My empire of stars

Chapter 239 Devouring the Corruptor

"I am willing to cooperate! I am willing to cooperate! Give me a pleasure!" the Corruptor begged.

"Tell me about your biological space suit and your battleship." Li Mingze released the nerve tentacles in his hands.

"After our group gained the ability to evolve, we initially evolved in all aspects. We madly strengthened our strength, speed, intelligence, etc. But soon we discovered that such comprehensive evolution did not achieve our expected goals. We Changed strategy."

"We began to carry out special strengthening in certain aspects according to our respective divisions of labor."

"The tribesmen responsible for ground combat have evolved in terms of strength, speed and hand-to-hand combat capabilities. After evolution, they have become huge and strong without losing flexibility."

"Those who are responsible for technology research and development or command have chosen the direction of evolution to strengthen their brains. Their brains have become more developed, but the side effects are slow movement and weak bodies."

"And I belong to the evolutionary direction responsible for space warfare and colonial battleship driving."

"My evolved body cortex is a biological space suit that can adapt to the harsh environment of the universe. In order to be able to control the battleship, my whole body is covered with nerve transmission organs so that I can more perfectly integrate with the battleship."

"As for my battleship, it is an extension of my body. It is a special product born after we devoured a giant starry beast."

"Although I and it are originally one, I can be separated from it. Once the battleship is damaged, if there are enough nutrients, I can grow a new battleship."

"But the newly grown battleships will not have hyperspace engines, weapons, or shields. These equipment were all installed later..." The Corruptor said everything he knew in one go.

"Where did your ability to absorb energy come from?" Li Mingze asked what he was most curious about.

"That's a special creature we discovered on a planet filled with dozens of winds and unknown energy clouds. In order to survive the invasion of winds and energy clouds, these creatures have spent hundreds of millions of years evolving. This special ability.”

"This ability allows them to convert part of the kinetic energy and most of the energy into heat and light and release it to protect themselves. All of our combat-type and battleship-type evolvers have devoured this gene."

"This gene has made us invincible in thousands of years of fighting!" The Corruptor clenched his fist, and his fist began to glow slightly red.

"Interesting, interesting. This is an excellent gene that can be used for biological armor. Well, I'll give you a treat!" Li Mingze clapped his hands, stood up and walked out of the laboratory.

"Come here, bring the red dot." Li Mingze ordered the soldiers guarding him.

A few hours later, the red dot slowly followed the soldier into the laboratory.

"Come here, red dot." Li Mingze waved to the red dot.

Red Dot, who originally looked like a boss, immediately ran to Li Mingze with his tongue hanging out. He learned this look from his previous royal pet Xiaosi, and the effect was very good.

"If you see the ugly man inside, devour him and get a gene that can convert kinetic energy and energy into heat and light. This gene is of great use to me." Li Mingze pointed to the observation room where he was waiting. A somewhat restless Corruptor.

The red dot whose IQ has reached the level of an eighteen-year-old youth nodded, indicating that he had understood what Li Mingze meant, but he did not move. Instead, he looked at Li Mingze longingly, with an expression that said, "I have no benefit."

"It's done, there will be unlimited snacks for the next year." In order to control Hongdian's increasing weight, Li Mingze restricted Hongdian's daily supply of snacks, making Hongdian look dissatisfied every day.

When he heard that there was no limit to the snacks, Hongdian, who had been corrupted by all kinds of snacks and snacks, nodded excitedly, turned around and walked towards the laboratory door.

I saw it put its paw on the hydraulic handle of the laboratory door, and with a slight turn, the isolation door was easily opened by it. Then with a ferocious expression on his face, he walked into the laboratory aggressively with his legs upright.

"What are you! Don't come here!" The Corruptors looked at the red dot of the alien mother entering the laboratory in horror, because genetic modification happened more than three thousand years ago, and now they have no idea about the source of the genes in their bodies. known.

He had no idea that what was standing in front of him was the source of the devouring genes in his body: the alien.

"Loosen the restraint device." Li Mingze stood outside the laboratory window with his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice to the researcher beside him.

The researcher obeyed and pulled the switch of the metal buckle restraining the Corruptor.

The metal buckles that restrained the Corruptor's limbs and neck instantly retracted into the test stand. After the Corruptor felt that they were no longer restrained, he immediately stood up and jumped to the side.

But even if he left the console, he had nowhere to hide. The laboratory was so big, and the isolation door was still tightly locked.

After discovering that the prey could move, the red dot's eyes showed a flash of excitement. It had not exercised for a long time and felt itchy all over.

The hind legs kicked hard on the ground, and the red dot rushed towards the Corruptor, the sharp blades on its claws flashing with a faint cold light.

Not to be outdone, the Corruptor who had strengthened his body quickly dodged to the side.

Red Dot, whose attack failed, clawed his way into the hard alloy wall of the laboratory and dug out a big hole.

Li Mingze, standing in front of the window, took a breath of cold air. You know, this is a special isolation laboratory. The inner walls of the laboratory are made of alloys that wrap the bridge of warships.

I didn't expect that the usually stupid Red Dot could actually pierce it with one claw!

The Corruptor who dodged the attack suddenly jumped on the back of the Red Dot, trying to get rid of this terrifying monster from behind.

The Red Dot's tail, which had already noticed it, suddenly pulled hard, and directly pulled the Corruptor who jumped into the air and hit it hard against the wall.

The bone blade on the tail cut a huge wound on the Corruptor's chest. The scarlet granulation in the wound turned outward, and the granulation that was trying to repair the wound was still gently squirming in the air.

The Corruptor, who was hit hard by a blow, lay on the ground weakly, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth.

"Ahem, you promised to give me a quick death!" The Corruptor covered the wound on his chest weakly.

Li Mingze pulled the microphone from the side.

"Just lie there obediently. It will only take a blink of an eye for you to be eaten. Why do you have to hide?"

The Corruptor was so angry at Li Mingze's shamelessness that he rolled his eyes and fainted.

The Red Dot on the side came forward, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the Corruptor whole.

As the alien devouring gene in the Red Dot's body began to work, the Corruptor's body quickly turned into a pool of liquid and was absorbed by the Red Dot.

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