My empire of stars

Chapter 252 Rushing into the black hole

"Damn it! We will go back after we deal with the artificial intelligence! Why are you chasing after us!" The prophet stood in the hall of the Void Mothership and gritted his teeth.

"Carry out an emergency jump!" the prophet ordered to the high priest beside him.

"The gravity well of the black hole has affected us, and our battleships cannot open hyperspace!" The high priest shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

The prophet frowned when he heard this. He didn't want to die here like this. If his colleagues found out, they would have to laugh at him for hundreds of thousands of years!

Suddenly, the prophet's eyes fell on the black hole that was flashing on the holographic screen.

"Push into the black hole at full speed!" The prophet gritted his teeth and ordered the high priests.

A life span of hundreds of thousands of years allows him to understand the nature of many phenomena in the universe, including the powerful gravity of black holes that distorts space. As long as his battleship can survive the huge tearing force of black holes, it can jump into the cracks in space after entering the black hole. Although I don’t know what the final outcome will be, but it will definitely be better than dying here.

"Damn Davis Security Council! I will be back!" After receiving this communication, the commander of the Davis fleet watched the Pilgrim Void Mothership rush into the black hole with a group of battleships and cruisers.

Seeing the Pilgrim fleet rushing into an unknown black hole to commit suicide, the Davis fleet stopped pursuing it and let nature help them deal with this hateful enemy. They would not go in and die.

At this time, after the Pilgrim fleet entered the gravity range of the black hole, the shields of each battleship began to flash wildly, and countless materials absorbed by the black hole hit the battleship shields.

"If this continues, we will all be sucked to pieces by the black hole! We can only make some sacrifices!" The prophet frowned and thought to himself, feeling that the shield protection was rapidly declining.

"All battleships enter the void mothership and connect shields in parallel!" the prophet ordered to a group of high priests.

"But Lord Prophet, our void mothership can only accommodate thirty battleships!" A high priest couldn't bear it. These are the main force of their race.

"Execute immediately!" The prophet looked at the high priest indifferently and closed his eyes.

The high priests had no choice but to select thirty ships from the battleship formation and flew back to the void mothership, while the other battleships and cruisers were ruthlessly abandoned in the gravity vortex of the black hole.

The battleships that flew into the Void Mothership merged with the Void Mothership, and the light blue shield also extended from the battleship to the Void Mothership.

"The shield link is completed, and the void mothership's shield is enhanced by 200%!" The high priest glanced at the many battleships outside the mothership with some unbearability.

As the pilgrim fleet gets closer and closer to the black hole, the various material energies attracted by the black hole hit the battleship shield more and more intensively.

After a while, the shield of a pilgrim cruiser began to break first, and soon dissipated in the air. The pilgrim cruiser that lost the protection of the shield was torn apart by the flying energy.

Immediately afterwards, the shields of the remaining Pilgrim cruisers were shattered one after another, and together with the cruisers, they became part of the matter swirling in the sky.

"Master Prophet, we are about to pass through the outer horizon of the black hole and enter the energy layer. If we break through the energy layer and enter the one-way membrane area, we will not be able to look back!" A high priest looked at the holographic screen that flashed crazily in front of him and faced Xian Zhi.

"Continue!" the prophet said coldly with his eyes closed and expressionless.

With a violent vibration, the Void Mothership seemed to have broken through a membrane and arrived in a ring-shaped area full of dense energy. This dense energy was constantly rotating into the black hole.

The many battleships following the Void Mothership did not survive this time. When they passed through the "membrane" that distinguished the areas, they were torn apart by the energy in the energy layer.

"Master Prophet, our mothership's shield is decreasing rapidly. The energy flow in the energy layer is too dense, which is doing great damage to our shield! We may not be able to rush into the one-way membrane zone!" The high priest looked at the speed. The declining shield value is a bit disappointing.

After hearing this, the prophet opened his eyes and looked at the high priests surrounding him.

"Then use your lives to protect the safety of the mothership!" The prophet raised his hands.

Streams of energy shot out from the hearts of the high priests surrounding him, converging on the prophet's hands to form a constantly circling energy ball.

After a few seconds, the energy ball seemed to be filled with energy and sprayed an energy beam toward the ceiling of the hall, where the prophet's ship was arriving.

As the energy beam continued to rush into the prophet's ship, a dark blue light film spread from the prophet's ship to the entire void mothership.

As the light film spread, the figures of the many high priests became more and more transparent. After a while, the high priests disappeared into the air with disbelieving eyes.

At this time, the void mothership wrapped in the light film had successfully passed through the energy layer and reached the one-way film area.

The originally wildly rotating energy had disappeared, and the entire one-way membrane area was filled with white light, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Is this the one-way membrane area of ​​the black hole? It's so incredible." The prophet, who had just sacrificed his life and was extremely weak, muttered to himself as he looked at the white world around the mothership.

Although he has a lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years, he has only heard about the inner space of a black hole from his colleagues. He has never seen it with his own eyes. He did not expect that there is still light here.

With a wave of the prophet's hand, several newly synthesized high priests emerged from the ground to the mothership console.

"Let's move on!" the prophet ordered to the newly emerged high priest.

After receiving the order, the high priest controlled the void mothership to fly forward slowly. The blue light produced by the mothership's propeller was so dazzling in the pure white space.

"Master Prophet, there is nothing here. We can't find any landmarks in front of us!" The high priest looked at the blank radar display with some confusion.

"Keep moving forward!" the prophet frowned. They had no choice but to keep moving forward. They could only move forward in the space of the one-way membrane area, but could not move backward or move up, down, left, right, or sideways. The Void Mothership could not do anything except continue flying forward. take any action.

A thousand years have passed in the mothership, and the mothership still seems to have not flown to the end, and there is still a blank world wherever you look.

"Am I going to be trapped here! I am not willing to accept it!" The prophet felt that his body was aging slower and slower over the past thousand years, and time seemed to have disappeared on him and the entire mothership. .

Although a thousand years have passed, the various parts of the spacecraft have not shown any signs of aging.

"Damn, damn!" the prophet roared crazily. Being sealed in this endless space and never growing old is simply the most terrifying punishment in the world.

At this moment, the prophet suddenly felt something was wrong.

"This is this?" The prophet looked at the surrounding hall and saw that various metals began to age rapidly, and soon turned into ashes.

And he stretched out his hands in front of him and found that his hands were also fading quickly and would soon disappear. This situation would only occur if their race could not absorb the soul and the body could not live forever.

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