My empire of stars

Chapter 43 Unknown galaxy?

Fifty-seven days have passed since the spacecraft jumped into hyperspace.

At this time, Li Jialu and others were sitting boredly in the cockpit. They were no longer in the mood to watch movies or TV series.

Now they are discussing how to give themselves a decent death, so that when future generations enter this space and find their bodies, it will not be "Four corpses were found in the spaceship in horrific death conditions. It is speculated that they were caused by psychological collapse." Tragedy caused by personality distortion!" This kind of title.

"We might as well drain the oxygen out of the spacecraft," Danji suggested.

Others shook their heads: "Are you stupid? People who die from lack of oxygen have very scary expressions, okay?"

"Then let's cut our wrists?" Allen also suggested.

"The weightless blood will smear all over your face, don't do that!" Li Jialu protested.

"Then tell me how to commit suicide." Everyone looked at Li Jialu.

Li Jialu touched her nose: "We adjusted the concentration of the hypnotic gas in the deep sleep apnea machine and canceled the timer shut-off function. Then we fell asleep peacefully!"

"Good idea, let's do it like this!" Everyone agreed.

At this moment, the mysterious blue electric light outside the ship appeared again!

"This is!!! We can get out!" Li Jialu and others recognized at a glance that this was the "culprit" that caused them to enter this purple space!

After a while, the purple in front of everyone suddenly turned into a beautiful starry sky. The white stars in the distance became more and more beautiful against the golden nebula. This made Li Jialu and others who had watched purple, purple, and purple excitedly for two months. Tears in my eyes!

Even if they don't know where this is, whether there is a planet that can survive! But as long as it's not in that damn purple space!

At this time, he was in the Sith military space station hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the Rescuer.

"Report to the commander!" A noncommissioned officer hurried to the station commander's lounge.

"What's the matter?" The webmaster who was browsing a beauty magazine hid the magazine in his hand under the sofa pillow without leaving any trace.

"Hyperspace fluctuations occurred in the orbit of the third planet in the home system! An unknown object is suspected to have intruded." NCO reported.

The station commander hurriedly stood up: "Notice, the space station has entered emergency preparation mode! All garrison fleets take off!" No matter what it is, it is best to be prepared.

"Yes!" The sergeant saluted and trotted out.

In the originally silent space station port, the twenty light cruisers and five destroyers of the Imperial Royal Guard that were docked hurriedly started their reactors, slowly took off and left the port, flying towards the place where the unknown space fluctuations appeared.

Inside the rescuer

"After observing the star map, it can be determined that this is a star field unknown to mankind. We should be very far away from the solar system. We don't know exactly where we are." Li Jialu raised her head and looked at the crowd.

"Because our oxygen is wasted in different spaces, it can only support the nearest planet." Alan on the side announced the unfortunate news to everyone in a heavy tone after checking the remaining supplies.

"Then if this planet is not a habitable planet, we will be dead as well." Danji, who was originally cheerful, was also in a low mood at this moment.

Li Jialu raised her head and looked at the gray planet in the distance and slowly said: "Let's go to the nearest planet. That's all we can do now."

The planet in the distance exudes a dead atmosphere under the light of the star.

One day later, Li Jialu and others, who were flying towards Home Planet III, suddenly discovered that dozens of UFOs appeared on the radar and were approaching at high speed!

"This is it! Could it be that we have encountered an alien civilization!!" Everyone was stunned.

"Will we be used as experimental materials and dissected, or used as rare animal exhibitions?!" Such a picture flashed through Li Jialu's mind:

She was tied naked to the operating table, and a group of arthropods swept around with scanners, and some used knives to cut off pieces of flesh from her body for study.

After a while, an alien inserted a metal needle into her brain, read the location of the earth, and then led an alien fleet to the earth! Then eat all the people on earth! Then she became the only remaining earthling and was put into a zoo or something for aliens to visit!

There is also a sign outside the exhibition hall: "Wild protected animals, humans on earth, are not allowed to feed or hunt! Violators will be fined."


Just when Li Jialu was thinking wildly, the spacecraft received a message from a UFO, and Allen on the side opened the message.

"Unidentified ship! Turn off your power engines and weapons and wait for the Marines to board the ship!"

Everyone stared at each other, was he speaking Chinese? Why do aliens speak Chinese? ? ?

Could it be that they did not enter the super-light space, but entered a space-time tunnel? Has China unified the universe? ?

Due to the situation, Li Jialu and others shut down the reactor of the spacecraft after discussion and recovered the external laser transmitter.

Dozens of imperial warships outside the spaceship slowly surrounded the small Rescuer. The huge destroyer blocked the starry sky. Li Jialu looked from the hanging window, and saw the cannon muzzles on the huge warship hundreds of meters long, and the faint lights. From the gaps in the armor, blue flames were sprayed out from the tail engine.

"Incredible! It's incredible!"

"These battleships are so spectacular!" Several people murmured to themselves as they stared at the huge destroyers flying past the spacecraft.

They didn't know that the marines of the Imperial Royal Guard Fleet were worried. How could they land on such a small spaceship across the way? How could they get into such a big place without being crowded together?

"Captain, how about putting it directly in the cargo hold of the battleship?" a soldier asked softly.

The Marine Captain nodded helplessly.

Several tractor drones flew out of the destroyer's cargo bay, came to the Rescuer, and used tractor beams to pull the Rescuer into the cargo bay on the belly of the destroyer.

The door of the warehouse slowly closed, and oxygen was released from the top of the warehouse. The artificial gravity system was also activated, and the Rescuer hit the ground with a bang under the influence of gravity. Li Jialu and others inside were also shaken.

In the red flash of the emergency alarm, several teams of Imperial Marines wearing power armor surrounded the Rescuer. Their dark crystal visors made their expressions invisible to outsiders.

"People inside the spacecraft, listen, raise your hands or other hands! Come out of the spacecraft!" the leading Marine captain shouted loudly through the ship's broadcast.

"Shall we go out?" Li Jialu looked at the other three people.

A few people stared at each other but didn't say anything.

Li Jialu said helplessly: "Okay, I'm so cowardly, let's go out!"

After saying that, Li Jialu took the lead and walked towards the hatch. Amidst the sound of exhaust, the Rescuer's hatch slowly opened. Li Jialu and others climbed out wearing spacesuits. Because the hatch was located on the upper part of the spacecraft, everyone who got out of the ship stood on the top of the spacecraft in turn.

"Don't move! Slide down slowly!" The officer was very satisfied with their cooperation.

Helpless, Li Jialu slowly slid down from the spaceship with a few people. Unexpectedly, soldiers grabbed her hands as soon as they reached the ground.

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