My empire of stars

Chapter 585 New Requirements

"Your Majesty, I have brought Lawns!" the officer came to the door of the room and knocked on the door loudly.

"Let him come in!" Li Mingze responded.

The officer stretched out his hand to open the door and made a gesture of invitation, and Lawns hurriedly walked into the room.

When Lawns entered the room, he saw a dozen people wearing military uniforms like him, but without any military aura, standing in front of a desk.

The person sitting behind the desk was Li Mingze himself.

"Long live your Majesty!" Lawns suddenly stood up and saluted.

"Okay, everyone is here!"

"The information you are going to come into contact with next is the empire's top secret. You must not disclose it to the outside world. If the information is leaked for any reason, you and your family and friends will all evaporate from this world! Got it No!" Li Mingze said loudly to the fifteen young people with a straight face.

"Understood!" Lawns and others hurriedly straightened up and replied firmly.

"Very good, come with me." Li Mingze waved and turned towards one side of the room.

After detecting Li Mingze's approach, the wall on one side of the room melted into a pool of liquid and spread to both sides.

After passing through this door, Lawns and others came to a conference room of several hundred square meters. In the middle of the conference room was a large round table with probably nearly a hundred seats around it.

Following Li Mingze's instructions, Genesis and others sat down at the designated positions, and then a curtain of light flashed across, and the originally empty seats were filled with scientists from the empire.

"The meeting officially begins! The contents of the meeting are SSS-level top secrets. You will be isolated for twenty years after the meeting, and will be monitored by at least two robots every day."

"Let me briefly explain the current situation to you!" After Li Mingze finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a holographic projection of the starting point of the empire and the world appeared in the sky.

"Our current capital city, Starting Point Around the World, must be known to everyone. It is a relic accidentally discovered by our empire! The builder of this miraculous building has been lost in the long river of history."

"The reason why they perished was because of a race called Zerg! This Zerg is not the brainless race with obvious weaknesses that you have come across in novels and movies." Li Mingze said as the holographic screen in the middle of the conference table turned into hundreds of people. Various insect-like creatures.

"The Zerg are an interstellar race led by a mother queen. Their mother queen completely controls this huge biological empire from a genetic and spiritual level."

"In addition to the cannon fodder type Zerg, according to the records of ancient civilizations, ordinary members of the Zerg also have their own consciousness, but their consciousness can be unconditionally controlled and deprived of by the Queen Mother."

"In addition, the remains of ancient civilizations also mention the two main classifications of this Zerg race."

"The two major categories are the fighting type, whose body structure is like a beast, and the tool type, whose body structure is close to that of a primate. The fighting type Zerg has a fighting ability that far exceeds that of ordinary people."

"The humanoid Zerg are good at using various tools, and they are no different from our technological civilizations!"

"While the Zerg are constantly devouring and harvesting various civilizations, they also use the tool-type Zerg to absorb the essence of technology from each tribe! They are no longer a simple biological civilization!" Li Mingze said that this is a precious battle scene left by an ancient civilization. Played out.

I saw a silver warship with an obviously technological side flying towards the ancient civilization's fleet. The ancient civilization's fleet did not suspect that this warship was a Zerg warship at first.

But when the battleship flew closer, tens of thousands of metal balls were shot out from the battleship. After these metal balls flew into the air, they turned into ring-shaped structures.

Then small portals appeared in the ring structure, and countless self-destructing Zerg swarms poured out of these portals.

Just when the fleet of the ancient civilization wanted to attack these self-destruction swarms, a shield suddenly stretched out in front of the warship that had just begun to fly, blocking all attacks. The self-destruction swarm slowly approached under the cover of this shield. After entering the fleet of the ancient civilization, the next scene was a one-sided massacre that could not be watched.

"As you can see, this Zerg has a perfect blend of electronic technology and their biotechnology."

"And this Zerg is now approaching our Milky Way!" After Li Mingze finished speaking, he waved his hand again, and a red dot that was approaching the Milky Way appeared on the screen.

"A few days ago, I don't know what means this Zerg fleet used. All long-range weapons in our galaxy were limited to one thousandth of the speed of light!"

"What this means is that all our original tactics for beyond visual range combat are no longer effective! In the next battle with the Zerg, our original weapons will lose their optimal effect, and the design of the battleship is also outdated!"

"This is why I recruited you! We need to redesign the battleships and weapons! The original design that focused on frontal defense and attack is no longer suitable. All subsequent battles will be conducted in close combat!" Li Mingze looked serious. He said in a deep voice to the crowd.

"Your Majesty, are you saying that the design of a new battleship should be left to us?" Genesis said with a look of disbelief.

"Yes, you are the only people who have participated in the design of star battleships and then participated in the design of battleships from World War I to World War II. I need you to provide valuable suggestions to the empire's battleship designers and assist them in completing the design of the empire's new battleships! "Li Mingze nodded and confirmed.

"Next, I just need you to design a warship. The requirements for this warship are that it should not be too big, and the armor should be thick. The combat method is close combat!" Li Mingze said this with deep thought.

Designing only one type of battleship is to speed up the design of the battleship and at the same time make the design of this battleship perfect.

At the same time, the small size is required to be able to coat a small number of warships with a layer of dimensional armor!

The empire will change the past situation of building larger and larger warships, and the warships produced next will be miniaturized.

"Your Majesty, I have a different opinion!" Lawns suddenly raised his hand.

"Say it!" Li Mingze looked at Genesis curiously.

"Your Majesty, since long-range weapons cannot be used, what is the judgment of this weapon?"

"Does it generally refer to all battleships, spacecraft, drones, fighter planes, and artillery, or is it limited to beam weapons and ballistic weapons?"

"If drones are not judged as long-range weapons, then can we vigorously develop aircraft carriers? After all, aircraft carriers are the kings in this kind of battle!" said Lawns, pushing up his glasses to show off.

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