My empire of stars

Chapter 551 Empire Glory

"The defense capability of this battleship is its biggest highlight!"

"The one-time shaped dimensional armor directly covers its entire shell. All weapons use clamshell shells in order not to damage the integrity of this layer of armor."

"In addition, all the internal components of this spacecraft are made of Ringworld metal. Its overall strength is the strongest among the current warships in our empire."

"It can be said that in addition to the main gun, this battleship can completely use its own hull to impact and destroy enemy warships, because the energy generated by the impact is far less than the upper limit of its dimensional armor saturation." The chief designer said these two His eyes shone brightly, and he was most satisfied with this design.

"Very good, very good. The design will be perfected immediately. I want to see this battleship within a year!" Li Mingze nodded with satisfaction. If this battleship is built, then the empire can use this battleship to directly penetrate into Vietnam. The heart of the Lyme Empire.

"The name of this battleship will be Imperial Glory. From now on, all spaceships in this series will be independently called Glory class." After speaking, Li Mingze left the design room.

A few days later, while Li Mingze was enjoying a rare vacation in the palace, he suddenly received a communication request from the steward on Earth.

"What's wrong? You came back in person." Li Mingze frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, the fact that all the backbones of our company are bionics has been discovered by the Bureau of Abnormalities. They suspect that we are related to the abnormal fluctuations in space not long ago and require you to go to one of their bases." The bionic steward has not finished speaking. He was interrupted by Li Mingze waving his hand.

"Send my guard robots to destroy them, and pay attention to protecting the abnormal items they saved." Li Mingze's tone was so calm that a small organization on earth dared to order him, so he just erased it.

"Also, immediately order the androids to expand the influence of our company and eradicate all unknown forces on this earth!" Li Mingze tapped the table lightly and continued.

"Yes!" After the butler saluted, Li Mingze closed the communication.

A few days later, the housekeeper returned to Earth with the next team heading to the second world.

On the day he returned, all the guard robots lurking on the earth took action and rushed towards the various branches and bases of the Bureau of Abnormalities.

On a small island in Australia, a silver aircraft suddenly fell from the sky. The moment the aircraft landed, its appearance changed into a normal human woman.

"The cleanup operation codenamed Kangaroo Base of the Administration of Abnormalities has begun. The executor is Guard J002." After the woman muttered to herself, she turned into a puddle of liquid and seeped into the ground from a ten centimeter diameter vent on the side.

One hundred meters underground on the island, in a honeycomb-shaped underground building, dozens of researchers from the Bureau of Abnormalities are busy working.

The purpose of this base is to research items that appear around the world that do not belong to the earth. The various technologies obtained from them will be sold to various governments or large enterprises.

By selling these researched technologies, a large amount of funds have been provided to the Bureau. Although various countries also provide financial and equipment assistance to the Bureau, this assistance is a drop in the bucket for the tens of thousands of agents of the Bureau all over the world. .

In the nearly one hundred years since the Administration appeared in this world, it has built dozens of scientific research bases similar to the code-named Kangaroo Base around the world.

However, they will soon cease to exist.

A pool of silver unknown liquid passed through dozens of fans in the ventilation system, ignored the laser net used to eliminate foreign objects, and arrived in the corridor of the scientific research base.

After the silver liquid fell from the ventilation duct, it re-condensed into a human form, and two sharp blades protruded from her hands.

"Who are you!" Two patrolling guards suddenly spotted the intruder and pointed their electromagnetic rifles at the woman.

"Those who humiliate the empire will be killed without mercy." The woman whispered softly before two sharp blades were ejected and penetrated the two guards wearing heavy protective clothing.

After killing the two men, the two sharp blades flew back to the woman's arms and merged together again.

The woman quickly walked towards the base. The system in the base had just been invaded by her. No matter how she killed, it was impossible to trigger the alarm.

The sword rose and fell, one person at ten steps, and soon all the scientific researchers and guards on the first floor were killed.

"Damn! It must be someone from Singularity Technology! Fortunately, this room is physically isolated from the local area network outside." At this time, in a room at the bottom of the scientific research base, a middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes. The dozens of green human-shaped symbols representing base staff on the screen have been dimmed by more than half.

"Activate the self-destruct device at the base, code the kangaroo's bag." After the middle-aged man gave the order to the computer on the side, he turned around and quickly headed to a chair in the corner of the room.

At this time, a red countdown suddenly started on the computer monitor: "There are three minutes left before self-destruction, please evacuate as soon as possible!"

The middle-aged man sat on the seat as quickly as he could and fastened his seat belt. Layers of metal shells began to protrude from the walls on both sides of the seat, tightly wrapping the seat in it.

"3, 2, 1! Launch!" Flames suddenly erupted from the bottom of the metal shell covering the seat, and a channel opened in the ceiling above the metal shell.

If you look at the hologram of this base, this pipe is located exactly in the center of the base and is not connected to any other part of the base. It is an independent individual, surrounded by armor plates and rock formations more than ten meters thick.

The metal capsule rushed from the room into the pipe driven by the flames, and flew into the sky from a pool on the ground in a few seconds.

As soon as three minutes passed, the ground trembled violently, a large amount of dust poured out from the vents, the ground of the island began to collapse, and the surrounding seawater began to pour into the large pit formed by the collapse of the island.

Tens of minutes later, a ball of molten metal rushed out of the puddle, and the molten metal regrouped into a woman.

"The purge mission failed, a target escaped." The woman looked at the sky in the distance and sighed and whispered.

At this time, the metal cabin was flying towards the American continent, and the middle-aged man in the cabin connected the communications of several other S-class directors.

"My base was attacked, how are you?" the middle-aged man asked the other people.

"Our base has also been attacked. Currently, five S-class directors have lost contact. The opponent has extremely strong combat power and knows the locations of all our bases. We must activate the device!" Several directors looked at each other seriously. nodded.

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