My empire of stars

Chapter 54 Disaster from Heaven

Kristoff saw a dazzling red light appear in the distant starry sky, and then a huge fire broke through the sky and fell from the sky.

Time goes back ten days ago

The asteroid base has turned its head in the direction of the fortress.

In the control room of the asteroid base, Li Mingze sat on the rostrum, opposite a holographic screen that occupied one wall.

"Your Majesty, the super weapon has been completely completed! The self-test is normal! The super weapon has been charged! It took 25 days!" a staff member reported.

"Well, get ready to launch!" Li Mingze sat on the chair and nodded in agreement.

The surrounding staff quickly became busy in the console, and a string of codes flowed across the screen.

In the tunnel below the control hall, the deck on the ground slowly opened, and a giant metal columnar object with a length of 500 meters and a diameter of 100 meters slowly rose into the tunnel under the support of a huge elevator.

Several huge robotic arms attached the magnetic head to this huge "munition" and slowly sent it into orbit and stuck it.

"Ready for initial pressurization!" The operator pushed up the operating lever in his hand.

A huge disk device rises from behind a metal column.

The tail of the metal ammunition also began to turn dark red, which was a sign that its magnetic thruster was activated, but it was firmly held in place by the huge mechanical arms extending from all around.

"Initial pressurization is completed, the anti-gravity chamber is opened!" Another operator also pushed up the operating lever in his hand.

The "cannon barrel" composed of hundreds of metal rings that was tens of kilometers long began to glow with red light.

"Open the launch bay door!"

The head of the asteroid slowly opened to the surroundings like petals blooming, revealing a channel glowing with red light inside.

"Your Majesty, the current resistance is 0! The energy storage is 100%! The initial pressurization is completed! The anti-gravity chamber has been opened! Launch or not!" An officer loudly asked Li Mingze on the rostrum for instructions.

Li Mingze nodded and pressed the button in his hand.

In the cavity below, the green light on the mechanical arm that originally held the cylinder turned on, and the huge cannonball rushed forward quickly under the influence of the magnetic energy thruster at the tail.

"The shell has passed through the first ten layers of gravity traction rings! It is steadily accelerating!" The metal cylinder accelerates and flies forward layer by layer under the action of the gravity traction rings in the cavity.

The principle of this super weapon is to use the empire's already mature anti-gravity technology to continuously exert repulsive force on the launched cannonballs through gravitational rings, allowing them to continuously accelerate. Coupled with its own magnetic energy engine, it can reach 2,000 times the speed of sound!

The huge cannonball accelerated to a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye in the blink of an eye, flying towards the fortress star in the distance.

The asteroid base that had exhausted all its energy reserves also fell into darkness. Only the control room relied on backup power to maintain light. It didn't take long for the reactor to regain power.

"Your Majesty, there are still ten days before the cannonball will leap into hyperspace!"

"Okay! Follow the original plan!"

Li Mingze stood up and left the control room with Li Jialu, Tianyi and a group of royal guards.

Ten days later, the shell flashed blue and disappeared.

Accompanied by electric light in the orbit of the Fortress Star, metal warheads appeared in space, and a pale white shield emerged, flying quickly towards the Fortress Star.

The anti-aircraft guns on the planet, the space stations in orbit, and the garrisoned fleets all fired long-charged beam cannons in the direction of the emergence of hyperspace.

Countless red beams hit the shield of the metal projectile. The shield only lasted for less than a blink of an eye before breaking apart, but this had bought precious time for the metal projectile.

The cannonball with a speed of 2000 times quickly flew out of the locking range, penetrated the atmosphere of the fortress star and hit the fortress star.

The flash produced by the concentrated attack of thousands of beam cannons on one point was the origin of the dazzling red light that Kristoff saw.

Before the surprised Kristoff could react, the destructive fire hit the ground hard!

After a moment of silence, Kristoff saw the place hit by fire in the distance, and the ground was lifted thousands of meters into the sky like a tsunami.

The "tsunami" that covered the sky covered the entire sky in front of Kristoff, and the light emitted by the stars was also obscured by it.

Along with the violent shaking, he discovered that the tsunami composed of rocks was heading in his direction.

After a while, countless cracks began to appear in the ground not far from the fortress where he was. The cracks became larger and larger amid the violent shaking, and streams of magma spurted out.

"No, no, no, what's going on!" Kristoff held on to the armrest of the sofa in horror, staring at the stone waves getting closer and closer with wide eyes.

The towering stone waves mixed with magma hit the huge metal fortress hard.

The glass-view room where Kristoff was located didn't even last 0.001 seconds before it was shot to pieces.

The seemingly hard metal fortress was torn into dozens of pieces, huge steel bars were thrown into the sky, and the originally powerful beam cannon was also lifted up, hit by huge rocks in the air, twisted and deformed, and finally turned into a pile of scrap metal. Among the huge rocks in the sky.

Soon, the original steel fortress became a member of the huge tsunami, and its body was squeezed into dozens of irregular metal blocks flying in the air.

The underground city not far away also ushered in the doomsday. Many soldiers who had fled here thinking they could avoid the beam weapons of the Imperial Fleet found that the underground city they thought was absolutely safe had become the doomsday at this moment.

Countless high-rise buildings turned into a pile of rubble in the huge tremor, and the top of the city made of metal was also torn apart. The holographic screen originally used to simulate the sky was broken into pieces and fell down.

The ground of the city also cracked into hundreds of cracks of varying sizes, and the surging magma flooded all the streets.

The soldiers hiding in some open spaces closed their eyes in despair and let themselves be drowned by the scarlet magma.

The bad nature of people was undoubtedly exposed in the face of death. Some soldiers shot and killed their comrades who stood in front of them, and climbed onto the aerospace fighter in the hangar with their hands and feet.

After using airborne missiles to blow open the door of the warehouse, these people drove the fighter planes from the passage to the ground. From time to time, fighter planes were squeezed to the edge of the passage by fighter planes on the side because they blocked the way. After close contact with the wall, they turned into a fireball with violent sparks.

The original brotherhood became so ridiculous in the face of doomsday. Everyone had only one goal! That was to ensure that they could survive! Soon, they saw the light not far away. "Get out! The exit is here!" A pilot shouted excitedly! A few seconds later, dozens of fighters rushed out of the tunnel exit. They felt that their vision suddenly widened, and they couldn't help but feel relieved. They finally left that hell! But then dozens of fighters were hit into balls of fire by the surging stone waves. Only one fighter flew out of the range of the stone waves by chance and survived. Thank you for the rewards from Faith in Heaven and Earth, Strong as a Joke, and My Sunshine Mood~ Thank you for your recommendation votes~ Brothers and sisters. Next week, I will continue to push those who don't like me to use recommendation votes to criticize me! Those who like me also use recommendation votes to criticize me!

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