My empire of stars

Chapter 428 Login

"Bang", an explosion sounded from the door, and a dazzling light shone from the broken door. The head and commander of the Alliance Space City stretched out his hand to cover the dazzling light and looked at the open control room door.

"Put your hands up!"

"Don't make any move of resistance!" Following a roar, dozens of imperial soldiers wearing gray power armor rushed in.

The person in charge of the space city subconsciously wanted to take out the pistol at his waist.

Unexpectedly, before his hand could touch the handle of the gun, after a burst of gunfire, the person in charge vomited blood and fell to his knees and lost his voice.

This scene was so frightening that everyone in the control room fell to their knees obediently, raised their hands in the air, and did not dare to make any more unnecessary movements.

"The resister has been killed. It looks like a big fish. It's a pity." A soldier who looked like a captain in the soldier team came over and scanned the body of the person in charge of the space city and sighed with regret.

"Report to the headquarters, Space City 01 has been occupied by us!"

"Report to command, 02"

"Report to the headquarters that Space City 04 has been occupied." Li Mingze nodded with satisfaction after hearing the reports from various places.

Andreas had just come back to her senses now. She didn't expect that the imperial fleet was so powerful. It had already captured the seemingly unbreakable space city before officially contacting the enemy.

She didn't know that this was the result of Li Mingze ordering the fleet to control the power of the missiles.

He doesn't intend to occupy a bunch of planets that turned into rebels because their relatives were killed.

Although these rebels are not difficult to clean up, it will hold back a large number of Imperial landing forces, thus greatly affecting the Empire's progress in assimilating these planets.

In order to avoid such a situation from happening, Li Mingze ordered the troops to specifically control the power of nuclear bombs and not let them blow up the foundation of the space city together.

"The orbit of this planet has been controlled by us, and all landing troops are preparing to airborne."

"The first wave of aliens, the second wave of robot troops, and the third wave of death squads!"

"All landing troops must complete the occupation mission within three days. After three days, we will go to the next target." Li Mingze was worried that Andrees was not familiar with the empire's combat methods, so he issued the order on her behalf.

After receiving the order, thousands of alien landing ships unfolded the armor on the bottom of the ship, and balls of meat wrapped in aliens were thrown from the battleships.

Because of the quick victory, these alien landing ships no longer landed on the ground and turned into incubation towers.

As the alien troops began to enter the atmosphere, blue barrages began to shoot out from the ground.

It seemed that the air defense facilities on the ground were working, but since the alien troops were still outside the atmosphere, these shells dissipated in the air without harming them at all.

"Have the orbital auxiliary satellites been deployed?" Li Mingze turned around and asked the officer on the side.

"The orbital auxiliary satellites have been deployed and all ground attack weapons are operating normally. Do you want to start clearing the landing area?" the officer nodded and replied.

"Start to clear the landing area, send out the robot troops, and wait until two hours later for the orbital airborne troops to directly enter the surface on the landing ship." Li Mingze believed that after several rounds of attacks by orbital auxiliary satellites, the remaining air defense facilities on the ground should also be gone. too much.

Instead of wasting resources on airdropping troops, it is better to directly send transport ships to deliver the troops to the ground, which can also save a lot of landing bay resources.

As blue light beams shot from the satellite to the ground, hundreds of small gray "bubbles" suddenly rose on the ground of Missisi.

These "bubbles" are the dust kicked up by the shock wave on the ground caused by an orbital weapon attack.

A few seconds passed, and the anti-aircraft firepower on the entire Missisi star was reduced by 90%. The rest are derived from mobile anti-aircraft weapons that can maneuver at high speeds.

"It's almost time, the robot troops are starting to land!"

Thousands of battleships separated from the imperial fleet and rushed towards the surface of Missisi.

As these landing ships flew into the atmosphere, the external shields began to rub against the atmosphere, emitting a dazzling light.

At this time, hundreds of new barrages suddenly rose from the depths of the forest on the ground.

It seems that these people have been waiting for the Imperial landing force to enter Missisi.

"All transport ships transfer all their energy to the shield modules!" Andreas finally had a chance to show off and ordered into the communicator.

Li Mingze looked at the nervous Andris and smiled helplessly.

"An attack of this level cannot break the shield of our landing ship at all, unless they focus their fire on the attack." Before Li Mingze finished speaking, he saw that these barrages were really aimed at a hundred transport ships.

"Damn!" Li Mingze couldn't help but cursed.

"The transport ship that was targeted will airdrop all units immediately!" After sighing, Li Mingze put down the communicator. How many robot troops he could save depends on his luck.

After receiving the order, one hundred transport ships opened their armor, and robots began to eject from the transport ships.

A few seconds later, hundreds of barrages hit the one hundred landing ships that were focused on fire.

The shields of these landing ships were shattered by the shells from the large anti-aircraft guns, and the armor of the transport ships only lasted a few seconds before being penetrated.

After a burst of blue light hit the transport ship, hundreds of flames rose in the air.

"Use orbital weapons to blow up all the suspicious places on this planet. I don't care if they are civilian strongholds or not.

Li Mingze was angered by these people and directly passed over Andreas and issued orders to the fleet.

Orbital attack warheads flew out of the battleship and fell to the surface, and mushroom clouds rose over a large number of forests.

"All residents and soldiers on Missisi, give up your resistance. Your orbit has been occupied by us."

"In the name of the Emperor of the Sith Empire, I guarantee that your lives will not change much if you surrender."

"But if you continue to resist stubbornly, once one of our warships is destroyed, we will wipe out one of your cities." Li Mingze decided not to play with these ignorant people and must end the battle as soon as possible.

The effect of these words was very good, after the people on Missisi received the messages sent by the empire through television, computers, and personal terminals.

Messages of surrender came from everywhere on the ground, and the local people often surrendered to the empire as soon as the alien troops landed.

Not only that, but the new anti-aircraft guns that kept appearing also disappeared, and the empire's landing ships never came under any attack.

"Very good. As a reward for being so obedient, all those who surrender will become second-class citizens of the empire." Li Mingze turned off the communicator with satisfaction and looked at Andrees aside.

In this battle, Andreas felt like she was just a decoration, with no chance to perform at all.

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