My empire of stars

Chapter 262 Lightning Strike

A few minutes later, hundreds of huge spaceships passed through the light film of the ring world and appeared above various cities.

The outer tentacles of the spacecraft turned into huge film-like wings floating in the air, used to reduce the speed of the spacecraft falling to the ground.

The parachute-like wings of these spaceships were very effective. The Corruptor warships, which had originally dropped rapidly due to their rapid weight loss, quickly slowed down.

With a loud noise, the Corruptor warship landed heavily on the square in the center of the city, smashing an incubation tower into pieces.

The parachute-shaped tentacles of the spacecraft also changed back to their original shape and were inserted into the ground. These tentacles gradually revealed holes leading to the interior of the spacecraft.

Some corruptors who had consumed a lot of energy after intense fighting came to the spacecraft and walked in through the openings in the tentacles.

A few minutes later, the Corruptor Marines who had replenished their energy gradually walked out of the spacecraft.

These corrupted people who had replenished their energy gathered together and ran towards the imperial stronghold in the city again.

The atmosphere in the underground command center located in the colony at the center of the ring world was silent. Everyone looked at the holographic map on the ground in silence.

The small red dots that were originally scattered on the map have gathered together and turned into huge red spots one after another.

"Your Majesty, now that these corruptors have gathered together, our cannibalization plan has failed."

"It turns out that we rely on our huge numbers and home field advantage to be on par with them." An officer said with a frown.

"But they sent a second batch of landing troops, and our advantage was gone!"

"Let me think about it." Li Mingze rubbed his temples.

"We must fight quickly! We need to deal with them immediately. If the Corruptors send another fleet of reinforcements, we will be completely doomed." Li Mingze made up his mind.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" All the officers looked at Li Mingze.

"Let all the arsenal destroyers in the fleet remove one of the Cannonball Storms and replace it with an anti-gravity device."

"All cruisers and battleships have also been equipped with Cannonball Storm launchers!" Li Mingze waved the holograms of the three types of battleships, removed the weapons on the spacecraft, and replaced them with Cannonball Storm.

"But Your Majesty, our inventory of Cannonball Storm is not enough!" Tianyi reminded from the side.

"This battle does not require ammunition supply. Once all the artillery shells are fired, the mission is completed!" Li Mingze said and waved his hand again to replace the battleship with a colony around the world.

"Look, the Corruptor's fleet is not equipped with anti-gravity devices. They cannot enter the atmosphere to fight, and we can take advantage of their weakness!" As he spoke, Li Mingze once again switched the screen to the Corruptor fleet in orbit.

"I call this plan the Lightning Strike Plan!" As he spoke, the Empire's fleet appeared on the screen, and the Empire's fleet was flying towards the Corruptor's fleet at high speed.

When the Imperial fleet flew close to the Corruptor fleet, all the warships lowered their bows and aimed the storm of shells on their backs at the Corruptor fleet.

After countless cannonballs flew out, the Imperial fleet accelerated in the direction of the bow of the ship and rushed into the atmosphere of the ring world.

"After our fleet rushes into the atmosphere, the Corruptor fleet is helpless against us!" As he said that, the Corruptor fleet that was chasing the Imperial fleet on the holographic screen stopped in front of the atmosphere.

"And we will send an ammunition supply ship to carry the artillery loading device in advance and wait in the ring world." The holographic screen began to zoom towards the ring world until it appeared on a huge plain in the ring world.

Thousands of ammunition supply ships are docked on the plain, and countless gunboats are surrounding the ammunition supply ships in the air.

As the Imperial fleet approached, these supply ships took off and flew above the Imperial battleship, replenishing the battleship with ammunition.

"In this way, the empire's fleet can kill another carbine and weaken the Corruptor fleet again."

"After the plan is finally completed, the imperial fleet will fly back to the protection range of the four planetary orbital defense modules to reload ammunition!"

"How is it?" Li Mingze knocked on the table proudly.

"Perfect! Perfect, Your Majesty!" Many officers agreed.

"When the Corruptors' fleet strength is weakened to a certain extent, our fleet can completely wipe them out. It will only be a matter of time before their ground forces are wiped out!" Li Mingze nodded with satisfaction.

A few days later, the imperial forces in the ring world began to shrink their defenses, voluntarily gave up some cities, and gathered together to strengthen defense forces in anticipation of the imperial lightning strike plan.

The empire's fleet also entered into an intense process of weapon replacement. Mass accelerator cannons were removed from cruisers and battleships, and shell storm launchers were installed one by one.

The supply ship carrying supplies and ammunition also took off from the Nuwa planet and flew towards the nearest ring world. It was escorted by the imperial gunboats. These gunboats would be responsible for the safety of the supply ship on the ring world.

At this time, the Corruptor was very puzzled when he found out that the Empire was sending transport ships to the Ring World. Was the Empire planning to reinforce the Ring World?

"We must speed up! Send elite troops to conduct raids on the empire's major strongholds!" Pang Qi, commander of the Corruptor fleet, issued an order to the marines.

The ground troops who received the order drew five elite teams of twenty from among the senior officers.

Because the Corruptor civilization advocates the power of genetic evolution, the higher the degree of evolution of a person, the higher his status. The physical abilities of Corruptors who can become Corruptor officers are much stronger than ordinary Corruptors, and they also have Equipped with a large number of technological creations, their combat capabilities have been improved by several levels.

The extracted Corruptor officers were also wearing a layer of metal armor on top of their biological armor. There was also a reactor on their chests to power themselves, and their backs were also equipped with shield generating devices.

"Your targets are the five large strongholds located in this city. These strongholds are the city's main material storage points and command centers."

"Your mission is to tear these five strongholds apart from the inside. It is extremely important for us to gain control of this city!" the commander shouted to a group of special operations teams.

"Let's go!" The commander waved his hand.

I saw that the one hundred Corruptor special forces members who were standing on the ground just now lost their figures and disappeared strangely! The only traces of them were the footprints that appeared on the ground from time to time.

The soldiers defending the five Imperial strongholds in the city had no idea of ​​the coming danger. They were basking in the joy brought by the sudden retreat of the Corruptors and no longer attacking.

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