My empire of stars

Chapter 437 The plan to arrest 100 million people

"The committee has received that the star area is being designated as a wild race reserve, and we will send a special scientific research station."

"A new wormhole transfer station will also be put on the agenda. Our new transfer station cannot be destroyed by these creatures."

"You continue to the test area, restore the test area, expel or eliminate the external forces, and recover the observers." The committee headquarters lost voice after sending the last message to the fleet.

At this time, Li Mingze did not know that the alien fleet he sent was regarded as wild animals by these people, otherwise he would have to vomit blood.

In the Royal Academy of Sciences of the empire, all the chief scientists gathered together.

Li Mingze sat in the main seat in the center of the hall, and scientists sat in several large circles around him.

"You all know the information about this fleet. This is our empire's biggest crisis at present. We must find a way to break the shield of this fleet!" Li Mingze looked around for a week and said slowly to many scientists.

"Your Majesty, it is very simple to break this shield. You only need to attack it to the limit of its value." A scientist engaged in shield research actively suggested.

"What I'm discussing now is how to make the attack reach the upper limit of the shield's energy value!" Li Mingze sighed.

"Your Majesty, didn't the civilization in the asteroid sea build a primitive version of a stellar energy stimulator? If we use this kind of weapon..." a scientist said cautiously.

"I know, but this thing requires three billion lives for one launch! I can't bear it! Not to mention, where can we find so many lives?" Li Mingze shook his head resolutely. He didn't want to have so many lives on his hands. Innocent lives.

"Your Majesty, that is the maximum power they use to open the asteroid channel."

"We don't need such a wide energy column, we only need a small beam of ten centimeters in diameter to achieve the effect." The scientist who just spoke reminded.

"Once the power is reduced, we only need the souls of 10 million people to launch once!" The scientist took out his personal terminal and kept tapping it to calculate the final number of souls needed.

"Ten million people." Li Mingze fell into deep thought. You must know that there are no enemies now. All those who surrendered have been incorporated into the empire and become second-class citizens.

"Your Majesty, your hands should not be stained with blood. Leave this matter to me." Mo De, who had become the minister of the empire's special department, stood up.

As a "non-existent" department that helps His Majesty the Emperor maintain the stability of the Empire, it is fitting that the Emperor's right-hand man should be stained with blood.

"Okay, I approve the second level authority of your ghost department. Remember, we can only arrest guilty people."

"There is no need to report to me the arrest process. I just want to hear the results." Li Mingze pinched his eyebrows.

"Yes! I will definitely live up to Your Majesty's expectations!" Mo De stood up, saluted with a military salute, then turned and left.

The Ghost Department is a special department that does not exist in the imperial government. All members of the division are drawn from the best of reformed Sith warriors, Imperial Marines, and police departments.

All members of the entire department have specially forged second identities, and all funds for their activities come from the seizure of daily tasks.

The purpose of this department's existence is to eliminate all hidden enemies for Li Mingze.

With the help of Tianyi, anyone who wants to subvert the rule of the empire will be found by this department and made to disappear.

Although the empire's brainwashing technology is very mature and ubiquitous, there are always one or two who consider themselves protagonists and are not controlled by brainwashing. They want to subvert the current highly centralized imperial government.

"His Majesty's latest order is to arrest at least 100 million criminals, all of whom are selected from second- and third-level citizens." After Mo De returned to his office, he immediately recruited ten main people in charge.

"But... we can't find such a large criminal population at all. Although the security in the star area that has just been merged into the empire is still very chaotic," a person in charge whispered.

"Read the memories of all residents in the newly merged asteroid starfish area, and arrest all those with any criminal records. Well, even if the amount of theft reaches 100 energy coins." Mo De gritted his teeth and became cruel. .

"Even so, it is very difficult to find 100 million people in the asteroid starfish area with a population of hundreds of billions." A person in charge secretly complained, knowing that as technology becomes more advanced, the crime rate will plummet.

It is impossible to commit crimes undetected in a city shrouded in surveillance.

After entering the interstellar age, crime only existed in slums and some wilderness areas, and only impulsive crimes remained in the city.


"Incorporate all new planets into the Prophet network, and we will catch some possible criminals in the future."

"Also, a message is issued to these planets. All monitoring equipment will be temporarily disabled for a week due to the connection to the grid. Residents are asked to consciously abide by the regulations." A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Mo De's mouth.

"The minister is wise!" the ten responsible persons responded in unison.

Soon, the empire's elite agents came to the empire's new star sector through the consciousness descending device: the asteroid starfish sector.

All elite soldiers in the local garrison are temporarily borrowed by these agents to perform special tasks.

At the same time, the garrison troops in various places who were maintaining the stability of the annexed areas also received a message from the Empire's Supreme Command, requiring all troops to unconditionally cooperate with the work of the special personnel, that is, the agents.

A few hours later, all monitoring equipment and satellites on the planet were integrated into the Prophet system.

Supercomputers began to conduct continuous deductions in order to find possible crimes that may occur in the future.

And agents and soldiers are also ready to go, ready to arrest those who may commit crimes.

"Dear citizens of the Empire, because the new planet monitoring network is about to be integrated with the Empire headquarters network, all monitoring will be temporarily suspended for one week after three days."

"Please all citizens consciously abide by the laws and regulations and refrain from any illegal behavior!" As the screens on the street began to play the video prepared by Mo De, people looked up and looked at the big screen.

"All citizens are requested to consciously abide by laws and regulations and refrain from any illegal behavior..."

"Conscious..." After hearing these meaningful words, some people's eyes showed an inexplicable light.

Undercurrents began to surge under the seemingly peaceful colonial stars, and people with criminal tendencies began to stir up trouble.

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