My empire of stars

Chapter 30 Alien Puppet Army

The Titan's cannon roared, and ten huge projectiles shot out. Accompanied by a screaming sound, it hit the building where Monica was located like a meteor! The violent explosion shattered the entire lower half of the building!

The whole building slowly fell to the side!

Monica and others in the building were shocked. Even if they were wearing power armor, they would definitely die if they were buried by a building hundreds of stories high!

Monica and others broke through the window of the building and fell downwards. But their speed could not exceed the speed of the building's collapse. Amidst the huge roar, everyone was buried under the rubble.

Just when Titan wanted to fire another shot, thousands of missiles fell from the sky, and a huge explosion completely enveloped it. After the thick smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, only a huge pothole remained!

"Hey, War Eagle 0001 called the base. No sign of Team Monica's survival was found, and the tracker signal on the armor has also disappeared!" A black aerial fighter plane hovered in the sky for a while and then disappeared into the clouds. inside.

Crash, a sound of rolling gravel sounded. An arm stretched out from the ruins. The armor on the arm was so damaged that it was hard to bear to look at it! Then another arm stretched out from the gravel, and Monica swept away the gravel buried in her body and turned over.

The armor on her body was completely damaged, and she had to take off her armor to reveal the tights underneath.

"Is there anyone alive?" Monica shouted anxiously to the surroundings. The surroundings were quiet and no one answered her. She walked on the ruins with dull eyes and staggering steps, pushing aside a few pieces of gravel from time to time.

"Where have you been? Don't leave me alone!" Monica's words were full of hesitation and sadness, and her tears couldn't stop flowing out. She brought fifty-nine people out on this mission, but in the end she was the only one who survived!

What face does she have to face those of her own race! How to meet those compatriots who asked her to bring back their children and husbands intact!

Monica sat weakly on the ruins, staring at the sky as if resigned to her fate, and just sat quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, she was awakened by a pair of tentacles swinging back and forth in front of her eyes, pulling her out of her daze. She habitually took out the knife from her waist and prepared to kill the Alliance people in front of her. Because only people from the Alliance have tentacles, and this is an occupied area of ​​the Empire, so there are no independent Alliance troops!

"Our own people! Our own people! Don't get excited, we are the puppet army of the empire!" Obviously the Parker who said this did not know what the puppet army meant.

"Puppet army brigade?" Monica was confused. She had never heard of such a military branch.

"Yes, yes, we are all Parkers who are inclined to the empire. We bathe in the light of His Majesty the Great Emperor and manage these dirty Parker bugs for him!" After saying this, the puppet soldier whipped the man standing next to him with a whip. A row of old Union soldiers.

Before Monica's brain could turn around, she was taken back to the fleet by the incoming transport ship.

That's right, the puppet army Monica encountered was the alien traitor army led by Chopper, who was successfully transformed by Li Mingze! Ever since the Empire's army entered the Alliance's galaxy and beat the Alliance's fleet to a crawl. There is a large group of frustrated Parkers who want to lead the way, and they are growing rapidly under the leadership of the first alien traitor Chopper!

It has to be said that in any civilization or race, "traitors" are the most cruel to their own people and behave like puppies to their masters.

Because the empire's population is scarce, elite soldiers cannot be wasted on maintaining security in the occupied areas, so these puppet troops took on the work of maintaining security in these occupied areas! It is also responsible for attacking the enemy's underground organizations and preventing them from destroying the occupied areas.

Since the empire's fleet arrived on the planet a day ago, countless Parker "traitors" have come to serve as guides and are willing to work hard for the empire.

While maintaining law and order, what these puppet soldiers like most is to bully these original tribesmen. Beating and scolding are considered mild, but killing is nothing if it's severe.

Whenever this happens, a small group of "just imperial soldiers" will appear to stop these puppet troops! Then he slowly left under the grateful eyes of the residents of the occupied areas and the respect of the puppet soldiers.

This caused the people in the occupied areas to focus their hatred on the puppet troops, while the empire, the initiator of all this, was grateful and greatly reduced resistance activities in the occupied areas.

Molsa city, the last city occupied by the old alliance army. The entire planet except this city has been recaptured by the Empire, but due to the unique structure of this city, it has not been captured.

This city is not a city in the ordinary sense, the whole city is a huge building. The outer wall of the building is wrapped in special "cement" that is tens of meters thick, and the outermost layer is also covered with a thick layer of armor.

The reason why this city is so unique is that it is the location of the highest military headquarters on the planet, and there are a large number of scientific research centers inside. These scientific research centers are also the reason why the empire dare not use weapons of mass destruction.

Therefore, the empire could only use human wave tactics to capture the city. Now the city's defensive weapons have been destroyed by the empire, and all the defense power relies on the rifles in the hands of soldiers!

This has reached a standard that can be attacked hard.

On the outskirts of the city, there are countless puppet troops on three floors inside and three outside. In front of these puppet troops are armed Parker civilians. These civilians were arrested for resisting the empire or being disrespectful to the empire. , they can only survive by capturing the fortress city in the distance!

If you want to retreat, the rifles in the hands of the puppet troops are not just decorations. They will tear all disobedient people into pieces.

Rows of suicide squads were issued simple gunpowder rifles. These rifles were taken out of the arsenal a hundred years ago by the puppet soldiers. Although it was not known whether they would be shot out and exploded, they were given to the suicide squads. enough.

The suicide squad members had expressionless faces and seemed to be numb! He held the rifle weakly in his hand, and his thin body shivered in the cold wind.

"Get ready! Listen to my orders! Charge! Those who survive can be free!" a puppet soldier shouted through the radio.

When the originally numb death-defying soldiers heard the word freedom, their eyes suddenly lit up! He seemed to have regained his energy.

As the order was issued, these death-defying soldiers rushed towards the distant city under the cover of puppet artillery fire!

In the trenches of the distant city

"Sir, these are the people we want to protect. Should we open fire?"

The commander on the side was caught in a tangle. If he didn't fire, these people would break through the defense line. If he fired, he would definitely be tried by the Alliance Military Court after the war!

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