My empire of stars

Chapter 415 Stellar Energy Excitation Device

"No, no, no! How is this possible? Your spaceship actually exceeds the speed of light!" Andreas, who has been in the universe for a long time, certainly knows the approximate distance between these planets.

On the holographic screen in front of her, the icon representing the spacecraft she was in moved far faster than the fastest sublight speed they could fly.

This speed has clearly exceeded the speed of light!

"This is impossible. Nothing in this world can exceed the speed of light. Even if we are equal to the speed of light, we should have turned into energy by now." Andris looked a little surprised. She couldn't believe this fact at all.

"Yes, the speed of light cannot be exceeded in the real world, but we are not in the real universe now." Liu Rushun laughed twice, and waved his hand to let the soldiers on the side project the scenery outside the spacecraft onto the bridge.

As the bridge turned into a purple ocean, Andris finally understood that they had simply left the real universe now!

"Where is this??" Andreas turned to look at Liu Rushun.

"This is hyperspace. With the help of this space, we can fly faster than the speed of light." Liu Rushun raised his head proudly and pretended to be knowledgeable, completely ignoring the contemptuous looks of the pirates around him.

"You guys. How did you develop faster-than-light navigation? Does this kind of faster-than-light navigation mean that we can cross the asteroid sea and enter the outside world?" Andreas' tone was a little excited.

Although Liu Rushun didn't know why Andreas was excited, he still shook his head with a look of regret.

"Sorry, the gravity of the asteroid sea is too strong. Under the influence of these gravity, we can't fly through the asteroid sea and will be pulled out of hyperspace and torn into pieces."

Hearing this, Andris' eyes that became bright with excitement gradually dimmed.

"Do you know why the multinational coalition wanted to overthrow my father's rule and march to the capital of our empire?"

"And why was it that I was betrayed by the Ender Revival Society I established in the end, and was hunted by them?" Andreas seemed to have thought of something, and sighed sadly.

"I don't know, I've always been curious." Liu Rushun sat next to Andreas.

"Sixty years ago, in an accidental scientific experiment, my father discovered the existence of the soul!"

"After decades of research, my father and some scientists found a way to harness these souls."

"These souls can serve as catalysts of energy. They can activate stable energy bodies such as stars!"

"As a cursed civilization that is trapped in the asteroid sea and has never been able to develop, all of our civilizations have the desire to leave the asteroid sea. We want to explore the outside world."

"With this idea, my father and a group of scientists designed a super device that can completely release the energy of the star in a directed manner."

"Using the soul as a catalyst of energy, the huge energy beam produced by the star will be able to pass through the dense sea of ​​asteroids, opening up a route to the outside world for us."

"But my father discovered that the number of souls required for this kind of equipment is too huge. The energy to detonate a star requires at least more than three billion souls."

"It is completely impossible to accumulate such a large number of souls by relying on natural death, so my father sealed all relevant information."

"Unexpectedly, the information about this device was leaked to other countries by a traitor."

"In order to open up the sea of ​​asteroids, these countries decided to create this kind of super weapon that annihilates humanity."

"My father rejected them." Having said this, Andres had tears in her eyes.

Liu Rushun could already guess what was going to happen.

"In order to obtain blueprints and related technologies, those countries launched attacks on our country."

"As the inventor of this device, my father couldn't bear the technology and drawings of this device to be destroyed, and he firmly didn't want this device to appear in this world."

"So he gave the drawings and special procedures for this device to the prime minister and me respectively."

"But I never expected that our prime minister was the traitor who betrayed my father. In the end, many countries that came to attack obtained the blueprints of this device."

"But fortunately, after this device was built, the relevant energy calculation program was still in my hands."

"I formed the Ender Revival with the intention of destroying this device they were building."

"But they are too cunning. They keep changing the construction location. Some time ago, they bribed several deputies from our Renaissance Association."

"If I hadn't escaped in time, I and the program of this energy-stimulating device would have fallen into their hands." Andris sighed.

"The program you are talking about must be stored in the pendant around your neck." Liu Rushun narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, how do you know?" Andris covered her necklace and looked at Liu Rushun with suspicion.

"That's how it's done in movies." Liu Rushun rolled his eyes.

"I will use my life to protect this storage device. This device must not be activated. This is related to the lives of three billion people!" Andreas' face was full of seriousness.

"Show me." Liu Rushun looked curiously at the pendant around Andris's neck. The mysterious pendant was constantly tempting his soul.

"Absolutely! No." Before Andreas could finish her words, she accidentally pulled the necklace off her neck because she used too much force. The necklace fell to the ground with a snap, and the pendant also cracked.

"This... this is not my necklace." When she lowered her head and saw that the chip she was familiar with was not in the opened necklace, Andreas' face turned pale.

"What is this?" Liu Rushun curiously pulled out a small roll of paper from the pendant.

"Your Majesty Princess, when you see this note, it means that everything is over, and the energy stimulation device should have been built and will be put into use."

"I want to say sorry to you again, but my family has been taken away by them. This is also my helpless move."

"Your personal maid." Liu Rushun slowly read the content on the note.

"This" Andreas couldn't bear it and fainted, hitting the ground heavily.

Liu Rushun sighed. Anyone who knew that the thing he had been guarding had actually been swapped out would probably faint from anger.

"You guys, help me send Princess Lisi back to her room." Liu Rushun waved to the two female pirates on the bridge.

Soon the two female pirates carried Andris and disappeared into the corridor.

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