My empire of stars

Chapter 563 Planetary Shield

"Go here!" Li Mingze marked a location on the map, which was exactly the direction where the Clem fleet had just flown.

"The military forces here should have all come to encircle us, which means it is safest for us to release energy here." Li Mingze said to several subordinates in the communication channel.

"Yes, sir." The Imperial Glory disappeared in a flash.

A few days later, in a star system called Laiyun in Clem, the Imperial Glory jumped out of hyperspace and landed on the back of a planet.

"Laiyun, one of the three major economic centers of the Clem people, the Clem people equipped it with a planetary shield that can withstand the bombardment of a large fleet for up to a month." A hologram appeared in front of Li Mingze and others. The hologram showed a green planet wrapped in a blue shield.

"The defense fleet of this planet has been completely destroyed by us, and the defense space station of this planet has also been dragged to the front line of the Clem people to resist the fierce offensive of the empire."

"In other words, this planet has become a target without any counterattack ability."

"They can only choose to use the planetary shield to resist our attack and wait for rescue from other star fleets."

"And after the Clem people know the combat effectiveness of our battleship, they will definitely not use the refueling tactic to let their fleet come to die. They will definitely gather enough troops before encircling us."

"In other words, before this, we have at least seven days of safety!" A crew member analyzed and summarized the current situation.

"That's right, we can't miss such a good opportunity. The energy accumulated in our dimensional armor can't be wasted in vain." Li Mingze smiled coldly.

Tens of minutes later, the Imperial Glory slowly left the back of the planet and flew towards Laiyun Star of the Clem Empire.

At this time, the planetary governor and officials on Laiyun Star were panicking. A few days ago, they were still full of confidence, thinking that their fleet would definitely destroy the Sith Empire spaceship that ran into their empire and killed a lot of people.

But the message sent back not long ago was exactly the opposite of what they thought. Their fleet was completely wiped out by this small Sith Empire warship. This is simply unimaginable!

Now their planet is in a fragile stage without any counterattack ability. The only thing that can protect them is the planetary shield on the surface of the planet.

In the government building of the capital of Laiyun Star, a group of officials and the governor gathered together.

"Governor, shall we withdraw?" A senior official cautiously suggested to the governor.

"No, if we take the lead in escaping at this time, we will be sent to a military court!" Governor Laiyun Star shook his head. Even if he died on this planet, he could not let his family honor suffer a little damage.

"But Governor, according to the brutal character of the Sith Empire, they will definitely kill our planet!" Another official said anxiously.

"What are you afraid of? Our planet still has a planetary shield. They only have one battleship. It is impossible for them to break our shield in a short time. We just need to wait patiently for the arrival of reinforcements!" Governor Lai Yunxing suddenly became serious and shouted at many officials with a stern expression. A group of cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death, Governor Lai Yunxing despised all his officials to the extreme. Seeing the governor angry, the officials did not dare to say more, but everyone quietly prepared the spaceship for escape. Once their planetary shield is broken, they will flee far away in the spaceship. What military court, they have to wait until they are alive to go. "Governor! We found the battleship of the Sith Empire. They have appeared in the third orbit of our star system and are approaching us!" Suddenly a guard broke the door and rushed in in a panic. "What? They are heading straight for us!" The officials exclaimed. They had hoped that the warships of the Sith Empire would choose other planets first, so that they could defend Laiyun Star for a while. Unexpectedly, the warships of the Sith Empire actually headed straight for Laiyun Star.

"How long will it take for our support fleet to arrive?" An official grabbed the guard's collar and asked.

"Our reinforcements are already gathering, but it will take at least eight days for them to gather and fly to us!" The guard replied with a sad face.

"Damn, I hope our planetary shield can last that long!" The officer sighed.

"How much destructive power can a small warship have? Don't worry, it's impossible to break our planetary shield." The governor patted the officer on the shoulder to comfort him. He still had a lot of confidence in the planetary shield of his planet.

At this time, the Imperial Glory had arrived in the orbit of Laiyun Star. Through the warship's sensors, Li Mingze could clearly see many buildings on the planet.

"What a beautiful planet, but it will soon become a living hell." Li Mingze sighed.

"Scan their planetary shield to see if there are any weaknesses!" Li Mingze ordered the three crew members.


"The other side's shield covers the entire planet. This shield only allows ships with special passes to pass through."

"However, in order to allow sunlight to pass through the shield, the shield of this planet can only block energy beams or kinetic weapons with too much energy level per unit area."

"If we output enough energy, this shield will consume light energy and shatter." Soon Li Mingze received a reply from a crew member.

"Let the Imperial Glory land directly on the shield above the opponent's ocean." Li Mingze sneered. The ocean is located in the opponent's air defense blind spot. Once the shield breaks, the possibility of being attacked here is the smallest.

Now that the defense devices on the planet have been replaced by rail guns and beam cannons, and the Clems have never used missile weapons, the Imperial Glory is in this position. The Clems can only move in a straight line with the Absolute Missile. Less than.

After a while, the Imperial Glory stopped on the shield in the middle of an ocean on Lai Yunxing.

The shield emitted bursts of blue light and held the huge Empire Glory in the air.

"Activate the energy release device of the dimensional armor!" Li Mingze ordered.

The armor plates on the Empire's Glory began to open, and dozens of metal rods protruded from the Glory, turning the Glory into an ugly hedgehog that almost lost all its thorns.

"What are they going to do?" The officials on Laiyunxing asked in confusion as they looked at the "spikes" sticking out of the Imperial Glory on the shield.

They originally thought that the Imperial Glory would come up with a bombardment, and if the bombardment failed, they would use some killer weapon.

As a result, the opponent actually stopped on top of their shield, with dozens of metal poles sticking out of their bodies.

"What are they going to do with this Sith Empire battleship? Our fleet was completely destroyed in the hands of this small battleship!" Lai Yunxing asked in confusion.

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