luggage. She knew that the child who had been with her for more than thirty years would go out on her own sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to be so early. However, for the sake of the empire, she had to bear it and help her son sign up for colonization. A big family and a big business were not as big as the empire. Everything. All for the prosperity of the motherland! (With the advancement of science and technology, the average life expectancy is two hundred years, youth begins at fifty, one hundred is middle age, and one hundred and fifty is old age)

Scenes like this abound throughout the empire. A pair of parents personally helped their young children sign up for the colonization of their new home planet, hoping that they could create a new world for the empire!

In factories across the empire, transport ships took off one after another, and countless supplies were sent to the colony ship launch site, where the colony ships would load the supplies and colonists and fly to the new home planet.

Li Mingze built a total of five colony ships. He did not want to develop a planet from scratch bit by bit.

There was no time to waste. He planned to deliver a large number of citizens and materials to the new home planet at once to accelerate the development of the colony.

Prior to this, he had sent a large number of scientific researchers to the New Home Planet to engage in exploration activities, and with the help of the construction ships sent, about half of the infrastructure was completed. As soon as the colonists arrive, they can immediately go to work and build more power stations, mines, scientific research centers, and factories.

A month later, at the colonial ship launch site next to the imperial capital, five behemoths one thousand meters long, three hundred meters wide and eighty meters high were lying quietly in the launch port. The hulls were painted snow white, and in the center of the spacecraft was Black and red flag of the Empire.

Because the immigration ships need to land on the planet, they are equipped with huge anti-gravity engines. Thanks to these anti-gravity engines, the colony ships can be lifted directly into space from the Sith star without the need to launch in space.

Countless people gathered around the launch site, ready to watch their relatives and friends leave the Sith Star. Transport robots put dormant compartments filled with imperial citizens into the colony ship. Although the total voyage only takes forty days, in order to carry as many colonists and supplies as possible, the colonists can only be transported Put them into the dormant bin and stack them together, and then release them from dormancy when they reach their destination.

Li Mingze also visited the launch site in person today (in a clone body, of course). After making a lot of heartfelt nonsense, he announced the official launch of colonization in front of everyone watching with tears in their eyes!

"Spaceship launch!"

"Received, all spaceships are ignited, and the anti-gravity engine output is increased to 90%!"

The tails of the five huge spaceships ejected blue tail flames and slowly left the ground. The airflow blown by the engines blew the launch pad spotless.

"The engine power is 85%, and there are two seconds left to leave the atmosphere! Goodbye, Sith!" The pilot of the colony ship wiped away the non-existent tears. It was inevitable that he would be sad when leaving his home planet for the first time in his life. He gritted his teeth and pressed the button. Press the button.

The five spaceships suddenly accelerated and turned into five bright spots that flickered and disappeared from the sky.

The spaceship passed by the Sith-1 space station, which fired dozens of empty bomb fireworks into space. The pilot of the colony ship seemed to be able to see the people waving to see them off in the window of the space station!

After ten days of flight, the colony ship arrived at Sith III, which is a giant gaseous planet at the outermost edge of the Sith galaxy. The spacecraft began to accelerate. After reaching the edge of Sith III, the blue electric light flashed and jumped into the super space.

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