My empire of stars

Chapter 571 Rotating Ring World

Sixty kilometers away from the portal, a Clem force was quickly heading towards the portal.

Suddenly, the Clem soldiers felt a slight vibration under their feet.

The vibration only lasted for tens of seconds before disappearing. Everyone thought it was the vibration caused by the explosion.

Just a few seconds after the shock disappeared, the team was engulfed in the flames of countless explosions. The explosion flames rising from the ground threw the soldiers into the air.

A large number of armored vehicles also continued to self-explode because their fragile bottom armor was penetrated. In a few seconds, the entire unit was half disabled.

At this time, the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed, and battle robots rushed up before the troops could react. Suddenly, the entire battlefield was covered by artillery fire from the Sith Empire robots.

This Clem force was wiped out by a flood of robots before they could organize a counterattack.

After the last Clem soldier was killed, the robot army turned around and returned to the tunnel, and then the entrance to the tunnel collapsed.

Such things happened from time to time within a radius of 100 kilometers covered by the portal shield. The Clem troops rushing to the portal from various fortresses were wiped out by the empire's robot troops without any reason.

On the other side of the portal, Li Mingze couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the good news coming back from the front line.

"Damn, if I had known that tunnel warfare was so useful, tunnel tactics should have been widely used in previous battles. So many Imperial soldiers died in vain."

"Tianyi, add this tactic to the training courses of imperial soldiers!" Li Mingze recalled that in previous battles, he just sent large troops directly to the battlefield. He was really stupid.

Emperor Clem on the other side was so angry at the Sith Empire's pure warfare that he dropped his glass.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, if we don't find a way to stop the Sith Empire's troops, as the portal remains open longer and longer, our ring world will sooner or later be overwhelmed by the Sith Empire's troops!" A minister said worriedly.

"I also want to kill them, but they are running around underground like rats. Coupled with the shield set up by the portal, even if we can scan their location, it will be difficult to attack them."

"Even if they leave the scope of the shield, by the time our weapons melt through the ground and attack into the tunnel, they will have already gone far!" Emperor Clem sat on the throne and sighed depressedly.

As the creator of this portal shield, he certainly knows the perverted advantage of the more energy this shield provides, the stronger it becomes.

However, it is actually very simple to destroy this shield. Just like what the Sith Empire did before, just blow up the portal from underground.

But the damn Sith Empire ground-digging robots are constantly digging away the soil under the shield, allowing the shield to continue to cover downwards, and soon the entire shield will turn into a huge ball.

If the Titan Clem is now used to fire its main cannon from the outside of the ring world, it would be a feasible method to directly erase this piece of the ring world.

But this will destroy the overall structure of the ring world. Maybe if one player doesn't play well, the ring world will be destroyed by himself, and the Sith Empire will win without a fight.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the biggest shortcoming of this shield?" an official reminded carefully.

"I remember that this shield cannot move. If it moves too fast, it cannot remain stable." Emperor Clem's eyes lit up when he said this.

(There is no absolutely stationary point in the universe. All objects are moving. Therefore, the coordinate points in this article are determined based on the black holes in the middle of each galaxy and the surrounding pulsars. It is assumed that this portal is only relatively stationary and cannot be applied at a speed exceeding The upper limit of the earth’s revolution speed.

"That's right, Your Majesty, we only need to let the ring world revolve around the star. Once the speed reaches the upper limit of the transmission gate, the transmission will be terminated!" The official nodded and confirmed.

"Prepare to activate the propulsion device of Ring World!" Emperor Clem pulled up the scepter from the ground.

A few hours later, the armor plates on the outside of the ring world suddenly began to lift outward piece by piece, and thrusters protruded from under the armor plates.

The Ring World of the Clem Empire is different from the Ring World of the Sith Empire. Since no relics of ancient civilizations were found, the Ring World of the Clem Empire was completely built by the Clem Empire itself by hollowing out a large number of planets.

The ring world of the Clem Empire is a huge ring with an inner ground width of only three hundred kilometers. In order to save materials, the entire ring world is extremely close to the star. The side facing the star is composed of solar panels. This design not only resists The blazing light of the star keeps the ring world at a suitable temperature and provides the ring world with a huge amount of energy.

Because of this, this "small" Dyson ring, which is the ring world, has the possibility to rotate.

The propulsion devices all over the outside of the ring world were originally designed for migrating the ring world, but now they come in handy!

As these thrusters continued to emit flames, the ring world of the Clem Empire began to slowly rotate around the star.

The speed of rotation continued to increase, and the portal began to behave strangely. The light film of the portal, which was originally as calm as water, suddenly began to ripple as if a stone had been dropped.

"What happened!" Seeing the abnormality in the portal, Li Mingze hurriedly asked the scientists beside him.

"Your Majesty, we are checking!" The scientists were sweating profusely, and red exclamation marks began to appear on the screen in front of them.

"The reason has been found. The ring world where the portal at the other end of our portal is located is rotating at a high speed, and the connection between the two portals is beginning to become unstable!" the scientist replied with a solemn expression.

"Did the Clem Empire find a way to crack it? No, they invented this portal in the first place. They must have a way to crack it." Li Mingze frowned and sighed, forgetting that the invasion failed.

In the Climb Capital Ring World, the blue shield that originally covered the ground suddenly began to flash violently, then suddenly disappeared, but soon reappeared.

"Haha, okay, very good, the connection to the portal is already extremely unstable!" Clem's emperor sat on the throne of his flagship and looked at the picture on the screen with satisfaction.

"Continue to accelerate and make the world rotate faster!" Emperor Clem seemed to see the dawn of victory. Can you, the Sith Empire, use the portal?

After a while, as soon as the connection to the portal was interrupted, he pushed the anti-matter bomb to the door, then stopped rotating around the world and pushed the anti-matter bomb into the portal!

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