My empire of stars

Chapter 47 Eden Technology

on another habitable planet

Li Mingze drank a drink and sat on the edge of the cliff. Behind him is a camp being set up, and in front of the cliff is a huge lake stretching as far as the eye can see. A huge planet is half exposed on the horizon, and a group of giraffes are playing in the lake.

It was still the Jurassic. Li Mingze threw the drink bottle in his hand down the cliff. The bottle came into contact with the lake water and slowly dissolved.

He swayed his calves in the wind, took out his mobile phone and took a few selfies of himself and a few landscape photos, and sent them to Chu Xiaoyun.

LMZ: “How about the view?”

CXY: "Wow, it's better than the scenery of New Home Planet! Where are you?"

LMZ: "I'm going out with a scientific research and exploration ship. I'll take you to play with me when I have time."

CXY: "True what you say, lying is just a fool."

The little fool in Chu Xiaoyun's arms raised his head cooingly, as if he was wondering why he was calling me again. Chu Xiaoyun rubbed Xiaosha's head. Xiaosha narrowed his eyes comfortably and arched his arms in enjoyment. That's right, Li Mingze delivered the Xiaosi Express.

Putting away the communicator, Li Mingze stood up and came to the temporary headquarters.

"How's it going? Have you finished exploring the surrounding galaxies?" Li Mingze straightened his clothes and asked.

"Your Majesty, although there are no longer connected habitable planets, we have still discovered as many as twenty-three habitable planets within a radius of ten light years," a researcher reported.

"Although we are located relatively inside the Milky Way, how can there be so many habitable planets! Even the types of life on the planets are exactly the same! There must be something wrong with this!" Li Mingze said with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty, you need to take a look at this." The researcher handed the tablet in his hand to Li Mingze.

Li Mingze took the tablet and studied it carefully.

Starting from this planet, these planets can be connected into an irregular line based on the age of the vegetation. It can be seen that as this line extends, the environment on the original planet becomes increasingly "younger".

as expected! These planets have been artificially modified! Moreover, the interval between transformations is very long. If you follow this straight line, you might be able to find the secret hidden in it!

"The spaceship has started, let's follow this line to find it." Li Mingze turned and walked towards the scientific research and exploration ship.

The research ship roared away from the camp.

Eighteen light years away, at the edge of an unknown galaxy, a spaceship broke out of hyperspace.

"Your Majesty, the planet ahead is undergoing transformation." The researcher came to Li Mingze and reported respectfully.

"Approach carefully, let's go take a look." Li Mingze waved his hand.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The pilot on the side nodded and controlled the spacecraft to fly towards the target planet.

As the spacecraft got closer to the planet, Li Mingze saw that the side of the planet facing away from the star was filled with little lights. There are obviously some civilizations working on the planet.

On an unknown planet at this time

Huge machines thousands of meters high moved slowly on the surface of the planet. Six huge mechanical legs pressed out traces on the ground. Their bodies, which were thousands of meters long, were covered with hexagonal exhaust holes. Fluorocarbons are continuously emitted into the atmosphere from these vents.

At the two poles of the planet, another squid-shaped machine is adsorbed on the surface. The huge body is constantly surging, and the metal armor makes a harsh creaking sound. Soon there will be an earthquake. Then a huge water column shot out from the head of the "squid".

These liquid waters eventually come together to form rivers, which flow to distant lakes, and then through lakes and finally into the sea.

Huge white rhombus-shaped objects with a diameter of several kilometers floated above the sea. These rhombus-shaped objects stretched out the lower armor from time to time, and countless tiny capsules were poured into the ocean.

The empire's drone flew to the earth like a meteor under the friction of the atmosphere. The giant machine not far away tilted its upper body slightly backward, and the armor on the front slowly opened, revealing tens of thousands of red mechanical compound eyes inside.

But it didn't make any move to attack. Instead, it turned off its armor and stood up to continue walking slowly on the ground.

Li Mingze saw this scene through the drone lens and was shocked and speechless. Because of such huge machines, looking from the air, it looks like there are thousands of them walking "crowded" in this plain alone.

Li Mingze couldn't imagine how many such huge machines there were on the entire planet, but he saw that these machines did not attack drones. He didn't know whether it was because they were not hostile or because they were not equipped with weapons.

On the other side of the planet that he could not observe, in a bottomless canyon, a huge needle-shaped building hundreds of thousands of meters long was inserted diagonally into the magma of the crack. Huge metal "wings" swayed gently in the air.

A small ball of light lit up in a room in the huge needle-shaped building, and countless data flowed from it.

"An unknown civilization's aircraft has been discovered. There is no attack behavior. Stop the attack and continue to implement Plan 023."

A string of mysterious codes passed by

"Alert, a spacecraft of an unknown civilization was found in the orbit of the planet. After scanning, it is not a colonial spacecraft. Give up the destruction and classify this civilization as the 31st civilization that has not been eliminated. Continue to implement Plan 023."

The light of the light ball in the room dimmed.

Li Mingze, who was on the track, had no idea that his double was on the verge of death. At this time, he was wondering why the operators of these machines did not contact him. Could it be that these machines were left here without anyone taking care of them?

"This is the Sith Empire's scientific research and exploration ship No. 0019, expressing our friendship to the unknown civilization." A message composed of a variety of radio waves was launched to the mysterious planet in front of him.

The light ball inside the huge needle-shaped building lit up again.

"Received Civilization Communication Message No. 31, and are looking for answers from the backup vocabulary library. The answer has been found."

A moment later, a reply came from the planet:

"Hello Sith Empire, according to your dictionary definition, this is the Eden Technology Star Domain. Please leave as soon as possible. Any unauthorized landing on the Eden Technology Planet will be considered hostile!"

Li Mingze was shocked. He didn't know when the database on the spacecraft was invaded, and the other party learned Chinese.

"According to the regulations of the Galactic Parliament No. 134252314536, in order to prevent your civilization from making such low-level mistakes again in the future, we will provide you with the basic social frequency of the galactic civilization that you do not know." The message came again from the planet, but apparently they passed The database provides a general understanding of the empire.

Immediately, an encrypted data was transmitted to the spacecraft's supercomputer.

Li Mingze had no choice but to order the scientific research spacecraft in this star field to evacuate urgently. If these Eden Technology machines were mistaken for intruders, they would be in big trouble.

A few days later, Li Mingze stood in a huge rotunda hall. In the center of the hall was a slowly rotating holographic projection of the Milky Way.

"Tianyi, are you asking me to see the stars?" Li Mingze asked, pointing to the countless small light spots in front of him.

The third update this week is at 12:00 noon, and thank you for the reward of Warring States Theory~Brothers and sisters, please send the recommendations to the author~~

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