My empire of stars

Chapter 425 Exposed Weaknesses

A few days later, the Imperial fleet, which was cruising at sublight speed, was approaching the exit of the new route. The ten million Tiger Shark-class battleships in the fleet suddenly dispersed into the asteroid sea.

In the remaining distance, the Tiger Shark-class battleships can use their compact hulls to flexibly travel between asteroids.

The three main fleets of the empire continued to move forward with huge energy gathering disks to attract the enemy's attention.

Although the multinational alliance fleet waiting outside the channel discovered that the unknown fleet had begun to slow down, it did not arouse their vigilance.

Because in their opinion, it is very normal for a warship to slow down when it knows that a battle is about to happen ahead.

These people didn't know it yet, but they were gradually surrounded by the imperial fleet.

Just behind them, tens of millions of warships were sailing out of the asteroid belt.

A few days later, the slowly advancing Imperial fleet was only one step away from the exit of the new channel.

The atmosphere began to become tense whether it was the imperial fleet or the multinational alliance fleet ambushing outside.

After Li Mingze finished handling some important matters in Sith, he immediately came to the empire's expedition fleet.

"Long live your Majesty!" In the flagship of the First Fleet, Lei Ming saw Li Mingze walking into the bridge and hurriedly gave a military salute.

"Where has our Tiger Shark fleet reached now?" Li Mingze nodded slightly and sat on the command seat in the middle of the bridge.

"The Tiger Shark fleet is all in place. They are now hiding behind the asteroid and waiting for orders." Lei Ming waved his hand at the holographic screen, and a hologram of the current star area appeared in front of Li Mingze.

The green dots representing the Imperial Tiger Shark Fleet in the hologram have all been hidden behind the outermost asteroid.

However, the multinational alliance fleet outside the asteroid overseas was unaware of this and continued to guard the entrance of the new route.

"Is it possible that the intelligence of the natives in these asteroid seas is restricted because of the asteroid sea? This asteroid sea is not solid." Li Mingze, who saw his enemy being so "upright", couldn't help but start to worry about the opponent's IQ.

"Order the entire Tiger Shark fleet to attack. We will wait until all the ambushed multinational alliance fleets have turned the angle of the warships before we attack again." Li Mingze ordered to Lei Ming on the side.

"All Tiger Shark warships will attack and form an encirclement formation to surround all these enemies!"

"The Empire's First, Second, and Third Fleets will wait for His Majesty's orders before they begin to intervene in the battle!" After Lei Ming gave the order to the First, Second, and Third Fleets, he transferred all command rights to Li Mingze.

All Tiger Shark-class battleships that received the flagship order fired all their thrusters and rushed out from behind the asteroid.

Many alliance fleets that were originally focusing on the entrance of the new route suddenly discovered that countless red dots suddenly appeared behind their own fleets on the radar.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! A large number of enemy ships were found behind us!"

"We have been fooled. The warships in the channel are their deception! Turn the ship's bow and prepare for battle!"

Following a series of instructions issued by the Alliance fleet commander, each warship began to turn its bow in a panic, trying to aim the warship's main gun at the imperial warship behind them.

At this moment, countless Imperial warships rushed out from behind the huge body of the Imperial Energy Disk.

When the Imperial battleships (pre-Dreadnought class) rushed out after the cruisers and destroyers.

Many soldiers and officers of the multinational alliance swore that they had never seen such a huge warship in their lives. The huge 10,000-meter-long hull was like a mountain weighing on their hearts.

Their battleships, which are more than two thousand meters long, are like babies under the imperial battleships.

"The Imperial Army is invincible!" The message broadcast from the Imperial Fleet reached the ears of the bridge officers of each Alliance battleship.

Everyone's eyes were full of fear. Whether it was the tens of millions of warships behind them or the tens of thousands of meters long behemoth in front of them, they all showed the power of this empire.

"Retreat immediately! All warships retreat immediately!" The alliance commander soon discovered that their fleet was in a disadvantageous position.

If the Imperial fleet is allowed to attack from both front and rear, it is very likely that these warships will be hit in the propellers after just a few rounds of firefights, and become targets suspended in space for anyone to slaughter.

Being attacked from the back is a taboo in space warfare. After the shield is broken, the armor at the front of the battleship can still play a protective role, but the propeller at the rear of the ship is not protected by any armor and is extremely fragile!

Rather than staying here to fight a battle that is destined to be a disastrous defeat, it is better to retreat to the rear before the shield is broken and join the large forces being assembled by various countries!

The alliance's warships all broke out before the Tiger Shark-class warships could completely surround them.

Only a small number of battleships were destroyed by the weapons of the Imperial fleet. By the time the Tiger Shark-class battleships arrived within range, the Alliance fleet had already entered sublight speed and left the battlefield.

This is not to blame for the Empire's fleet. Although the Asteroid Sea nations that focus on sublight speed flight have not developed super-light speed technology, their thruster technology is much more advanced than the Empire's.

All countries in the asteroid sea have focused their technology on how to increase the speed of warships.

Higher speeds mean they have greater maneuverability between star systems.

All civilizations in the asteroid sea have completely distorted their technological trees.

Coupled with the constant secret fights in the asteroid sea and the rapid upgrading of various weapon technologies, the countries in the asteroid sea are only one step behind the empire in various combat technologies.

Generally speaking, the fleets of the Asteroid Sea countries have weaker combat capabilities than the Imperial fleet, but their ability to sail at sublight speeds is much stronger than the Imperial fleet.

After the Alliance fleet entered sublight flight, the Imperial fleet, which was nearly 30% slower than these Alliance warships, was left far behind.

When the shadow of the imperial fleet was no longer visible, the commander of the multinational alliance suddenly found that he knew the weakness of the imperial fleet.

That is, these imperial warships simply cannot catch up with their own warships at normal speeds.

what does that mean?

This means that he can use the tactic of flying kites to slowly wear down the Imperial fleet, which is much stronger than his in quantity and quality!

Thinking of this, the alliance commander's face showed a smile of victory.

At this time, Li Mingze also realized that his fleet's shortcomings in conventional speed had probably been discovered by the enemy.

If he can't figure out a way to deal with this weakness, the enemy is likely to resort to kiting tactics against his fleet.

If he doesn't want his fleet to be bled to death, he can only let the fleet withdraw from the Little New Star Sea!

This is absolutely impossible. The imperial fleet will never leave its territory "since ancient times" because of these weak "ants"!

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