My empire of stars

Chapter 531 The imperial capital was attacked

Five days have passed since the colonial star was purged. The empire's battles on the front line have been victorious. The defense line originally located on the main line of the empire's colonial star and the wormhole highway has advanced five light years.

However, since the enemy was already familiar with the Empire's latest tactics, the battle once again entered a state of anxiety.

Both sides are studying each other's weaknesses and waiting for a fatal blow. It is obvious that the enemy has taken the lead in finding the weaknesses of the Sith Empire.

After using the bloody colony to attract the attention of the empire and lure the empire to mobilize a large number of fleets to the front line, a stealth death fleet used to sneak attack the imperial capital appeared in the hinterland of the empire.

The atmosphere on the bridge of the flagship of the kamikaze fleet flying in hyperspace was a bit tense.

"Sir, we are about to jump out of hyperspace. The estimated jump location is only one million kilometers away from the capital ringworld of the Sith Empire. It will only take less than five seconds for the enemy's attack to arrive."

"Once we leave hyperspace, our stealth device will temporarily fail, and we will be exposed to enemy fire." A soldier sitting on the side of the bridge turned his head and said to the captain.

"We come here with the determination to die this time. As long as we can successfully break into the enemy's ring world, we will be done." The captain said with a fierce look on his face.

"Yes, we will jump out of hyperspace in thirty seconds." The soldier nodded and turned around.

"Long live the Clem Empire!" the captain drew a rapier from his waist and shouted.

"Long live the Clem Empire!" The soldiers in the bridge shouted in unison, and everyone's eyes were filled with death-defying looks.

"3, 2, 1! Leap out of hyperspace! Hyperspace signal blocking device activated!"

"The optical camouflage system has failed, the gravity camouflage system has failed!" With the pilot's shout, the Clem Empire's death fleet came from hyperspace into the real universe.

As soon as he entered the real universe, blue beams of light hit him, followed by countless missiles and orbital bombs.

"Be prepared for impact. Expand all shields to the maximum!" Captain Clem looked at the overwhelming attack without any panic. He had long predicted that he might be subject to concentrated fire from the enemy.

Although their fleet possesses unparalleled stealth capabilities, the optical stealth and gravitational stealth will temporarily fail for a few minutes when jumping out of hyperspace.

Sure enough, when the stealth fleet just left hyperspace, the optical observation systems and gravity sensing modules of nearby space stations and patrol fleets, as well as unmanned turrets, noticed abnormalities.

Because this place is in the capital area, all weapons fire directly after detecting abnormalities, giving the stealth fleet no chance to become invisible again.

Although the light speed cannons launched by the Imperial Space Station were limited in number and power and could not directly destroy the fleet, these attacks directly destroyed the fleet's stealth modules.

After a violent explosion, several Clem warships that happened to be on fire turned into a pile of space junk in the light of the fire.

"All warships launch interference ships, and the thruster output power is turned to the maximum. Our target is the enemy's ring world!" Commander Clem's expression did not change at all after seeing several of his own warships destroyed.

"Follow your orders!" The soldiers gritted their teeth and began to operate on the console.

The armor on both sides of the Gothic-shaped battleship suddenly opened upwards, revealing not cannons but dark holes.

Golden spaceships that were only the size of several fighter planes flew out of it and flew towards the surrounding airspace.

Just when the empire's fleet was wondering what these small boats flying around were for, violent rays of light flashed through. At this moment, all the sensing and observation equipment of all the empire's warships failed.

Fortunately, this malfunction only lasted less than a second, but when the empire's warships and space stations came to their senses, there were already hundreds of thousands of identical warships in space.

"No, we found an extremely large enemy fleet!" The piercing alarm sounded frantically in the Imperial Space Station.

"Fire! Fire all the ammunition!" the commander of the Imperial Space Station shouted loudly. The remaining remaining fleets of the Empire were coming. They must hold back the enemy. After all, behind them was the capital of the Empire: the starting point of the world.

Missiles spurted out from the launchers of the space station and the fort, and what was originally several volleys were fired at once.

As a result, when these attacks reached those battleships, what happened made the imperial soldiers breathe a sigh of relief.

Following the violent explosion, one Clem warship began to flash and then disappeared. Obviously, these warships were all disguised holographic projections.

"These battleships are all fake, find the real one!" The commander of the Imperial Space Station breathed a sigh of relief. He thought they were about to be bombarded to pieces by hundreds of thousands of battleships.

"I can't find it, sir. All the opponent's camouflaged targets have all the parameters of a normal warship. From infrared to gravity response to energy response, they are all the same as a normal warship." The soldier shook his head. Now all the enemy warships on the battlefield are They were exactly the same, they couldn't tell at all.

"Cover them with firepower!" The commander angrily smashed the table.

However, what the Imperial fleet did not notice was that beneath the two thousand stealth battleships that originally appeared, two thousand sub-ships that were only one-eighth the size of their main bodies detached from the mother ship.

These sub-ships entered a stealth state after detaching from the mother ship. What was destroyed when jumping out of hyperspace was just the stealth modules on these mother ships. These sub-ships were not affected in any way.

The warships they left outside and were besieged by the Empire were just bait to attract attention. The real purpose of these Clemms was to send these two thousand sub-ships to the Empire's ring world.

Two thousand sub-ships quietly bypassed the imperial fleet that came to support, and slowly moved their bows aiming at the ring world ahead.

"Prepare to make a forced landing! Let's go!" Following Commander Clem's instructions, two thousand sub-ships suddenly exerted force and rushed towards the ring world.

At this time, the thruster energy leakage caused by the sudden force was captured by the observation station on the ground.

The highest level of air defense sirens rang throughout the Ring World, and people rushed towards the underground defense facilities of the Ring World.

Unlike ordinary air-raid shelters, because the underground space of Ring World is a vacant building space, the empire does not need to build additional air defense facilities at all. It only needs to transfer the people to the underground space of Ring World.

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