My empire of stars

Chapter 560 Elimination of Vital Forces

Sky City began to fall toward the ground rapidly. The huge volume and the friction of the atmosphere rubbed the artificial rocks at the bottom of the Space City red.

Seeing that the enemy planned to land the space city, Li Mingze hurriedly accelerated the speed of the spacecraft, and the Empire Glory began to shuttle counter-clockwise in the anti-gravity engines around the space city.

With violent explosions and dazzling fire, all the anti-gravity engines that the Imperial Glory passed through began to explode into pieces.

At this time, the space city control room was in chaos.

"Sir, it's bad, our anti-gravity engine has been destroyed by 40%!"

"We can't continue to descend. If too much of the anti-gravity engine is destroyed, we won't be able to stop in time when we land. What will happen to us then is disaster!" a soldier said anxiously to the mayor.

"If we don't descend, after all the anti-gravity engines are destroyed, falling from orbit to the planet will cause even greater damage!" The mayor snorted coldly.

However, considering the possibility that all the anti-gravity engines would be destroyed in a while, the mayor finally agreed to slow down slightly and let the city slowly descend to the ground.

A few minutes later, all the anti-gravity engines were destroyed by the Imperial Glory, and the entire city began to accelerate toward the ground.

"Abandon the city and evacuate all personnel on the escape ship." After seeing that the situation was irreversible, the mayor decisively abandoned the residents of the city and chose to save his own life.

Dozens of spaceships escaped from the space city in panic, but the residents of the city were not so lucky.

They looked at the land getting closer and closer around the city, and closed their eyes in despair.

The residents on the ground are much better off, and various means of transportation can allow them to leave the crash site in time.

But the building at the crash point and the capital of the entire planet cannot be escaped.

One skyscraper after another was the first to come into contact with the base of the space city, and countless buildings shattered into fragments all over the sky at the moment of contact.

Then there was a loud noise, and the ground rippled like a stone falling into the water! Although the space city with a diameter of 100 kilometers does not land particularly fast, the kinetic energy carried by its heavy body is still amazing.

The buildings in the center of the city were crushed into powder in the blink of an eye, and the ripples caused by the ground caused all the surrounding buildings to topple over.

The shock wave that followed swept up countless flying dust and spread around. The hover cars and building fragments parked on the roadside were swept into the air by the shock wave.

The garbage was thrown around like debris. In just tens of minutes, the city that originally covered millions of square kilometers was completely destroyed by the shock wave, leaving only a circle of buildings around the city that barely remained intact. body.

"Your Majesty, 13.6% of the surface cities on this planet have been destroyed. All the buildings in orbit have been destroyed. All the opponent's orbital industrial facilities have also been destroyed. Shall we move on to the next target?" A crew member looked at the message fed back by the spacecraft's scanning device and said to Li Mingze.

"Okay, let's continue to the next target." Li Mingze randomly clicked on a colonial star on the star map.

The reason why the next attack target is randomly selected is to cause panic among the enemy civilians, so that the opponent cannot guess the location of the next attack and disperse their defense power.

When the Imperial Glory entered hyperspace, it left behind a planet covered in scars as if it had just been hit by a swarm of meteorites.

Five days later, in a star system far away from the last planet that was attacked, the Imperial warship quietly jumped out of hyperspace. The hyperspace obscuring device it carried prevented the Clem space station from detecting any abnormal hyperspace signals.

"Your Majesty, the opponent has landed all the space cities on the ground, and the space stations in orbit have also been dragged outside the gravity range. We can no longer use the previous tactic." The crew member frowned and reported to Li Mingze.

"Do they think our battleships are not equipped with ordinary weapons? Fly over and use beam cannons and electromagnetic cannons to bombard the enemy's city center!" Li Mingze snorted coldly. Do these idiots think that they don't have weapons if they don't fire? .

His guess was correct. The senior officials of the Clem Empire did believe that the Sith Empire warship that rushed into their star domain was a short-planned warship that could only attack in close combat.

The previous planet obviously only needed bombardment in orbit to cause greater damage, but this Sith Empire warship turned around and left. What does this mean? Doesn't this mean that this battleship has no means of long-range attack at all?

So the Clem Empire simply gathered all the warships into a support fleet, and the various colonial stars dragged all the orbital buildings away, and the space cities also landed in the ocean.

Don't you, the Sith Empire, like to collide? Come and collide, the worst you can do is lose some space stations. Anyway, the Clemms in the space station have already retreated to the surface, and now they are all controlled by computers.

The Imperial Glory flew unimpeded to the sky of the colonial star. Because it bypassed the opponent's space station far away, the spacecraft did not receive any attacks during its flight!

"Aim at their planetary capital first, and bombard it non-stop for one minute!" Under Li Mingze's order, the Glory slowly turned the ship and turned the left side of the battleship to face the planet's surface.

As the armor plates covered with dimensional armor opened upward, beam cannons and rail guns stretched out from the battleship and aimed at the surface of the planet.

Several blue beams rushed towards the planet capital accompanied by several shells from the electromagnetic gun.

After being accelerated electromagnetically and then accelerated by gravity, the cannonballs passed through the atmosphere and then rushed towards the cities on the surface carrying a long "tail".

Bang, bang, bang. After several loud noises, the ground of the city was directly shattered by the huge force. The buildings within several kilometers of the impact area collapsed in the roar, and all the building glass outside the impact area was shattered by the shock wave.

But it's not over yet. The blue beam of light shining from the sky cuts through the tall buildings like the scythe of death.

Huge incisions were made directly where the high-rise building was hit. What's more, the entire building was directly cut into two by the beam.

Explosions, fires, and thick smoke filled the entire city, and the dust caused by the collapse of buildings made the entire city hazy.

This is just the first wave of attacks. The Imperial Glory, which docks the weapon cooling device to the dimensional armor, saves the cooling time of the weapon and only needs a few minutes of energy storage to launch the second salvo.

The people on the ground thought that the attack was over, but they did not expect that the second volley that followed came on them again.

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