My empire of stars

Chapter 517 Garden of Eden

"What evidence is there to prove that you are well-intentioned?" Zhang Jian gestured to the shipboard artificial intelligence with his eyes.

The shipboard artificial intelligence consciously controlled all the weapons on the Ark to turn in the direction of this retro fleet.

Seeing the turned weapon, the commander of the retro fleet chuckled disdainfully and said: "Don't bluff, the remaining energy of your spaceship has long been exhausted in the Wandering Wall, and we know the remaining energy of your spacecraft well. ”

"Otherwise, why do you think you saw a flash of light here? That's just a beacon for us to guide you here."

Zhang Jian's eyes suddenly widened after hearing this. After doing this for a long time, the culprit who caused him to jump in hyperspace for decades was right in front of him.

"I know, what we are doing is very unethical, but we are doing this to ensure that there will be no threat to the spacecraft entering the Garden of Eden. We have to do it as a last resort!"

"Only by draining the energy of your spaceship can we safely let you in." The commander wearing a top hat in the communication screen spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Garden of Eden?" Zhang Jian grabbed the key words in this man's mouth and asked.

"Come here and let's talk while we walk." The commander waved his hand, and dozens of spaceships flew in front of the Ark. They made a gorgeous U-turn and aimed their tails at the "mushroom" cap of the Ark. Then dozens of tractor beams shot out from the tails of these spacecrafts. On the ark.

The heavy Ark began to slide forward slowly, being dragged by these spacecraft. In order to prevent the dormant cabin from losing power, Zhang Jian simply turned off all the Ark's thrusters.

"Let's continue."

"The Garden of Eden, although the name of this word is different among different civilizations, the translation result is the same. This place is different from the outside world. It is an ideal world with freedom, equality and peace!"

"We will talk to you in detail when we arrive at the Memorial Hall in the Garden of Eden. In a moment, I will send a small spaceship to pick you up on my ship. Don't worry, we will help thaw the dormant crew members in your spaceship."

"We'll see you soon." After saying that, the commander hung up the communication, leaving Zhang Jian with a puzzled look on his face.

Tens of minutes later, Zhang Jian boarded a small spaceship in the style of an ancient ferry boat and entered the retro fleet flagship opposite.

In line with its extremely retro appearance, the interior of this spacecraft is also decorated according to ancient times.

The wooden floor creaks when you step on it, and the walls on both sides are also made of moss-covered boards. The lighting in the walkway is made of kerosene lamp-style chandeliers.

When Zhang Jian walked in the corridor of the spaceship, he even felt like he had traveled to a world in a retro game he had played before.

Along the way, Zhang Jian passed through dozens of isolation doors sprayed with wood grain paint and arrived at the bridge of the spacecraft.

As he expected, the bridge of this battleship was indeed retro. A huge steering wheel was erected in the center of the bridge. The only difference from ancient sailboats was that the steering wheel could move forward and backward and up and down.

"Welcome." At this time, the commander of the retro fleet put down the steering wheel in his hand and turned around to greet him.

"When we meet for the first time, please call me Baron Allen." Allen, the commander of the retro fleet, took off his hat and bowed deeply.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Jian quickly bowed.

"Well, why are all your warships shaped like this?" Zhang Jian took this opportunity to ask his doubts.

"This is just our hobby. The crew members in this fleet are all people with a sailing passion."

"In addition to our fleet, there are also fleets composed of battleships from World War II on Earth, as well as fleets shaped like spaceships in Star Wars."

"The appearance of these fleets depends entirely on us." Allen patted the helm next to him and said.

"Earth? Why do you know the history of earth?" Zhang Jian, as a descendant of earthlings, is very sensitive to the words earth and World War II.

"Haha, you don't know this. About a hundred years ago, a young man from Earth came to our Garden of Eden and used the history of his home planet to create a holographic game: Earth Civilization. This game became popular among us. The whole Garden of Eden, for example, I am a fan of the Earth's great voyage, and the appearance of my fleet is also in the shape of a retro sailboat." Allen took Zhang Jian's arm to a terminal in the bridge, and what was playing in the terminal was the Earth. Pictures of the game Civilization.

"This." Zhang Jian was speechless. He never expected that in this mysterious place, he would meet fellow villagers from Earth, and witness that Earth culture had become popular in this place called the Garden of Eden.

"We are here. This is the Memorial Hall of the Garden of Eden. From the beginning of the establishment of the Garden of Eden to the present, all the important things that happened are recorded in it. I will take you to take a look." Allen said and pushed the rudder forward hard. The spaceship roared from high altitude and rushed into a pyramid-shaped building with a huge open door below.

After the spacecraft stopped, Allen took Zhang Jian off the spacecraft and entered the hall of the memorial hall.

The width and height of the hall are both about twenty meters, but the length is endless. On the walls on both sides are murals carved from metal, and there are a large number of unknown line images on these murals.

"These murals have been carved since the moment the Garden of Eden was built. They are all made of a metal called Cosfo. This metal is very hard and can be preserved for hundreds of millions of years without corroding. It is an excellent material for preserving records. ”

"The pattern composed of those stripes is a detailed explanation of what these murals describe, but a special compression method is used to compress the video into an image."

"We can directly read the message by scanning the terminal over this image." As he spoke, Allen pointed the terminal in his hand at the first mural.

A video started playing on the terminal in his hand:

Eight hundred thousand years ago, in a civilization called Venus that dominated the Milky Way, a genius scientist who was rare in ten thousand years appeared.

This scientist is known as Bodhisattva, which means creator.

At the age of twenty, this scientist completed courses in all subjects at the highest institution of the Venus Civilization. At the age of thirty, he became a senior researcher at the Academy of Sciences of the Venus Civilization.


One day, Bodhisattva invented a technology that can obtain energy from the void. As soon as this technology was invented, it was taken away by his boss and declared to the country. He received huge rewards and great honors. .

(The Garden of Eden here refers to the beautiful world in a broad sense, so it is entirely possible that it has the same name in various civilizations.)

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