My empire of stars

Chapter 25 Don’t fire, it’s friendly forces!

"Hello, Commander of the Imperial Fleet, I am General Pal, the supreme commander of the Alliance Fleet." Pal's face twitched slightly, as if he was struggling with some important decision.

"Hello, I am General En. Lu Xun, the supreme commander of the empire," Li Mingze lied without changing his expression.

"I have a very good proposal, I hope you can listen to it." Parr's facial twitching became more obvious.

"I'm listening, tell me." Li Mingze asked doubtfully. Is the other party trying to persuade him to surrender?

"Our alliance military has split with the parliament! Now we hope to reach an armistice agreement with you, and if possible we can cooperate!" Pal's face, which seemed to have been made up, returned to calm.

"Tell me about your conditions. If the conditions are feasible, we can cease the war. Our empire is a peace-loving country, and we have always been committed to promoting the peaceful evolution of the universe." Li Mingze no longer needs to go through his brain to tell lies.

Pal paused and said slowly: "If you are willing to cease the war and help us liquidate the parliament, we are willing to cede 16 galaxies, including ten border galaxies, and we will withdraw from this place without taking away a single screw. How about all the residents of the sixteen galaxies! Your immigrants only need to take over our city!"

"This is not possible. The galaxies you mentioned are already within our 'occupation' range. We have to help you get rid of the parliament's fleet. This is not cost-effective~" Li Mingze did not say what he wanted. Conditions, but forcing Parr to break through his own bottom line.

"The most we can do is cede the capital star to you! And we will also take away the factory! No more! No more! I can't explain it to my subordinates!" Pal said through gritted teeth, the fire of hatred burning in his heart had already taken over. His thinking! Even if he becomes a "traitor", he will not hesitate!

"Plus six months of mineral mining for you! You must know that we are not the ones who are anxious now." Li Mingze felt that it was almost done and made the final conditions!

"No! Up to three months of mining!"

"Okay, then I only need your mining volume for four months! If you reduce it any more, we won't fight! Anyway, we have vented our anger by withdrawing now, and there is no big loss!" Li Mingze squinted his eyes and stepped forward. force.

"Deal!" Parr gritted his teeth, thinking that after he takes control of the alliance, he will start militarized reforms. The day he accumulates enough strength will be the day the empire is destroyed!

The soldiers of the Empire and the Alliance's First Fleet all received orders from their superiors to stop the confrontation and join forces. Everyone was confused and had no idea what was going on. How could the life-and-death enemy who had just started a war suddenly suddenly Become an ally! However, military orders are like mountains, and the code of a soldier is to obey orders.

The two fleets slowly merged together.

At this moment, Pal received a report that the Alliance's second fleet had jumped into hyperspace heading to the capital system. After notifying Li Mingze of this information. The two fleets received orders to ambush at the jump point.

The warships of the two fleets started their engines and flew towards the edge of the galaxy.

Because of the split between the Alliance military and the Alliance Parliament, the Alliance military blocked all military signal channels across the star domain. Although the parliament tried its best to crack it, it was already too late. The Alliance's second fleet had already jumped into the hyperspace channel entering the capital system.

Inside the approaching Alliance Second Fleet

The latest information received by the fleet commander was that the Empire's First Fleet was confronting the Empire Fleet, and the Empire Fleet was approaching the Alliance Capital Star.

A funny soldier who just spread rumors of treason from the Alliance's First Fleet has been shot on the spot for separatism!

Although he claimed that the message was from his family in the Alliance, who knows if his family wanted to split the opposition in the Alliance.

Even though he was bribed by the parliament early and is no longer on the same side as the military leaders, he still believes that the military leaders will not betray the country and surrender to the enemy.

Not to mention the patriotism of these high-level officials, let’s just say that there has never been a case in the history of the alliance where the entire military has surrendered to the enemy. Those responsible for fighting have all surrendered to the enemy. So is there still a need to fight this war? !

With this idea in mind, the commander of the Second Fleet was lying leisurely in his own dedicated isolation command cabin, holding a rare red wine from the planet Phila in his hand. He thought that it was because he was deceived by this luxurious life that he Bought by Parliament. But he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. You must know that the officers who followed him into the arms of the parliament all lived a good life that he could not even imagine before!

"Sir, we have ten seconds to jump out of hyperspace!" the pilot reported.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, .3, 2, 1"

With the flash of light, the display that originally showed the deep purple channel in hyperspace turned into a gorgeous starry sky. The stars in the distance emitted dazzling light. The display automatically adjusted and the dazzling star light became soft.

"Captain, what is facing us is the Empire's First Fleet. Hey! A civilian channel sent a message that the First Fleet has surrendered to the enemy! The message said" Before the correspondent finished speaking, the First Fleet shot from afar. Hundreds of red light beams!

"Avoid evade!" the commander shouted in fright.

It is a pity that this flagship, disguised as an ordinary destroyer and hidden in the fleet, was locked early by their "own people" who knew about it. Almost half of the light beams were directed at this flagship, blocking the ship. All escape routes for a battleship.

Dozens of huge red beams savagely impacted the surface of the flagship, and the armor on the flagship's surface was burned by the beams and melted away at a very fast speed.

In less than two breaths, the flagship was split into hundreds of pieces by the beam cannon, followed by a huge explosion. The commander of the Second Fleet and a number of senior officers died without burial.

The remaining battleships lost their command and became like headless flies fighting on their own. Although the alliance has already set up second-level command ships, third-level command ships and even fourth-level command ships in order to deal with this situation.

It's a pity that the ones who can't stand it are the "own people" who know the truth. These backup command ships were all destroyed by key attacks in the wave of attacks just now.

The light cruisers of the Empire and the Alliance's First Fleet seized the opportunity and rushed into the Second Fleet's formation, and the formation was instantly destroyed.

The light cruiser penetrated the Second Fleet, and the destroyer's gunfire quickly followed up.

Hundreds more beams of light flashed past, accompanied by dozens of battleships blooming in space, like a silent fireworks show.

The destroyers of the Alliance's Second Fleet, which had exhausted their weapons, were unable to organize an effective counterattack. Only a few red light beams flashed through the starry sky and hit the shield of the empire's destroyer, which could not cause much damage.

The Alliance's Second Fleet saw that the light cruiser fleet was about to rush into its formation again. A warship that was afraid of death quickly fired a white flare and turned off its engine to signal surrender. With the first ship taking the lead, all the warships successively surrendered. Without their commander, they have no interest in fighting to the death!

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