My empire of stars

Chapter 404 Collapse

"How is the construction of the defense line going? Can it be put into use?" Commanders from many countries asked loudly through the communications of the President of the Republic of Andorra.

"The defense line has not been built yet and cannot be put into use!" The president of the Republic was sweating profusely.

He did not expect that these alien fleets did not stay in the previous star system for repairs. Even if they stayed for only one day, it only took one day for the Republic's defense line to be completed. As a result, things went wrong and the alien fleet happened to be stuck. Appears when the defense line is not built.

You must know that the fleets of various countries have not yet been replenished. All kinds of missiles and torpedoes have been used up, and they can only rely on main guns to attack!

Although the range advantage is still there, compared with the ultra-long range of missiles and torpedoes, these main guns undoubtedly reduce their advantage a lot.

Not only that! The colonial star behind this line of defense has just completed the evacuation of half of its population!

Once these alien warships break through the defense line, there is only death waiting for the people who have not evacuated!

"Damn it!" Many commanders couldn't help but swear. Just when their fleet had just turned around and charged up its main guns, the alien fleet had already rushed into the range of their weapons.

An acid ball burst in front of the United Defense Fleet, and the acid in the sky followed the inertia and drenched the United Defense Fleet from head to tail.

Through the information sent back by the combined fleet, many commanders certainly knew the power of these acids.

However, they thought of a way to minimize the harm of acid bombs, which was to spread out and accelerate the battleship before the acid completely corroded the shield.

When the shield is melted through, the acid on the shield will only hover in the air, and as the battleship accelerates, the acid will be left behind.

Unlike the United Fleet that was surrounded by groups, the United Defense Fleet had no enemy ships to prevent them from dispersing.

In this way, only a small part of the acid will melt through the shield and get onto the front armor of the battleship.

The front armor of the battleship is the thickest part of the battleship's armor, and the acid is not strong enough to melt through it!

At this time, although the imperial fleet also deployed its acid-proof shell, it still cooperated with the large forces and accelerated towards the location of the defense line.

The staff of the Republic Space Station under construction had already evacuated in an emergency when the alien fleet first appeared. At this moment, the Republic Space Station was empty.

"I implore you, can you deal with the alien fleet for a while? The people on our colonial star have not yet completed the evacuation!" When the United Defense Fleet was planning to bypass the defense line and enter the next star system, it suddenly received a message from Andao. Communications from the President of the Republic of Ireland.

"There are countless families on these planets. Once your fleet leaves, they will all be exposed to the alien teeth."

"Commanders, even if you persist for three more hours, our transport ship has already arrived in this star system."

"We only hope to evacuate the women and children from this colonial planet, please!" The president of the Republic lowered his head.

The communication channel fell into silence for a while, and many national fleet commanders began to struggle in their hearts.

Should you sacrifice the lives of your own fleet soldiers to save these innocent people, or should you sacrifice the lives of these people from other countries to preserve the strength of your own country's fleet? This is really a dilemma.

"I, on behalf of the fleet of our New Human Federation, agree to stay and buy time for evacuation!" Li Mingze suddenly spoke up and attracted everyone's attention.

As the leading brother of the interstellar alliance that will be established in the future, the New Human Federation must of course take the lead and convince these civilizations not only in terms of force, but also in psychology.

"We also agreed to stay and buy time for evacuation!" The fleet commander of the United States of Tucson also made a statement immediately.

"So are we."

"So do we." The commanders of the remaining two countries also agreed to the request of the President of the Republic after consulting the officers and soldiers of their own fleets.

The four fleets that were retreating suddenly turned around and rushed towards the two wings of the alien fleet.

At the same time, the main guns on the battleships began to roar continuously, and each alien battleship was shot into pieces by the volley and then eaten by its companions.

Just as the multinational joint defense fleet was desperately fighting with the alien fleet, an evacuation fleet composed of tens of thousands of transport ships suddenly sailed out of the meteorite belt near the colony star.

At the same time, in the colonial star under the defense line, women and children were escorted to various evacuation sites by the troops on the planet.

The husbands and fathers of these women and children took up their improvised weapons and stood guard around the evacuation site.

Although they were not given the opportunity to retreat, their wives and children were able to escape and ascend to heaven.

Anyone who dares to stand in the way of their family's departure is their enemy.

With the protection of these spontaneous guards, the women and children in the evacuation zone were protected from the attacks of the mob.

Finally, after dozens of minutes, countless transport ships in the sky began to slowly land.

Women and children were escorted by soldiers onto the evacuated transport ship.

As the hatch closed, the soldiers and people guarding the evacuation area slowly dispersed around.

The bottom of the transport ship began to emit flames, pushing the transport ship towards the sky.

These soldiers passed up the opportunity to board the ship, choosing instead to join the remaining men in resisting the incoming invaders.

This scene made many commanders who were fighting deeply moved. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, these soldiers all chose to stay without exception. This feeling inspired their fighting spirit.

Although Li Mingze couldn't bear it at this time, he still resisted the urge to bring the red dot and take back control of the alien fleet.

In the face of the expansion of the empire, a good emperor should not let these unnecessary people affect the big plan.

It's not that he is cruel, it's the "indifference" that a leader who leads an empire in struggling for survival and development in the stars must possess.

Soon, three hours passed. The multinational joint defense fleet lost nearly half of its warships in these three hours of fighting, and the New Human Federation lost as many as 8,000 destroyers!

However, the efforts of many fleets saved the lives of nearly a billion people. As the evacuation fleet gradually moved away from the planet and disappeared into the universe.

The commanders of many fleets breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that their mission had been completed and it was time to retreat.

After firing another salvo, the warships of the multinational joint defense fleet rushed towards the distant starry sky.

Along with the electric light, these battleships disappeared into the universe, and they were about to go to the next line of defense for supplies.

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