My empire of stars

Chapter 409 Andorra New Area

At this time, in the flagship of the multinational fleet, several heads of state were glaring angrily at Li Mingze's figure.

"Is it possible that these aliens were created by your so-called Sith Empire!" Many heads of state couldn't help but shrink their pupils when they saw the alien fleet being included in the imperial fleet.

If these aliens were created by the Empire, then everything would be explained, including why the Empire's fleet can defend against acid attacks and why it can know the dynamics of the alien fleet in advance.

"No, we have just known about the existence of these alien fleets for a long time, but our scientists have been looking for ways to train them."

"It wasn't until their parent body appeared not long ago that we made a breakthrough in our research." Of course, Li Mingze would not tell the truth. Once he told the truth, these countries would definitely come to him desperately, which would not be conducive to the empire's future rule of these countries.

Even if they doubt themselves now, no one will know as long as they don't tell them.

And once these heads of state are cleaned up by the agents of the empire after surrender, then this matter will be buried in the torrent of history, and whatever happens will be the final say of the empire!

"We, the Republic of Andorra, surrender." The new president of the Republic of Andorra agreed to Li Mingze after hesitating for a moment.

There is no way, their Republic of Andorra can no longer withstand the battle. Now this star system is only a few light years away from their capital star. Once a war breaks out, they will undoubtedly be pushed directly to their hometown by the Sith Empire.

Seeing that the Republic of Andorra was timid at first, the other three heads of state also began to make eye contact.

They were thinking about whether the fleets of the three countries could compete with the Sith Empire.

Of course Li Mingze knew what these people were thinking, but he didn't care at all. The three countries were just kids with sticks in front of the huge fleet built secretly by the Empire (Federation) for fifty years.

"Our three countries hereby officially announce that we are severing all diplomatic relations with the Sith Empire and entering a state of war from now on!" The three heads of state made up their minds after making eye contact for a moment.

They are not willing to give up their rights and become ordinary people again, and the main fleets of the three countries now hidden at home and the current combined fleet should have the power to fight the Sith Empire.

Even if they were defeated at the worst, they could still lead the fleet away through the escape spacecraft that had been prepared long ago. How could there be no room for them in such a vast universe?

What's more, the surrounding long-distance wormholes have already been clearly detected. When the time comes, they will lead the fleet to hide in the wormhole and blow up the wormhole. When they come out, they will be on the other side of the galaxy. They will not believe in the Sith Empire. Able to catch them.

"Okay, very good, I admire your integrity." Li Mingze clapped his hands and laughed.

Seeing Li Mingze clapping his hands, Shen Yahui immediately sent a war order to the Imperial Federation Division, which was the original New Human Federation.

Warships sailing out of hidden docks gathered together and rushed towards the borders of the three countries that refused to surrender: the United States of Tucson, the Federation of Madeira, and the Sloqi Chamber of Commerce.

Li Mingze's fleet, together with the alien warships, launched the final attack on the Three Kingdoms United Fleet.

The overwhelming attack instantly swamped the combined fleet, and this time the imperial warships no longer hid their strength.

The powerful main guns provided by the empire headquarters instantly penetrated the fragile Three Kingdoms fleet.

Decades of forbearance finally revealed its sharp claws at this moment. The fleets of the Three Kingdoms never expected that the imperial fleet would hide so much weapon power. They were helpless in the face of absolute strength, and were completely wiped out in the blink of an eye. .

Until their death, the commanders of these fleets did not understand why the Imperial warships, which had similar combat capabilities to them, could easily penetrate their shields?

It's a pity that no one will ever answer this question for them. After the salvoes of acid bombs, bone spur shells and the Imperial fleet, the last batch of surviving joint fleets also completely fell silent in the vast universe.

After a fierce explosion, the starry sky where the Three Kingdoms fleet was located was only filled with tiny fragments, and not even a complete battleship deck could be found.

The Republic of Andorra, which was watching the battle not far away, couldn't help but feel very happy about its choice. Although I and others are not first-class citizens of the empire, they are not comparable to the slaves of the remaining three countries!

"All battleships disperse and lead the marines to take over all the colonial stars of the Republic of Andorra."

"Also, I hope your troops can cooperate with our troops and don't have any bad ideas." After ordering his fleet, Li Mingze turned to the new president of the Republic of Andorra and said.

"No problem, no problem, we will cooperate well." The President of the Republic nodded quickly. Now the lives of his group are in the hands of the empire.

"Let's set off! Target the three countries that don't communicate with each other, and the alien army will go out." Li Mingze laughed twice and ordered the red dot to control the alien fleet and fly out of the galaxy.

The remaining Imperial warships spread out in groups of three or two and flew in all directions. Their mission was to lead the landing team to take over all the colonial stars.

Residents of the Republic of Andorra noticed that something seemed amiss.

The soldiers who carried out war propaganda during the war seemed to have disappeared. The flags of the Republic hung in government departments and squares were slowly lowered, and the announcer on the news became serious after reading some document.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, I would like to inform you of a very important news."

"We, the Republic of Andorra, formally surrendered to the Sith Empire an hour ago."

"All citizens automatically acquire second-class citizenship in the Sith Empire, and the original Republic of Andorra will cease to exist from now on."

"Next, officials from the Sith Empire will take over the colonial stars with the cooperation of our army. Please do not panic and actively cooperate with the new government."

"Any behavior that interferes with the new government's acceptance of management rights will be regarded as rebellion. The general public is asked to restrain their emotions. Under the rule of the Sith Empire, there will be basically no major changes in your daily life. Our tomorrow It will be even better." The host shed tears and his tone became choked up.

Their motherland, the motherland they have lived in since their birth, ceases to exist from today on, which made it difficult for the host to accept for a while.

But no matter how unwilling people are, they are nothing to worry about in the face of the powerful Sith Empire. Anyone who dares to resist the rule of the empire will be incorporated into labor camps.

One day later, the people of the Republic of Andorra, no, the new district of Andorra, saw an imperial warship falling from the sky and aerial fighter jets circling around the warship.

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