My empire of stars

Chapter 459 Trap

The unsuspecting Davis Security Council fleet was caught off guard by these Anti-Saint warships, and even the shields did not enter the wartime overclocking state.

Along with streams of purple light, the battleships of the Davis Security Council began to explode and disintegrate one by one. This small fleet of less than a hundred destroyers was bombarded into pieces before they could charge the main guns in a hurry. Countless fragments.

At this moment, several purple light balls suddenly shot out from the Anti-Saint fleet. After these light balls flew into the wreckage area, they began to pull the surrounding wreckage towards themselves.

Just a few hours later, fifty brand-new Anti-Saint battleships appeared on the spot to join the Anti-Saint fleet.

This scene reminded Li Mingze of the fleet composed of souls lost in hyperspace that his empire encountered when it just started war with its neighbors.

Now these souls seem to have evolved? The speed at which they devour the remains and transform into themselves has accelerated!

"Pass the order, all warships must detonate all their fusion weapons and reactors before being destroyed, and don't leave any wreckage for these anti-saints!" Li Mingze turned off the holographic screen in his hand and ordered to the officer on the side.

"Follow your orders!" This order quickly spread throughout the entire fleet, and the self-destruction systems of all warships were automatically activated. Once the shipboard brain detects that the warship is about to be destroyed, the self-destruction system will be activated. After being destroyed, it activates and uses a second explosion to destroy the debris.

"Send a message to the Davis Security Council. The fleet of our Sith Empire has come to support." Li Mingze straightened his collar and sat on the command seat.

After a while, the message from the Davis Security Council was transmitted to the bridge of the Imperial Sword. The president of the Davis Security Council, a middle-aged man with golden lines on his skin, appeared on the holographic screen in front of Li Mingze.

"Hello Sith Empire, thank you very much for coming all the way to help us, but judging from the speed of your arrival, it can be seen that your technology is not very advanced."

"In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, we will hand over to you the responsibility of evacuation of the people and protecting the supply lines. What do you think?" the president of the Davis Security Council suggested to Li Mingze.

"Okay, we will protect the supply line, don't worry." Li Mingze nodded with a smile. This mission was just what he wanted. It would not lose a large number of fleets, and he could observe the progress of the war in secret.

Once the Davis Security Council is in trouble, they will take the lead, but if the war situation develops and the Davis Security Council has the upper hand, when the Davis Security Council wins, it will be time for him to launch a war against the Davis Security Council!

"Very well, thank you very much for your selfless assistance! Goodbye!" The figure of President Davis of the Security Council disappeared from the screen.

"Great, this arrangement is exactly what I want. We can take this opportunity to understand the true strength of the Davis Security Council and prepare for future battles." Li Mingze was secretly happy.

The empire's fleet began to turn around and fly towards the coordinates sent by the Davis Security Council.

In the next year, the Imperial Fleet used the pretext of carrying out missions to frequently appear in various star fields of the Davis Alliance. The information of all space stations, military bases, and colonial stars in the entire Davis Security Council was discovered by the Empire. It was clear as day.

During this year, the Anti-Saints also infiltrated into the territory of the Davis Security Council many times. However, due to the huge disparity in strength between them and the Imperial fleet, they were all annihilated by the Imperial fleet, which ensured the safety of the supply line.

The Empire also gained the trust of the Davis Security Council and was given a new mission on the front line: to evacuate all residents of an immigrant planet in the war zone.

The Imperial fleet, which had been waiting for a year, was eager to jump into hyperspace.

Ten days later, in the Istan star system, the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet appeared in the starry sky escorting the 200,000 transport ships sent by the Davis Security Council.

Because the Anti-Saint civilization comes and goes without a trace, and its super exciting ability allows the Anti-Saint to stretch the battle line very long, and there is no trace left.

Maybe the star system that was close to the hinterland yesterday will become the target of attack by the anti-saints today.

This is the case for this Istan star system. Half a month ago, this place was a paradise far away from war. Overnight, the fleet of the Anti-Saint passed through the defense line of the Davis Security Council and arrived here, slaughtering all the space stations and space fortresses here. , all turned into their spaceship and then disappeared.

Worried that the Anti-Saint would appear again and harm the residents of the planet, the Davis Security Council wanted to evacuate all the people on the planet in the shortest possible time, but all their warships were on the defense line and could not spare any troops.

For this reason, we can only entrust the Sith Empire, which has performed well this year and has considerable combat effectiveness, to escort the transport ship to complete the evacuation.

But no one thought that this star system was just a trap set by the Anti-Saints.

The Anti-Saint intends to use the residents of this star system to attract the fleets of the Davis Security Council and their allies, leaving gaps in the defense lines elsewhere so that they can have a chance to break through the defense lines.

But unexpectedly, the Davis Security Council was not fooled at all. The Anti-Saints had no choice but to change their strategy and use this star system as a window for their breakthrough. Therefore, the Anti-Saints deployed a large number of warships in this attack direction and just waited. The Imperial fleet enters a trap.

Things are developing in the direction that the Anti-Saint wants, and the empire's fleet has entered their trap!

"Start the attack and turn all these enemies into delicious food!" Yang Shihe, who has been alienated, sat in his flagship and commanded.

Seeing the fleet after receiving the order jumping into hyperspace, Yang Shihe showed a disdainful sneer. It was just a weak Sith Empire. According to the memory of the man named Yang Shihe he had devoured, this Sith Empire had no combat effectiveness at all. They are vulnerable, so what if they develop for almost a hundred years? There is no way he can match his army!

At this time, Li Mingze did not know that the danger was approaching step by step. The evacuation work was going very smoothly, and all the people were very cooperative. It seemed that years of civil war followed by foreign wars had polished their edges.

"Is there a battle to be fought?" Before he could finish his words, Li Mingze opened his mouth and looked at the Anti-Saint fleet that appeared in front of the imperial fleet.

"Alert, the enemy fleet is approaching! Alert! The enemy fleet is approaching!" A shrill alarm sounded from the bridge.

However, the empire's fleet had been prepared for a long time, and when the Anti-Saint fleet appeared, it fired the prepared volley at them.

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