My empire of stars

Chapter 548 Hundred times defense power

The spaceship flew slowly over Ring World. The continents and oceans on Ring World were clearly visible, and white clouds floated in the sky of Ring World.

Where the shadows of the Sith Star, the Earth, and the Nuwa Star crossed, the cities became brightly lit one after another, and a strip of light connected the cities, making them look like a fairyland.

After the spacecraft flew through the ring world and passed over the Sith planet, Zhang Jinyun and Zhang Jinyun were shocked by the orbital defense modules on the Sith planet.

A few hours later, Li Mingze's imperial spaceship finally arrived at its destination, the Dimensional Science and Technology Branch of the Imperial Academy.

A diamond-shaped space station with a diameter of 500 kilometers is floating quietly in the orbit of the star. Countless spacecraft are flying in and out of the several entrances and exits of the space station.

"Your Majesty, we are about to arrive at our destination." Tianyi's voice sounded over the spacecraft's broadcast.

"Your Majesty, how about letting two people on Earth know such a secret?" At the same time, Tianyi's voice also sounded in Li Mingze's mind.

"It doesn't matter, I won't let them get off the ship, and no matter which universe they are in, they can't escape our hands." Li Mingze replied nonchalantly.

Tianyi knew Li Mingze's determination and asked no more questions. The spacecraft passed through the shield outside the port and entered the port of the space station.

"You two stay here, I want to go down there." Li Mingze waved his hand and walked out of the spacecraft, leaving the two people behind him in a daze.

If at first Zhang Jinyun still had hopes that people on earth could defeat the invading aliens using some technology from lost civilizations, she had completely given up hope after visiting the Sith Empire.

This alien civilization has actually built a huge Dyson ring around the star, and it also has a wormhole channel that can travel through the Milky Way, and a battleship tens of thousands of meters long. What can their earth use to fight against others? Maybe they can kill it with just one shot. Can blow up the earth.

"Chu Lingjun, what are you thinking now?" Zhang Jinyun shook Chu Lingjun who was still in a daze next to him.

"What do I have in mind? I just hope they don't dissect us now. Sister Yun, you think such an advanced alien civilization shouldn't need to dissect our bodies when studying our bodies." Chu Lingjun turned to Zhang Jinyun in a panic and asked.

"Don't worry, they can't dissect us. If they want to study, they can capture people from the earth at any time. Why are they so troublesome to find the two of us and bother to train us." Zhang Jinyun comforted.

Hearing this, Chu Lingjun's nervous and frightened mood eased, but Zhang Jinyun continued: However, maybe this alien emperor wants us to give him a baby alien.

After saying this, Zhang Jinyun stretched out his hand and pinched Chu Lingjun's smooth little face. These words frightened Chu Lingjun.

The plots of the movies she had watched instantly came to mind, including what kind of monster burst out of her belly, what kind of thing sucked her dry, and so on.

Seeing that Chu Lingjun seemed to be scared to death, Zhang Jinyun hurriedly patted her shoulder and comforted her: "It's not that scary. Didn't you see that this emperor looks like us humans?" And his soldiers are also humanoid, so there won't be those scenes you think of.

It was okay if she didn't comfort him, but when she comforted Chu Lingjun, tears fell down her face.

At this time, Li Mingze was unaware of the inner fluctuations of his two assistants. He was led by scientists to the largest laboratory of the Space Research Institute.

There is a power armor standing in the center of the laboratory. Unlike other power armors, the shell of this armor is covered with a crystal-like shell that reflects light.

"Your Majesty, the shell of this power armor is the dimensional armor we just developed."

"Because the cost is too high, we only made this dimension armor the size of a power armor in order to save resources." A scientist explained, pointing to the power armor in the center of the room.

"I already understood the basic information on the way here. Let's just start testing." Li Mingze waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Yes, the experiment begins!" As the scientist shouted, thirty-six beam cannons suddenly hung from the ceiling around the laboratory armor, and thirty-six electromagnetic cannons rose from the ground.

When Li Mingze and the scientists arrived at the observation room nearby, layers of thick armor began to fall around the laboratory. The purpose of these dozens of meters thick armor was to prevent stray bullets that might appear in the future.

Soon, all the weapons and armor were in place, and a bottomless pit was revealed under the power armor.

"Weapon launch!" The chief scientist saw Li Mingze nodding and pressed the button on the console.

Thirty-six blue beams spurted out from the beam cannon's muzzle, shooting directly at the upper body of the powered armor.

The electromagnetic gun on the ground also started firing, and shells shot out from the muzzle, hitting the lower body of the powered armor.

The beam that hit the power armor was like shooting into a black hole, neither reflecting nor raising the temperature of the power armor. The kinetic energy shell hit the power armor shell and fell straight down into the deep pit.

The two weapons continued to attack like this for a full two minutes before something abnormal appeared in the dimensional armor on the outer layer of the power armor.

The dimension armor that had no thickness suddenly appeared thick, and in the blink of an eye the power armor turned into a somewhat bloated bulk.

"Your Majesty, this is the upper limit that our dimensional armor can withstand. The larger the overall area of ​​the dimensional armor, the more attacks it can withstand!"

"The dimensional armor lasted for two minutes just now. The shield of our power armor can only last for one second. The energy absorbed by this dimensional armor is more than a hundred times that of our most advanced shield!" The scientist glared. replied radiantly.

"Okay! Very good! With this kind of armor, the Clem Empire will no longer be our opponent!" Li Mingze clapped his hands and cheered loudly. After two years of agreement, when the warships equipped with this kind of armor are Once it was created, the empire immediately tore up the truce and launched a full-scale attack on the Clem Empire!

"Your Majesty, I have to say that the cost of this kind of armor is very high. If you equip a fleet, the gain outweighs the loss!" the chief scientist hurriedly stopped him.

"What can you do?" Li Mingze turned to the chief scientist and asked.

"Your Majesty, why don't we build a small but exquisite warship, equip it with this kind of dimensional armor, and let it serve as a sharp knife of our empire that goes directly into the enemy's hinterland to weaken the enemy's war potential!" The chief scientist narrowed his eyes slightly. Eyes spoke his mind.

"What a great idea. Call the empire's scientists and ship designers immediately. I need a warship that can't waste any space!" Li Mingze nodded and connected to Tianyi's communication.

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