My empire of stars

Chapter 594 Zerg Invasion

As the curtains slowly opened to both sides, the morning sunlight poured into Yunisa's face through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Rubbing her hazy eyes, Yunisa stood up and walked to the window.

Fuxi City outside the window is still sleeping, with only the occasional patrolling police drone flying over the skyscrapers. The high degree of mechanization means that people do not need to work personally, so these "big landowners" rarely do anything like You Nisha also woke up so early.

Yunisa is different from these colonists. She was originally an explorer. After successfully discovering two planets of high value, she has already made a fortune.

After all the planets were finally explored, Yunessa chose to settle on the last planet she discovered and became an interstellar farmer.

"Good morning, Master, your breakfast is ready." At this time, an android maid came from behind her and said softly.

"Every day is so leisurely, but it's a bit boring. The same life every day is boring. I still miss the days when I was in the adventure group." Yunessa did not reply, but looked out the window at the city shrouded in light fog.

Suddenly, a piercing air raid siren sounded over the city, and the whole city seemed to suddenly come to life. Yunessa could see the curtains on the tall buildings opposite being opened one after another.

"What happened? Was it the Zerg attack?" Yunisa frowned, walked quickly to her cloakroom, and asked the maid.

"The orbital space station of Fuxi Planet has just detected the approach of a large number of unknown gravitational sources, which are most likely the Zerg fleet." The maid quickly followed behind Yunessa and explained.

"It's not very possible, it's those Zerg!" Yunisa sharply saw in the sky not far away, a huge creature several kilometers long rushing through the clouds and rushing towards the ground.

Because the Empire has added these Zerg to the game "Fantasy", most of the people already know what the Zerg look like.

Yunessa recognized it at a glance as a low-level orbital transport ship of the Zerg. This ship has only one function, and that is to transport the Zerg troops to the surface of the planet.

Because the Zerg need a large number of creatures as food, the Zerg can only use troops to directly invade the surface. If large-scale bombing is used, a lot of "food" will undoubtedly be wasted.

Therefore, this kind of low-level orbital transport ship is often the first unit that appears when the Zerg attacks a planet. This is highlighted in the records of ancient civilizations.

Yunessa didn't dare to delay any longer. If she couldn't get to the shelter within ten minutes, the shelter wouldn't leave the door open for her.

Quickly putting on a civilian power armor, Yunessa ran to her weapons collection room, took out a few guns, and ran towards the elevator.

Just as she was running in the corridor, she saw through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the corridor that the armor of the low-level orbital transport ship began to lift outwards.

After all the armor of the orbital transport ship was opened, the honeycomb structure inside was revealed, and oval-shaped landing compartments were shot from the honeycomb structure towards the city.

Along with the sound of air defense sirens, the anti-aircraft guns on the top floors of the city buildings began to roar, and shells mixed with laser bombs rushed towards the flying landing pods.

Before these shells hit the landing cabins, the landing cabins suddenly shattered, and tiny flying insects swarmed from the landing cabins toward the anti-aircraft guns on the roof.

After these flying insects hit the anti-aircraft guns, the anti-aircraft guns would be directly dissolved by their blood. Soon, the entire city's air defense facilities were destroyed.

At this time, the real landing cabin was shot out from the transport ship, and egg-shaped landing cabins covered the sky.

By the time Yunessa ran to the elevator, the landing pods had already arrived near her home.

These egg-shaped landing cabins just hit the outer wall of the building.

However, they did not break or slip off, but just stuck to the outer wall of the tall building.

Standing in the elevator and looking through the glass, Yunessa could see ferocious bugs entering the building through the melted holes in the landing cabin.

After a while, Yunessa heard screams coming from the building. Those who didn't come and ran away must have died tragically at the mouth of the insects.

Seeing that the elevator floor was getting lower and lower, Yunessa couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they could escape into the underground shelter, they would be able to persist until the arrival of the imperial fleet.

At this moment, Yunessa suddenly felt a sudden vibration in the elevator. When she looked up, she found two bugs standing on the top of her elevator.

The two bugs were cutting the roof of the elevator with their hard mouthparts.

Yunessa was not one of those women who only knew how to scream. She decisively pulled out two shotguns (actually, they can also be called shotguns, no problem) from her back, pointed them at the two bugs lying on the elevator, and pulled the trigger. .

There were two gunshots, and the roof of the elevator was blown to pieces, but the two bugs fell from the roof into the elevator with only minor injuries.

Hiss~hiss~ Two bugs surrounded Yunessa on the left and right, and the two mouthparts kept closing and making clicking sounds.

Just when Yunessa was desperate, the maid on the side suddenly accelerated, holding one bug while dragging another bug, smashing the glass shell of the elevator and jumping into the elevator shaft.

Yunessa's outstretched hand froze in the air. This android maid had been following her for several years. She already had feelings for her, but she didn't expect that her protective mechanism would be triggered at the last moment.

In the sky not far away, more and more orbital transport ships passed through the clouds, and Yunessa showed a desperate look.

At this moment, she felt extremely regretful about why she didn't follow the empire's army to evacuate here.

There are countless people who have the same idea as her, whether they have successfully hid in shelters or those hiding at home, they all regret their original decision.

But it was too late to regret it. The empire's ground troops and fleets had retreated to the core area to strengthen defense. There were no more garrison troops on their outermost planet in the galaxy.

There is no imperial fleet in orbit, and the place has been completely abandoned. As for those who are unwilling to evacuate, the empire has automatically regarded them as giving up their right to survive.

Yunessa tried to connect to the empire's interstellar network through the terminal in her hand, but she was unable to connect to the network at all, and the entire planet was isolated from the rest of the world.

Yunessa knew what this meant. It meant that the empire would not send out a rescue fleet if it could not determine the specific situation of the planet, because there might be no survivors here.

Therefore, she must escape and pass the information here back to the empire, so that the empire's fleet can come to rescue the surviving people here.

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