My empire of stars

Chapter 249 Battleship Upgrade

Just when the development of the New Human Federation was in full swing, Li Mingze switched his consciousness back to the starting point of the empire.

Now the development of the Ring World has entered a stable period, and more than 20 billion people have moved to the Ring World.

More than one hundred battleships and two hundred cruisers plus twenty drone carriers are under construction in the empire's shipyard. As soon as six months are up, the empire's fleet will expand several times again.

In addition to using new mass accelerator cannons, these redesigned and optimized battleships are also equipped with new biological armor on the outer armor. The material of this layer of biological armor is similar to the planetary shields of the Earth and New Home Planet.

Biological armor is hatched directly from specially modified alien eggs and formed in one go! The alien eggs also contain energy-absorbing genes newly devoured by red dots.

This layer of biological armor can not only repair itself when there is sufficient energy, but can also absorb 60% of kinetic energy and 90% of energy attacks.

As long as the energy carried by these attacks does not exceed the upper limit of this layer of biological armor, then this layer of biological armor will convert the absorbed energy into heat energy and light energy.

Based on this feature, the Empire also installed a temperature insulation layer and a heat energy absorption device between the biological armor and the normal armor. The absorbed heat energy will be converted into energy and provided to the shield that has been shattered at this time.

In this way, as long as the energy level is not too powerful or the attack is too intensive, the empire's warships can maintain a longer combat time.

In addition, because in the "Fantasy" game, the drone mothership was shot down before it could get close to the enemy ship because the drone's flying speed was too slow, resulting in a drone mothership being destroyed. The role is not as big as the embarrassing situation of a cruiser.

After receiving the report, Li Mingze immediately summoned all ship research scientists to carry out a major revision of the drone mothership.

In addition to fusing the torpedoes originally carried by the drone into the drone's reactor, turning the drone into a one-time suicide kamikaze, the Imperial Ship Research Department also improved the launcher of the drone mothership. .

After hollowing out the middle of the drone mothership, the Empire stuffed a super-powerful mass accelerating cannon inside.

This mass accelerating cannon uses eight barrels bundled together, allowing each barrel to store energy while the others are firing, and finally fire continuously like Gatling on Earth.

And the shells of this super-mass accelerating Gatling cannon are not shells in the normal sense, but a modified kamikaze drone!

A drone that maintains an elliptical shape when not deformed is not only easy to carry, but can also be stuffed into a gun barrel and launched at a speed of 0.03% of the speed of light, reducing the effectiveness of the opponent's interception weapons to the extreme.

When the drone approaches the opponent's fleet, it will transform and deploy its jets and beam cannons.

It is conceivable that densely packed drones are fired into the enemy's fleet like artillery shells. These drones are also suicide drones carrying large-yield torpedoes. Not only can they attack warships, but they are also more flexible. It can also double as a fighter.

If the weapons of the warship attack these disgusting drones in the fleet, it is easy for the drone to miss and damage the own warship instead. Such insidious tactics will definitely make the opponent's commander scratch his head!

In addition, the Empire is developing a special weapon based on the special characteristics of the Corrupted. This weapon is called the Cannonball Storm, and its inspiration comes from the rotating mass accelerator cannon on the drone mothership.

This new type of weapon will be equipped on the Empire's new destroyers, because the characteristics of the Corruptor make the range of the weapon particularly important, and the size limit of the battleship makes the destroyer an embarrassing existence.

The extremely cost-effective warship that originally used its speed and flexibility to quickly penetrate into enemy formations now has no use.

The destroyer now only takes twenty days to build, which is undoubtedly the best choice for attacking in emergencies. However, due to the range, it is useless. Therefore, the empire developed the one-time super weapon Cannonball Storm for this situation.

The shape of the shell storm is a huge rectangle, similar to the existence of rocket launchers in the Earth era.

The energy stored in each barrel is used to launch the cannonballs lined up in the barrel one after another.

Because a Cannonball Storm has sixty-four barrels, the rate of fire of this weapon is faster than that of a Gatling-type accelerating cannon.

By firing and charging in sequence, countless shells are projected out at once to bombard the Corruptor's warships, making the opponent's warships unable to withstand so much kinetic energy and being torn apart.

And because of the huge size of this weapon, the entire transport ship needs to hollow out half of the hull, and then stuff the shell storm into the hull. Even so, a destroyer can only fit three doors.

When it is time to launch, the destroyer needs to lower its bow and aim the storm of shells on the back of the destroyer at the enemy.

The power of this weapon is unparalleled according to Tianyi's calculations, but it has one of the biggest drawbacks, which is that if the three accelerating cannons carried by a destroyer fire together to form a firepower network, it only takes ten seconds to destroy them. All shells are fired.

After the shells are fired, these destroyers will have no power to fight back except some close-in defense guns, because the manufacturing and reloading time of such shells is as high as three hours.

However, in order to deal with this situation of becoming scraps after being defeated, the empire specially modified a large number of transport ships and turned them into ammunition supply ships.

When the destroyer's shells are exhausted, the ammunition supply ship waiting behind the fleet will come forward to dismantle the entire Shell Storm, and then install the fully charged Shell Storm.

The whole process will not take more than thirty minutes, and the attack can be started directly after the new Shell Storm is installed.

When the new destroyer design is completed, this new arsenal destroyer will begin to be built, and the first batch of construction will reach 1,000 ships.

Li Mingze can imagine the spectacular scene of a thousand destroyers firing "10,000 guns" at the same time, and let the corrupters try it out at that time.

…………………………Demarcation line…………………………

At the same time, in a galaxy hundreds of light years away from the empire, Eva's fleet has reached out to a moon-sized planet.

This planet has now been hollowed out by Eva, and the original planetary ground has been replaced by a layer of metal plates, and a large number of solar energy devices have been installed on the ground.

There is an extremely huge pit on the equator of the planet, which is the port of this transformed planet.

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