My empire of stars

Chapter 483 Universe Grading and Atomic Robots

"Destruction." After Li Mingze said this, he fell into silence.

"Yes, destruction!"

"The secret of our invention of this time-travel machine was obtained by a spy from a First Order civilization lurking within the empire."

"This first sequence civilization controls more than 10 million river galaxies about the same size as the Milky Way. They even control many galaxy clusters that far exceed the Milky Way."

"Originally, this First Sequence civilization did not pay attention to the small and backward Milky Way. It only sent this spy for routine surveillance. Who would have expected that it would get this shocking news."

"This First Order civilization is one of the main members of the Universal Federation. In order to prevent the news from leaking, they secretly assigned a low-level First Order civilization to destroy us."

"But with the strength of our Sith Empire, even in front of this low-level First Order civilization that acts as a thug, our empire is as weak as a child."

"There is no suspense. The fleet of our Sith Empire was pushed flat by their fleet, and the time shuttle was taken into the grave by His Majesty the Emperor."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty, the Emperor of our universe."

"The space-time shuttle was not found. The First Order civilization was unwilling to sow countless drones capable of self-division and reproduction in the galaxy to search for them."

"And I, and our Eva Resistance Army, are brand-new individuals that split off from Mother Mother before she was eliminated. The empire handed over the remaining equipment and resources to us. We shoulder the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the Sith Empire. ." The girl sighed.

Needless to say, Li Mingze also guessed that, judging from the current situation where these rebels were still struggling to survive in the tunnels for more than a hundred years, the task of rebuilding the Sith Empire was impossible to complete.

Just when Li Mingze was about to continue asking, Tianyi's voice suddenly sounded from the communicator:

"Your Majesty, the Recycling Department has made an important discovery, and they hope you can go there."

Li Mingze nodded slightly and stood up.

"If you endure it for a while longer, you can leave the isolation cabin in a few days." Li Mingze patted the girl on the shoulder and walked out of the isolation room.

A few minutes later, in the space-time item recovery department not far from the isolation room, Li Mingze and a group of scientists wearing chemical-resistant power armor stood next to a disassembled sphere.

"Your Majesty, you should take a look at this." A scientist pushed an electronic magnifying glass next to the sphere, and some pictures began to appear on the holographic screen beside it.

The dense black dots in the picture formed a rolling "wave". As the lens zoomed in again, black robots appeared on the screen.

"As you can see, the surface of this spherical robot is not a smooth metal plane, and this drone is not a whole. It is composed of countless atomic-sized robots!"

"These robots can imitate different materials and structures composed of different atoms, and these robots can be copied infinitely!" After the scientist finished speaking, he controlled a mechanical arm covered with a protective stand and threw an iron ingot to the place where the drone was stored. In the experimental warehouse.

Dozens of tiny black threads suddenly extended from the drone that had been split in half. After these black threads wrapped the iron ingots thrown in, they began to swallow them up.

After just a few dozen minutes, the iron ingot disappeared, and the drone that originally had only half a sphere actually gained a slightly larger body.

"You see, these robots can divide without limit by devouring metal. They can continuously copy themselves, turning one drone into hundreds of millions of drones in a short time, or allowing the drone to complete itself. repair."

"However, we have now discovered a flaw of this drone, which is that these robots can only imitate the materials they have swallowed."

"If they want to form the reactor, weapon module, and detection module of the drone, they need to swallow different metals and materials."

"The iron ingots we just devoured cannot be used to repair its reactor and other modules, so they only used the iron ingots to repair the outer shell of the drone."

"According to my calculations, all kinds of metal materials can be found on the Sith planet in another time and space. This is why these drones are so powerful. If it is an environment with scarce resources, the combat effectiveness of these drones will will drop significantly."

"Even with these shortcomings, if we can master the technology of this kind of atomic robot, Your Majesty, do you know what this will mean?" The scientist's eyes lit up when he said this.

"It means that our warships can quickly repair themselves after being damaged! It means that even when material transmission is impossible, our fleets can also obtain supplies on the spot on other planets!" Li Mingze thought of the most critical point and couldn't help but His eyes began to shine.

"Yes, if this technology can make further progress, even if our future warships are smashed by the enemy, as long as we give them time, our warships can repair themselves and return to their original state!" Another scientist also said excitedly interjected.

"Very good, reverse engineer this atomic robot immediately. I hope to see this technology applied to our fleet as soon as possible!"

"You can all mobilize the research resources of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. They have been absorbing the technology of the Scientific Committee recently and are very busy." Li Mingze clapped his hands and ordered to everyone.

After handling matters related to the recycling department, Li Mingze immediately returned to the isolation cabin. He still had many questions to ask.

"By the way, the PX-0003W universe is banned. You are not allowed to enter this time and space again without my order. This time and space is too dangerous."

"Let's wait until the day we have the ability to find the hidden treasures in this time and space." Li Mingze, who was walking, thought of something and told Tianyi beside him.

"Yes, the PX-0003W universe has been classified as a level four dangerous universe. No one is allowed to open it without your order." Tianyi nodded.

As for the classification of parallel universes, before the launch of the Space-Time Gu Project, Li Mingze considered the possible high-risk universes, so he divided each universe into five levels.

There is no danger that the empire's strength can crush the first-level universe. This kind of universe is a treasure trove of resources specially prepared for the empire. For example, in the early stages of the formation of the universe, many advanced civilizations have not yet been born, and parallel universes are created due to changes in time and space.

The second-level universe is a universe with a strength comparable to that of the empire. This kind of universe can be taken over secretly by the empire as long as it acts carefully. The danger of this kind of universe is not great.

The third-level universe is a civilization that controls the river system. The empire has a chance to win through hard work. Although this kind of universe is dangerous, it is also full of opportunities!

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