My empire of stars

Chapter 472 Touch of Darkness

"Your Majesty, please come with me, and I will take you to visit the Stellar Fortress, the highest-tech crystallization of our Science Committee." A few days later, Faraday, who had changed into a young body again, pulled Li Mingze around the Stellar Fortress.

"In order to ensure that this stellar fortress will not be turned into a real star by its own weight, I designed one, two, and three sets of anti-gravity devices for it. Normally, only one set is in operation. When there is a problem with this set and needs repair, Then there is another group on top, and the remaining group is used as a backup.”

"There are one trillion hibernation chambers in the entire stellar fortress, which can provide hibernation for all the people of our Science Committee."

"In addition, it has 100,000 large shipyards, capable of building 100,000 battleships at the same time, and its internal port can accommodate our highest level: planet-class battleships." Because the fortress was too large, Faraday The composition of this fortress can only be introduced to Li Mingze through a hologram.

"Planet-class battleship?" Li Mingze asked puzzledly.

"That's right, on top of the universal battleship class of the Titan class, we have developed a higher-level battleship."

"They are respectively the lunar level, the planet level, and the star level. As for the more powerful star system level or star cluster level, or the final level of the galaxy level, they only exist in science fiction."

"We are already overwhelmed by collecting the materials needed to build the stellar fortress. It is impossible for us to collect enough resources for the more powerful solar system level. Even if we collect enough, our civilization may decline." Faraday He shook his head regretfully.

"I will continue to introduce that in addition to the above, this stellar fortress is also equipped with a large internal port that can accommodate thirty planet-class warships."

"And a superweapon capable of destroying stars: Touch of Darkness!"

"Using the very large collider that orbits the entire star fortress, we can extract a large amount of antimatter, gather the antimatter together, and then wrap it in a stand and launch it."

"When the Touch of Darkness shell hits a large target and is destroyed, the antimatter inside it will be ejected, react with all surrounding matter, and be annihilated into energy!"

"However, due to the difficulty in extracting and preserving antimatter, only ten antimatter cannonballs are stored in daily star fortresses, and the extraction time for one antimatter cannonball is as long as three months." Faraday enlarged the star fortress in the middle of the screen until Li Mingze I saw a cylindrical launcher occupying a large area and a huge collider surrounding the entire star fortress.

"In addition to the Touch of Darkness, this star fortress also has countless large fortress cannons."

"And these weapons and manufacturing modules are all powered by the stellar reactor in the middle of this star!"

"This stellar reactor is composed of a small star that is already approaching the stellar minimum."

"The radius of this small star is only eight percent of the star in the Sith galaxy. Its extremely small size can provide extremely large amounts of energy."

"This stellar fortress is built on the basis of this star. When this stellar fortress is dormant, it can also transmit the star's light and heat to the surface of the fortress through the conduction device, disguising the stellar fortress as a Ordinary stars are also immune to various attacks.”

"How is it, Your Majesty, are you satisfied with this stellar fortress?" Faraday asked carefully, as if offering a treasure.

"Very satisfied, but I don't know if it has the ability to move?" Li Mingze nodded.

"Because it is so large, even if there is a star as a reactor, it can only move five times in its life. After it is built, it has already moved once, and now there are still four chances left." Faraday said slightly. Somewhat regretfully.

"Very good, very good. Starting today, your Science Committee will be officially renamed the Science Committee Sector."

"Faraday, you are still the leader of this star region. You will go all out to expand from today on. However, you should not take too big steps. First, manage one star region well before continuing to expand to the next star region." Li Mingze patted Faraday's little one. Small shoulders.

"Your Majesty!" Faraday nodded excitedly. He originally thought that Li Mingze would take back his rights, but he did not expect that he would continue to manage the Scientific Committee.

Of course, Li Mingze didn't know Faraday's thoughts. Anyway, now Tianyi has taken over all the electronic equipment in the committee, and the entire committee has returned to his control.

Even if Faraday had different intentions, all the battleships and fortresses were under his control, so it was impossible to cause any trouble, and soon, the ghost department of the empire would be stationed in the Science Committee sector.

At that time, anyone who shows disloyalty to the empire will be secretly eliminated to ensure Li Mingze's absolute rule.

While Li Mingze was presiding over the development work at the Science Committee, the Sith Empire was hundreds of light years away.

A Glory Mothership and hundreds of Pilgrim Motherships gathered together. After more than a year of secret development, the Pilgrim civilization finally returned to its peak state by continuously devouring planets.

Because there was no one to disturb them for more than a year, and because of the personal control of the Pilgrim Prophet, the Pilgrim civilization developed extremely rapidly.

But the only pity is that due to the lack of a large number of soul-incubating pilgrims, the current pilgrim fleet only has a hundred high priests who have just been synthesized.

Therefore, there are no small battleships in the Pilgrim fleet, there are only one hundred Pilgrim motherships and one Glory mothership.

Now they have resupplied and are ready to attack the Davis Security Council.

When their pilgrims return with force, they are bound to crush all the civilizations that once stood in their way!

"Target Davis Security Council, let's go!" With a wave of the Pilgrim Prophet's hand, the Pilgrim Fleet disappeared into the universe.

Hundreds of light-years away at the empire's border, the empire's construction ships, which had just completed the assimilation of the Davis Sector, were already building a defensive space station.

Because the current territory is too large, the empire can only stabilize first, so building a Great Wall composed of fortresses is naturally the best choice.

However, before these fortresses were completed, a group of uninvited guests came quietly.

A Radiant Mothership led a hundred Pilgrim Motherships to jump out of hyperspace outside the borders of the Empire.

This fleet had no intention of making a sneak attack. They seemed to want to defeat their original sworn enemy, the Davis Security Council, in a fair and just manner and avenge their disgrace.

But when they left hyperspace, they suddenly discovered that the enemy on the opposite side had changed. Now a country called the Sith Empire was in charge of this star field.

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